234 A recicft Receipt for Plague Watter
Take of Devils Bitt, Dragon, Mugwort, Egremo ny, Bettany, Pallendine, Burnet, Roman wormwood, Spear Mint, scabius, Rue, Sage, Banme, Pimpernell, flemetory, wood sorrill, Cardus, fetherfue, Mary gold flowers, Angelico, Red poppies, hearts ease, Tormentill Roots & leaves, of each halfe a pound, Rosemary one pound, scordium, Elicompare Roots, Butter Bur Roots, of each a Quarter of a pound, sweet fennel seeds, Caraway seeds, Anniseeds, Coriander seeds, of each two ounces, Let the herbs lie & dry upon a table Three of four dayes before you use them, then shred them very small & put them in a Great stone pott with the seeds Bruised, Then power upon these three Pottles of Canary sack & stire them well together and so lett them foment fo 4 of 5 days stirring them once a day keeping the pot Close covered them you May Distill it in a Linbeck or ordinary still clued Close with Rye past
The best time to make this watter is In the Latter endof May or Beginning of June, when the herbs are in there Prime, you May if you please put Halfe White wine & halfe sack or all Whitewine as May people do, you May add to the former Ingredients these things following to Make the watter More forcible agains strong Infections (viz) nutmegs, Cloves, Venice treakle, Diascordium, of each a Quarter of an Ounch, Cinamond, one Ounce, these things must Be put in at first with the herbs & the seeds, you May add two Quarts More of Liquor because there is so Many herbs, so you will Draw of about 6 or 7 quarts of Liquor which you May Mingle all together.
A List of the Herbs & other Ingredients 295 For the Plague watter Tribled
(vis) {Devils Bitt} {Dragons} {Mugwort} {Egremony} {Bettony} {Salendine} {Burnett} {Burnett} {Roman wormwood} {Spear Mint} {scabious} {Rue} {sage} {Banme} {Pimpernell} {flemetory} {wood sorrill} {Cardus} {fetherfue} {Mary gold flowers} {Angelico} {Red poppies} {Hearts ease} {TOrmentill Roots & leaves} of each a pound & halfe Rosemary three pound {scordium} {Elicompare Roots} {Butter bur Roots} {Angelico Roots} of each 3 quart: of a pound
236 {sweet fennel seeds} {Caraway seeds} {Anny seeds} {Coriander seeds} of each 6 ounces
{Nutmegs} {Cloves} {Venice Treakle} {Diascordium} of Each 3 quart: of an ounce
Cinamond three Ounces
{Gentian Roots} {Zedonay}
A Certain Cure for a Sore Breast without Pain that Comes by Milk or Ague Not by a Blow 237
Take a sheeps head with the wool on wash it clean, then Boyle then boyle it in 3 gallons of Spring water until near halfe the water be consumed, then strain the Broth into a Clean Earthen Pipkin and put to it a pound of Rice & boyle it to a thick poultys still stirring of it as it Boyles with a thick flat stick bruising the Rice, then take it from the fire & put to it 6 spoonfulls of Ordinary Oyle of Camomile and a penyworth of English saffron being dryed & rubbed to powder & Mingled in the yolks of 2 Eggs beaten together, this Poultys must spread as thick as a finger upon a Linnen cloth that it may come of Moist from e breast Cut a hole in the cloth for the nipple to come through the Poltys must be as big as the whole breast, & not to warm applyed both morning and night, this taken in time will dissolve the hardneys, if taken late it will ripen & brek it, & when it is broke use the Poltys until almost all the corruption be drawne out in 3 or 4 days time, then take goats dung fresh fallen is best, dry it in an Oven not very hot after e bread is drawn, then beat the dung to powder & mingle with it fine honey in to the thickneys of a salve, then spread it on a cloth a little bigger then the sore & lay it warm on then put the poulteys above the Plaister upon it, never use any tent to the breast be e holes never to deep, use the Poultys upon the Plaister only 4 or 5 days then use the Plaister alone until cured
The stew a Neck of Veall Tale a neck of Veall and cut it out into steaks and beat them flat halfe fryed put them in the stew pan, put to them a Pint of Claret and a quart of Water, a faggot of tyme, two Whole Onions stuck with Cloves & a little Mace and Whole Pepper, and One Clove of Garlic season it with salt at yo e: own descresion; put in one handful of spinage and two or three heads of In[ise]; cut yo e: spinage & stew yo e: [Andiss] Whole then brown a little Butter & put as much flouwre as will go in an Egg stew this Alltogether very gently about three Quarters: of an ho : over a charcoale fire. Squeeze one Lemon in it, put sippet of Bread in the Dish and serve it up
To make a Frigasye
The four Chickens cut them in peices put them in a sauce pan and then get a faggot of tyme one Onion, cloves Mace & Pepper of Each a little and salt and as much water will cover them and put in halfe a Pint of whitewine & a little Butter; stew them alltogether till it is Enough; Break 5 Eggs and take e yolks of them & beat them well; some Parsley sweet herbs and Onions shred small then put the herbs among e Eggs with the Juice of a Lemmon & a quarter of a pound of Butter put some Mushrooms with them if you can get any & then put sweet Breads and Pallat stwed in it; the Pallat must be well boiled first: then put in e Eggs & keep it stirring that it does not Curdell Rub the bottom of yo e dish [not] a dish: then put in sippets
How to make scotch bollops
Take a leg of veal & cut hand very thin, lard some & let some be plain; season them with a little pepper and salt: then take a faggot of sweet herbs; an onion stuck th a few cloves; then take a blade or two of mace and a little whole pepper fry ur collops brown put a pint of strong broth in when it fryed & a glass of white wine or claret, the juice of a lemmon & the yolks of 6 eggs, put a little parsley sweet herb and onion put to the eggs and a quarter of a pound of Butter and a little gravey; after r collops are stewed about halfe an ur put all this together, keep it stirring that it does not curdle, put some peppers in the dish & rub the bottom th a sharlot./
e collops about the breadth of rHow to stew Tripes
Take r tripe as will cover m then put them on e fire, tie up a faggot of tyme two onion, salt it as you think fit 4 cloves of garlic to stew with it; when the garlick is boyled enough take it up , then bruise it up & take a pint of white wine put r galick in the wine, then put it on e fire & take halfe a pint of the liquor of the tripes & lay it all together. take the tripe of & dish it up & put two spoonfulls of mustard to e white wine mix it together & so put it over the tripe/
e fatest tripe & put it in pieie & put as much water toTo make a very good pickle for Tongues or Hames of Bacon
To season six ham's take a peck of bay, salt, three quarters of a pound of salt peter, five pound of course sugar. put these into an earthen vessell th: e ham's and as much water as will cover them than take out the hams, and stir the salt and sugar and water very well together, put the hams in a gain let them lyni it three weeks, only stir up the pickle once in foure or five dayes as the end of three weeks hang them up in a chimney to dry not to hot the salt must be beeten very fine.