Royal College of Physicians: A collection of medical receipts (MS504)



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K for thye kings-evill. 23. for kibes. 59.

L for rough & chapt Lips. 1. 63. Lice to kill. 13. N:B: againstst Lethargy. 43. for thye Liver. 46. 56. for thye heat of thye Liver. 71. of thye hare-lip: 48. to make Letters of Gold. 51. Love cause. 73

M. Matrix draw. 8 againstst moths. 27 for thye memory. 29 for madmen. 40 mints maketh thayt a wound shall not heall, nor milk curdle though rennet be put in - } 48 to know how many days old thye moon is - } 55 a sore mouth - 65. an excellent medicine for many inward effects, especially fluxes - } 58 mouldy vessell to sweeten 72 N N:B: of thye navell string of a child. 46. for numbnes. 46. of thye nativity of men & women. 51. for a sore nipple - 64.

O a singular Oyl causing a comely face, making one merry, yea, strong & hardy to fight - } 44.

P for pains, sores & aches. 7. 9. 10. 38. 39. 45. plurisie. 12. 14. againstst poison or plague. 30. 59. for thye plague sore. 33. for thye piles. 39. 43. 44. 7

Last edit 8 months ago by Pamela Forde
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for thye French-pox. 41. 63. for pox in thye eyes. 43. Pellitory of Spain. 47. to know when a Pot is boild. 55. Phlegm purge. 70. Dr Willis's famous purging Ale. 71


{R}for ringworms & tetters. 32. 38. 68. to make a red rose white. 52. to have Roses at Michaelmas. 55. N:B: thye great benefit of Raisins to thyemstomach & Liver} 56. Rheum purgeth. 64. 36.

S/ Sciatica or Gout - 5. sperm contein. 8. for sores & aches. 7. 9. 10. 38. 45. 39. to [mindise] & cleanse old sores - 70. for thye squmancy. 15.65. for swellings. 39.71. for thye swelling of thye Leg of horse or Cow-} 53. for thye stone: 25. 60.59. 58. for thye stomach. 30. 56. 59. 58. sleep provokes. 32 for scald or burn. 34. 44. an excellent salve for severall uses-} 38. for thye spleen. 39. 59. for a surfeit by drinking when tuo Eel or such like Surfeiting by too much eating. 43 to make surfeit water - . 66 Sting or hurt with wasp or spider. 46. N:B: whether a sick personshall live or dy 47. 56. N:B: of fasting spittle. 47. to soften any stone or flint. 49. to put away spot or stain in Cloth or hat xc. 52. to try whether a precious stone be coun -terfeit or not. 54. Sinews cut or sprained. 39. 71 for a sore or Broken skin. - 60.

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