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16 To Make gravy.

take 2 pound of leane beef and cut it in slices and put into a stew pan
with a quarter of a pound of fresh buter and let it stew till it be very
brown then put in 2 or 3 onions 3 or 4 anchovys season it with white pep[er]
salt and nuttmeg then put in 2 quarts of strong broth let it stew half
an hour and then it is fit for use

To make a wipt sulybub
take 6 whites of Eggs half a pint of cream then take a wiske and
wiske it till it comes to a froth snow then take a pint of white
wine and a pint of new milk half a pound of shugar a litel cinymon
and nutmeg make this into a cold posett put a slice of bread upon it and
some snow uppon the bread untill your pott be full of snow and it is fit

To make a raggoe
take a necke of mutton and cut it in stakes season it with peper
salt nuttmeg mace and swett herbs then put into a frying pan
[a]nd fry it very brown then put in a pint of gravy and a litell
claret wine one anchouy the juce of a lemon half a pound of fresh
buter kepe it ouer a chaveing dish of coals till the sauce be thike so
[s]erue it with saginges and bauls of force meate

To make Codling Cream
take the codlings and green them and mesh them and take out
the cores take a quart of cream and put them into it and lett it
[s]stand over a chaueing dish of coals with a litell rose water and
[s]hugar and half a dozen youlks of eggs and keep stiring it till
[it i]s prety thick serue it with green codlings in the midell of the dish

Sauce for venson
[Ta]ke a quart of claret wine half a pint of water a whit loave grated
tell beaten cinymon 4 spoonfulle of shugar sett all these ouer the fyer & let
a quarter of an hour put half a pound of fresh buter and it is fitt

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