225 For a paine in the head Dipp a sheet of Browne Paper in Redd rose water, Apply it cold to the Forehead or Temples./. For a Loosenes Spread sofft red wax on a peece of leather of this breath of the breath of a Shilling, lay it on the Navell, warm it that it may Stick./. For the Faling sickness Burne the skull of a man, beat it to powder, beat a quantity of Pyony seeds to powder and beat Philipendula rootes to powder, take nutmeggs and some of the burnt skull beat them together Drinck there of, For the Same./. Take a handfull of Rhue and as much Wormewood made into Powder and blow it up the nose./ Another Take the aforesaid Herbs and the Rootes stamp them and bind them to the nape of ye neck: To make a Sirrup of Ruberb Put into a quart of Spring water Savory & Maidenhead of each a handful two ounces of Raisons of the sunn ston'd & almost a quarter of an ounce of anniseeds boyle them in ye water till tis reduced to a pint, straine it, then slice half an ounce of ye best Ruberb into it set it behind the fire from the morning till night to infuse, let it not boyle, straine it, and to a pound of Liquor putt a pound & halfe of Loaf Sugar; then boyle it on a soft fire to ye height of a Syrrup Bottle it, when cold tye it close up, Til good for wormes in Children to be taken at ye Change of ye Moon 3 Mornings together 2 Spoonsfull a Morning, and elder body may take 3 Spoonsfull or more, If the Child be inclin'd to a Consumption add at first to ye Syrrup a handfull of Egrimony, another of Cesorach & to a pint of ye Liquor put half an Ounce of hartshorne, and give it a warm or two, do it before you put in this Ruberb. then make the Syrrup as before./ How to make the black Plaister: Melt together one pound of Pitch a pound of black Rosin, aqua[]: of a pound of beeswax the quantity of a henns Eggs of Deere or Mutton Suet, with halfe an ounce of black peper finely beaten, amongst them, put them into a bole of Cold water and worke them up handsomely into a Lump, when you have ocassion to use any of it warme it by some Coales spread it thin upon Soft leather, and Apply it cold./.
To make a Goosbery Tansie 226 Pick Gooseberries and fry them till they are tender in Sweet butter then put to the a quart of Creame, the yolks of six Eggs, two whites well beaten together with Sugar, a spoonsfull of Rose water and a little nuttmegg, all well mixed together, Fry it leasurly; and scrap Sugar on it./. To make Orange Marmalade. Grate and quarter Oranges take out ye meat and Inner pitt, lay them all night in Water boile them till they are tender in Six or Seven Changes of water haveing the water always boilein you put them into, Pare Coare & quarter Pippins, and take twice thire weight in double refined suger, and put three quarters of a pint of water to one pound. Before you put in yor Oranges Clarify your syrrupp, the Juice you take out of the Oranges put to ye marmalade when tis halfe boyled./. For a Dropsie & Raw Stomach: Drink the water of Comon Wormewood distilled in a Rosewater still for ye Space of three weeks as well at meals as other times, and eat a few Raisons of the Sunn ston'd and filled with woormwoode, in a morning fasting./. A water for an Ague Boile in two Gallons of Running water, fennell Rootes and Savory of each a handfull, one pound of great Raisons and another of Small, till one gallon is boil'd away, then staine them, & put to them halfe a pint of Rosewater, halfe as much Vineger, half a pound of Suger 3/4 of an Ounce of Cinnamon, broken between yor Fingers, then boyle them a little, and drink it cold, when you please./. For a Flushing in the face after eating Make Posset drinck with Carduus, and drinck thereof for yespace of a Month, every morning fasting at Spring & fall or when you feare to be troubled./. A water for an Ague Wipe and Slice tenn Lemon and Distill them with a Pottle of Milke from ye Cow, a quart of white wine and a quarter of a pound of Suger./. A Medicine of the Chollick Beat long pepper of the middle sort wch is called Russett and white amber to powder, and put tso much of them as you can take up between yor finger and thumb, into a Glasse of Canary or white wine warme it, and straine it, and then drinck it./. For and Itch Breake Allum into a Redd hott fire pan and burn it, and mix it with a little Morte; an[d so] use it.
227 For a soare throat
Mix together six spoonesfull of sirrup of Mulberries, six spoonesfull of Honey of Roses take a spoonfull at atime and swallow it by little and little, If there be a soare in the throat[][] about a stick and rubb[][]gently : /
The Italian Plaister
Take 10 ounces of Oyle of Olives, 4 ounces of yellow wax. [] of Gold [] of silver, [] of each foure ounces, of [][] [][] Turpentine foure ounces, First put in e skillet 2/3 of the Oyle, with e wax, cutt in small peeces, when it is melted put in the mettals one after another [] stirring in,
them through a Course Tinner loath into a bason of water, and mould it on a board, annointingy hands with some of the Oyle, in one half of y Stuffe put in two drachms of Saffron, finely powdered, and worke it in before it be cold, then make it into Rolls a finger length, and keep them in a box, that wch hath t Saffron is Ecellent for the Sciatica, Gout, and bruises, the other for the Stith: the preciousnes of this Searcloth is unknowne, unles to those tho have experienced it. line To Stay the bleeding of a wound Beat dryed
228. Therewith in the Morning before you goe abroad and for that day by Gods blessing you need not fear the Plague. [mark] It takes away any pains or greafe by reason of cold moisturs and [Catath's ] in the bones and Sinues tint annointing the place soe greived with a warm cloath laide on it, It health a Fistula, or Ulser, Be it ...ever soe deep, beine, applyd as for a cutt. It helpeth digestion annointing the Navell a Stomach, when you goe to bed. It will Staunch blood speedily of a green wound putting [aplaister] of on it a tying it hard It is good against y wind Chollict a y Stich, in the side, applying it thereto with a warme cloath, 4 Mornings together, a quarter of an hour It is good against Poison, helpeth [mourfett ], takeing an Ounce in warme Sack: It is good agaisnt Worms a Cankers using it as for a cutt, butt requires more time to heale Tis good for one Infected with y Plague, Measles, smallPox if plesntly taken in warme broath, a quarter of an Ounce, fowre Mornings after each other and sweat upon it, and helpeth head aches by annointing the Temples and Nostrills therewith line
A Purge to Strenth y Liver aga y Dropsey Claryfy apint of Juice of Savory which do by boyling it softly and Skining it, straine it into a bason, when tis well settled put it into a Pipkin put to it an ounce of Rhuberb sliced very thin lett it Stand in hott Embers[symbol that could be used for "for" ] 4 hours, Coole it and straine it out hard, boyle the same Rhuberb in halfe a pint of Savory water until all the goodness is out, and strain it into the other Infusion, till is comes to a thick black skin, let it boyle to a Sirrup height. of Roses else it will not keepe Take of it two ro three dayes together three or four Spookesfull cold in this Morning. if to fulsome take it in cold before. If it works to much take a less quanitity if to little then take more. line
TheLeaden Plaister Incoprporate together foure pound of the best Oyle of Olives one pound of Redd Lead calcin'dto powder, twelve ounces of Spanish Spaope, in an Earthen calcining Pott, let it on the fire for an hour and a halfe stirring it continnually with a ball of Iron fastened to a stick of wood then make a bigger fire till the Redness be turned Gray, Still stiring it till tis of the Colour