RB 755 88
Presented to the LIBRARY of the UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO by the estate of J.S.H Guest
A wholsom salue to haue in a mans house
Tak an ounce of whit uergens wax an ounce of rosen an ouce of Croune sope an ounce of barows Bores greas boyle all these till thay will stand apon your na[le] then put in an ounce of uenus turpintine it will draw and heale any greene soar
to cuere the blody flix
Tak half a pound of butter out of the churn unwashed & unsalted and half a pound of hard lofe suger and beat it to a powder then mig mingle the powder and the butt[...] and mak it up in small pills [and let] the pa[...] swallow them
Mr Cappurow Sept. 31 1680 v l C:8 [?????] - 5: 8 B ci 5:0 [??????] 3:10 2 - 03:7: 17:5:0 be fo
A reseate to break & heale a sore brest 1
Tak a quart of chopped sage and one gallon of running watter thes boyle together 6 or 7 houres tell your sage is resonable tender and tell all your water is boiled away saueing a pint then tak a porrenger full of the smallest sifted otemele and let it boyle untell it bee a poltis this applyed will be break the breast if to bee broken and heale if afte[...] it is broken without tenting you must allso take a litill of your coursest hony and spread it upon your poltise (or breaste) whe[...] you are reddy to lay it on the breste let it not be too hot laid on this is an aproued medisin 2
To mak a pla poltise for a sore brest thow it be festered or cansered
Tak one ounce of Linsede one ounce of or[aur??] a handfull of red rose leaues beat thes uery small then boyle these in a milkk to a poultis & when it is boyled but in sum saffern enough to coler it & when it is redy to lay on but in sum Linseed oyl & lay it on an aproued