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To Make a Spinage Tart
Take some Spinage and boyle it [] well then squeeze
the Watter from it and Chopp it then boyle 4 Eggs hard
and Choppe the yolks of them very Small then tke 2 white
of Eggs and 4 yolks and a Little Grated Bread and Some
Sugar and a little Nutmeg and a Little Rosewatter then
take Some Butter and Rreak it into very Small [peis] to
Mingle those all togither very well then make 2 Sheets of fine
past and make it up into a Plate Dish then Bake it

To Make a Custard
Take 6 yokes of Eggs and 2 Whites and beat them
very well then take halfe a pint of Creame or a Little
more and some Sugar and Nutmeng then Mingle them
together and Straine them through a Seive put your
Little dishes into the [] then pour
and so let them bake.

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