20 the Lady Brooks her cordiall
Balme watte very comfertable for
the Stomack
Tak 3 quarts of sack & put therto two
good handfulls of Rosemary & sumthing mo[...]
{merigolg flowers} of balme a good handfull of spireminte not
washing the earbs a handfull of Borag
flowers & a quarter of a handfull of sage then
tak three ounces of cinoman two ounces of
nutmeges a quarter of an ounce of cloues put
6 pound of black chereys stones & all bruised
then bruse the spices & the earbs then steep
all in the wine one night & day in an earthen
Iug close couered then still it in an ordinar[...]
still save the first & strongest by itself and
the second and weakest by it self and put so
much suger into the glass as will make it
pleasant to the tast
ffor the Iandes my wife usd for Bettie Bett[...]
Take w tt wine or sherry & forty or fifty sow[...]
(or woodlice) bruise them in it & strain it, &
put jd of saffron in a rage, & steepe it in it, & giue
them that quantity euery morning to drinke that
is 3 mornings
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