Early modern recipe books

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Wellcome Collection: Ostfrisisches rares Medicinbuch. Dasz man von den Kraütern, Thieren, und Mineralien die Hülfsmittel genommen (MS3725)

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17340 26896

[rongrise] 1838


OSTFRIESICHES rares Meidicin Buch [Late 17th cent.]

Sotheby 27/4/11

Last edit over 2 years ago by psl
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1. Erklärung des Apotheker gewiests und [eklüser] deßelben [zuisen] . [Beiln] in diesem [....] [ekluse] Recept eine

Last edit over 3 years ago by Emily Wahl
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Bervirst kom KserlaBen

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ella
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14. Irst Hirkrfrunk fay BoBnerh e

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ella
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Die perbottene Jeig in Demen

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ella
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Das Koftlitsste Smmelmaber orsa Rimpleft

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ella

Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)

Needs Review


To callE a Pigg

Take yoE Pigg & bone it & lay it in watE & salt one night yn season it wth some pepE & salt & some cloves & mace & nutmeg & three Anchovis and a few sage leave & some Lemon soe callE it up close yn boyle it watE and salt & some venegar & a pint of white wine so keep it in that pickle adding to it some small beere so keep it for use:

To Make Paist for great Pies

Take to every quart of flowE a QuartE of a pound of butter & put ye buttE in when ye watE boyles & boyle ye lickE so make yoE paist & lett it coole yt it may be smooth so make yoE pie & close it with flowE & watE

To make cheesecakes

Take ye tendE Cheesecurd & a bitt of ButtE ye bigness of a Turkes egg & mix wth ye curd yn put in 6 eggs well beaten currants yn put to it half a pound of blanched & pounded allmons & mix wth ye curd yn put in some canded Lemon & sittorn & dates so sett ths into ye coffins yn bake ym

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Make Custards

Take 2 Quarts of Creame & put it into a brase pan or stue pan ovE ye fir to boyle & put in some whole Cinnamon & mace a little nutmeg soe wn it boyles take it of ye fire & let it be cold yn beate it up 14 eggs all ye yolks & half ye whites yn put to ym some sugE & rose watE yn sett all this to y e Cream yn strain it all through a siffe or strainE so fill yoE crust wth it & so bake ym

To make Rice milk Pudding

Take a pound of rice & wash ym & pick & boyle ym in new milk yn take ym of ye fire & set ym to coole yn take a pound of currants & wash ym & pick ym & take a pound of beef suet sreed smal & nutmeg cloves & mace & gingE & cinnamon & a little rose watE & a glass of sack & some sugE & some fresh buttE 15 eggs so mix all this together & put puff paist ovE & under it & bake it on hour & scrap sugE one it & send it ---- m

For Sore Eye

take rotton aples and still in a cold still wash yr eyes with the water it purges and cleneth them

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Make Angelet Cheese

Take a galland of new milk & quart of creame, warm ye & put it togethe & so put about a spoonfull of renet into it let not ye creame be so hot wn it is come set ye vate upon a trencher having laid a clean cloth upon ye tren= =cher first, do not break ye curd at all but wth a little dish put it in ye vate putting a cloth in ye vate till it sinks wth will be an hour afte it is all day ye first turning 1 pound weight upon ye folle ye second turn 2 pound ye last 3 pound, ye fourth day make a brine t will bear an egg yn slip ye cheese out of yet vate into ye brine yn keep it down wth yoE fingE half an hour yn set it in a Sunny windo covering it dry as othE cheeses.

How to pickle Purslin

GathE youE purslin cut of ye leaves cut it in pie= =ces throw ye bigest from ye least take some watE and salt & boyle it in, yn put it in a sife yn boye ye smaller by itself till it is tender for ye pickle one part watE & vinegar whole pepE cloves & mace & a little lump of alum:

Elizabeth Smith Her Book

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Caller eles

take you eles and bone them and take som pepper and salt and cloves and mace and nutmeg and a litle time and season it with then take sten them and ti them up close in a cloth and make a pickel of vinegar and water and salt and pepper and boyl them in a quarter of a houer then take them up and let it be cold then take out the eless and but them in the pickel

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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