To Pickle Ash Keyes 219 Take Ash Keyes Y Boyle ym In water & Salt, not too much lest they fall of ye Stalk, yn Spread ym o a Cloath & Cover ym wth Another or to Keep In ye boal & to make ym Looke greene, yn make a pickle wth vineger & salt, & wn it is cold put ym In * Stop it up Close, so you may do by Kidney Beanes only let ym Stand over Ye fire to greene. To Pickle Turnips Take young Turnips quarter ym & pare ym & cut ym Into thin Slices, & putt ym Into A pott wth Some whole Mace & pop's white wine vineger some salt & Stop ym up Close. To Pickle Cucumbs Pinslin Take 2 gallons of Water & 4 Gallons of Clarifide Whea A pint of wine vinegor 4 handfull of ye Topps of Dill, A quantitie of Salt boyle these together till it will beare an Egge, wn it is cold put In ye Cucumbs: &c: so lett It stand brookes yn take a skellet full of ye pickled cucumbs & put In Spring water to ym & cover the Skellet close wth Something that wth Keepe In ye Steame, let it have one Boyle & no more, yn Let ym Stand Close Covered till they be cold & wn they be cold put ym Into white wine Vinegor after 3 dayes they will be fitt to eat. To Pickle Heartichoks Pare ye Heartichock to ye Bottom or core, & wash ym very well yn take 4 handfull of Salt a small quantitie of vergis & water to ver ym. yn let it boyle before you put ym In wth pop Cloves & made let ye heartichocks Boyle 3/4 of an hour In ye pickle & yn take ym of & set ym to coole, & yn take ym up to draine & let ye pickle settle, then pour ye Clear of & ye Spice Into an Earthen pott & put ye heartichock too It & cover ym Close for yo up, If yo pickle be too strong put a Little white wine too It.
220 To Pickle Cucumbers When you have well & Cleane Rubd ym wth a Cloth Singly, put ym In a well Glasd pott, wth a meany Vine Leavesa Little dill & ffome Seed but not too much It being too Strong & Potts ym; A little Sweet Margorum pull these cerfully betwenet every Lay, yn Mix yo pickle 2 parts Ale vinegar & one part wine vineger & salt to beare An Egge put yt to ym for 7 or 8 dayes yn pour it out Boyle & Scum & Cap it Sealing hot on yr Cucumbs, do so for every 5 or 6 dayes till you see ym of a good greene, & In ye winter when you see ym moutd on ye topp Boyle it & Scum it & ad Now for ye wap, About Christmas make it all Now wch will make ym of A lovely Collor & Crisp; this is a good wery for any pickl'd Sallott. To Pickle Mushroomes The Grow up In one Night; A very moyst & Clamy night will send ym up very thick; so yt If over night you pluck up ye old one you will before to have frospone & In ye morning Gather onely those wch are very white on ye outsides, & a pale pinet Cullor within, ye Clodnd hard ones Like buttons are ye best pill of ye skin very well & as you pill ym throw them Into water & salt, & In ye water boyle ym a quarter of an hour keeping ym well scum'd, then take ym & put ym Into faire pickle ye halfe vineger & ye other halfe vergis, A little Large Mace halfe a handfull of white pep whole; give yor pickle 3 or 4 walmes over ye fire wth a hand full of salt, scum it cleane & let it Coole yn put In yor Mushroomes wth some Shellot.
