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An Excelent sweet pouder for linen 1

Take A faire Lemmon and stick it full of cloves as it will hould use
it till it bee dry; then set it in a pewter dish covered ouer with rose
water & put it into the oven after the bread is drawne; & soe set it in
till the rose water bee all soked into the Lemmon & it bee dry fitt to
be powdered; then powder it and keepe it in sarcenet baggs for
your purpose

for the After paines: the first thinge that A woman takes
after shee is Delivered

Take A good handfull of reed fenell and boyle it in A quart of
small ale with A half a peniworth of longe peper brused & A halfe
peniworth of ginger slict and a quarter of a pound of Raysinges of ye
stoned then sweeten it with a little sugar and give it her warme;
if it bee takne of the first child they are not trobled with any
after paines ever after but it is to bee taken in all theire
Childs birthes: probat:

A salve for a greene wound

Take A good handfull of greene wormwoode boyle it over a sofft
fire in Barrowes grace streane it out and keepe it for your use
this only did cure A finger that was like a gangrene:

A drinke for the stone

R/ to A ptotle of water of water A small handfull of mallowes
and marsh mallow roots, slice the rootes; 2 good spoonfulls of
grumevell seeds brused; Licorise sliced; pelitory stone clyuers of
of Each a handfull; siyrupe of mallowes; of horceradich & of
hors hound of Each a spoonfull to a draught of halfe a pynte
make your decoction bruisinge the herbs and boylinge away
the third part: then sweetne thedraught as you haue occasion
to use it with the serrops.

An approved medson for the Feaveth & stone

Take the milk of A Redd cowe red all over and while it is warme
distill it with a fewe bruised Anniseeds in it: let it stand tenmn
or 20 dayes in the Sumn; then use to drink of it morninge
and Eveninge

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