How to make Iumbals
Take the whits of 3 eggs and 3 whits ones
in a bowl beat them with a whisk put
in a pound white sugar sifted one
pond and 1/2 of fine flower on ounce
carraway sees a quartern of fresh butter
make them into a paist then lay them
on a table make it into long roles
with white sug and a little flower
makes it into knots and lay them on
a buttar'd paper not to touch each
other then bake them but first prick
them then Ice them and then put
them into the oven to dry them a
little & keep them for your use
How to keep fruit all the year
Take a gallone of Cherries before they
be full ripe in the heat of the day
dry them. Clean but Gently with a clothe
ptl them into an eathen pot then lay
two Stik crose over within the pot
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