To make A lemon Bisket 221 Take 3 yelks of Eggs one White: 4 or 5 Damask Rose water Beat thim well together: thin put in half pound of double refined Sugar Sedsek beat thim very well together till it be white; thin put in Almost half a pound of fine flouer; beat it all very well together again till yr plaits or papers be buttered bake them in an over al hott as for bisketts dry yr flower in ye oven well before you put it in. To make Little plume Cakes Take half a pound of fine flouer: a quarter & halfe of fine Sugar boulte being very well dryed; half a pound of good butter being Steeped all night in Rose water; 4 eggs except too whites half A ping of Cream; mis all these together put in yr sugar & flower by half A handfull att a time whilst it is beating; then beat it with yr hand for 3 hours; when ye oven is hott be you redy to sett in haur Ready 3 quarterns of a pound of very good correns well washed so picked and dryed by ye fire putt them in: or els you may put in ye same quantety of canded Lemmon and orringe pill in stead of ye Correns bake them upon plates of pepers buttered. - - - - - - - -
222 A Esspesiall Medecine to cure all kind of Maladies & griefs Take half a pound of Rossen, virgins wax, and frankinsenes of each a quarter of apound, Mastick one once, harts sewet a quarter of apound, of Camphir 2 drams, then Stamp the Rossen frankinsens and Mastick as small as you can in a Mortar, then mealt the wax and Sewet together and put it in the pouder before names - Stamped into apan with the vergins wax and sewet, and when it is mealted then Sstrain it through a thin cloath upon a pottle of white wine, and then boyle them together till the wax be some thing thick then take it of and lett it coole then putt therein a quart of Oyle of Turpentine with ye Camphire then Stir it together till it wax cold, and soe Keep it for yor use. The Vertues This Medicine is good all manor of maladies, as wounds old & new in what plais so ever, also it is good for cleaning of festers ingendred in the flesh and it helps more in nine days than other doe in a Month 1 It is good for the head akes to Rubb the Temples therewith 2 it is good for the Swelling of the hands to anoint them with 3 it is good for Inflamed faces 4 it is good to heal Suneios that is cut or Sprained with labour or waxed dry for want of blood; 5 it suffers no dead flesh to ingender or abide where it comes 6 it is good to draw out arrows heads Stub or thornes or any thing else that is in the wound, 7 it is good for biting or pricking any venemous Beasts 8 it is good for all means of Boches or fellons 9 it is good for all festors 10 it helpeth all mannor of Aches of livers, Spleen Kidneys Raynes & back 11 it is good to break all manner of Impostumes, and Swellings of dropsy and Boyles 12 it is good for all Swelling or ackeings, of ye privities in either Sex 13 it is a Souverain for all scabs Reaches of Sinews for the quaking 14 it is good to heale the hemorods and Piles within the fundamts 15 it is good to cure the Bloody flux 16 it is good to make a Searcloth to heal all maner of Soars above said with many others that are not heare named for the gout Spread it thin upon the thinest Sheep Skin then Prick it full of holes with the point of a knife and aply it, and let it lay on but 2 or 3 dayes then take it of and lay afresh plaster to it.
An excellt: Cordiall Take 3 or 4 new laid Eggs, boyle them but a very little, then put out the white and put in a Spoonful of Sugar or Sugar Candy into every egg, stirr it well and & f fill it with good old red rose water, warme it on a chafing dish of Coales. drinck It fasting and fast an hour after it, Tis an Enemy to all vapours. For the Wormes in Stomach or Belly Take 4 lemonse of the Juice of Lemons for a young child two spoonsfull for a Bigger foure and a wine glass for a man or woman dye it very yellow with Saffron sweeten it with Honey For a bruise Take Camãmoile & Hysop of each a handfull or more, warme them hott either in a Frying pan or between two tiles, apply them to the places greeved in linen baggs, renewing it as often as it grows Cold./. An approved medicine for a canker Take bole Armoniacke and good Allum an equall quantity make it into fine powder mix it with honey and rub the mouth well & often./. To break the stone Dry roots or seeds of Redd nettles beat them to powder & drink it in White wine a little warme, use till you are well. For a Feaver, Wormes or any distemper at first Make a Possett with white wine, take off the Curd, & into possett straine Stone horse dung, Drinck of it morning & evening for three days and Sweat if you can; A Drinck in a Feaver Boyle a pinte of milke and a pint of Endive water, coole it downe With a fill of white wine vinegar, take of the curd & drink it constantly To cure a Feaver at three times Taking Take the green skinn which grow about the walnutts,/ for want of them & in winter the bark that groweth on the roots of a walnutttree bruise and Put them into a Limbeck put in as much of the best white wine vinegar as will Cover them; Part well your Limbeck. Drink three Spoonfull of the water In the shaking fitt./
For the Dropsy Take a pint of green broome bud ashes. Infuse them in three pints of white wine for 24 hours drinck half a pint thereof every morning, fast three hours after, use moderate exercise./.
To stanch bleeding at nose or wound./ [...] Scraping of the bottom of a brass pott and apply it dry to the nose or wound./