Wellcome Collection: Miller, Mrs. Mary (MS.3547)


Her Booke of Receipts.

A collection of cookery receipts, with a few medical and household receipts.

There are some additions by later 17th and early 18th cent. hands. On the verso of the first leaf is an inscription 'Mrs. Mary Criche', apparently written by the same hand as that of the writer of the title as given above. Inside the upper cover is the date 'in ye yeare of our lord god 1669' by a different hand, and below this 'Gibson ex lib.' by another and later scribe.


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Last edit 4 months ago by Noumenon
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M in the yeare of our lord god 1669

Gibson ex: lib: t

in the yeare of 3859

MSS Recipes

Book plate inscribed WELLCOME HISTORICAL MEDICAL LIBRARY MS.3547 Accession Number 77748 Press Mark{Figure}

0991 1651 77748

and the


Mrs Mary Miller her Booke of Receipts i660

159 50

Last edit 4 months ago by Noumenon
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Mrs Mary C

Mrs Mary Cricke 2 20 Graines is a Scruple Gr:

3 Scruples is a Drame ℨ

8 Drams is an ounce [?]

Last edit 4 months ago by Noumenon
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i I To make a Cabbage Pudding 3

Take halfe a pound of the ffleshy part of a Legg of veale, shred it very fine then take almost a pound of Beefe Suett and shred that as fine, then mingle them well together and season itt well with peper salt and Nuttmegg, and sage finely shred (if yow like itt) then make itt vp into a past with yolkes of eggs, and make itt in the fashion of a Pudding and putt itt into Coleworte Leaues and tye them Round with Packthreds, putt it into the pott when the water boiles and Lett itt boile a full houre, and serue it vpp with butter veniger and sippetts

To Pickle Cowcombers

{2} Make a Pickle with water and salt a good h quantity of Dill and ffennell with 2 or .3 greate Cowcombers cutt in peecis in this liquor. Lett them boile together halfe an houre then lett it stand till it is Cold & putt into it a third part of white wine veniger to the water, then lay the Cowcombers in Glasses or potts & putt to them a little peper cloues & mace with the liquor that is boild & cold againe with the Dill & fennell all into the Glasses

Last edit 3 months ago by Noumenon
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2 To make Ielly

{3} Take a Knuckle of veale and the feete of 2 Calues the whitest yow can gett and take out all the bruised blood and fatt of them, & Cutt of all the fatt and skin of the Knuckle of veale, then putt them both in warme water and socke out the blood and soe shift them into 3. or 4. warme waters till yow find there be noe blood remaining in them then sett them on the fire againe in a Cleane pott with two Gallons & halfe of water and keepe it boileing till itt come to 3 pints and skumm itt very Cleane, & doe that Continually as yow finde the skum Rise, then when it is come to 3 pintes put in a pint and halfe of white wine and lett itt seeth together a quarter of an houre then take itt of the fire and skum Cleane of, of itt then lett it run through a strainer into a Cleane bason, and soe lett it stand to be Cold, when it is Cold take the top Cleane of. of . itt and soe take vp the Ielly by spoonfulls cleane from thee

3 settlings as yow will find in the bottom as yow 4 see Cause, then take a pound of suger or more if yow Like itt 4 whites of eggs well beaten some blades of large mace 4 Nuttmeggs Cutt in quarters some stickes of Cinamon that haue beene steeped in Rose water a sprigg of Rosemary some Rind of lemon and putt this Ielly the suger and spices the Rosemary and Lemon Rind altogether, & sett them one the fire & stir itt till yow see the suger desolued & well mixed, and that they boile Cleare and tast of the seasoning to your likeing, then putt itt into a Cotten bagg, and soe let itt pass through, and then itt will be Cleare and if yow putt it into Glasses: and so yow may serue itt in it, when itt is Cold it will bee a Cleere firme Ielly and Ready to eat if yow like to haue seuerall Colours yow may Coloure itt Red with syrup of Iiellyfflowers, yellow with saffron or Red with turne soile of blew with syrup of violetts or white with Cream when yow goe to Colour itt yow must out your Ielly out of the Glasses and melt itt vpon some Coles & soe putt itt into the Glasses againe & cutt it when it is Cold

Last edit 3 months ago by Noumenon
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