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Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)
To make Oyle of Camoxmell
Take Camoxmell flowers 1 pd, bruise in a Mortar infuse in a pd of sweet Oyle, & lett stand in sunn 20 days, straine it & keep it use, it is good to asswage paines of joynts and corroberate Sinews
Fore the cough of the Lunges
Take maiden hairs & maiden Isop & Coltsfoot of each a handfull, Fennell seeds, Anniseeds & Liquorish of each a spoonfull bruised, half a pd of Raisons of sunn, stoned, a quarter of a pd [?] Figgs sliced, put all this into a pott of Running in an earthen Pipkin let it stand upon embers all night, the next morning straine it through a strong cloth, then putt into this Liquor 5 Ounces of Browne sugarcandy then boyle it to the halfs, scum it as long as scum ariseth, & so drink a spoonful when you feele cough come upon you :: Probatum est
A good Oyntment any bruise or squatt
Take a good quantity of honey, & as mcuh Wormwood as you think good stamps it & strains it into honey & then boyle it, & then put it into a gally pott or glasse, & it will be an Oyntment, it will keep all year
To Make the best Surfeat water
1 ounce of Cardimon seed take one gatt of the best brandy and half a bushell of poppies two ouncs of Annis [symbol?] three ouncs of Caraway [symbol?], and three ouncs of sweet fennell, [symbol?], two ouncs of Liquorish, and one ouncs of [>atess], six penny worth of saffron, and half a pound of figgs, a quarter of a pound of raisings, of the sun stoned half an ouncs of Cloves an Mac half an ounce of nutmeggs a quarter of an ounce of ginger a hadfull of bame a handfull of mint put all these slit your figgs pound your seeds and spices and let stand in an Earthen pott or glass 14 daies Close Stopt then strain out your water and when you have don soe put your drugs a steep in some stronge beere let it stand 4 days then distill it in a cold still and you will have a good water that with sirrup of poppie is a good surfit water, to every bottle of surfit water you must put in an ounce of suggar candyed.
To Make the best Surfeat water
take one gatt of the best Brandy and half a bushell of poppies to of Annis three of Caraway [symbol?], and three of sweet Fennell, [symbol?], two of Liquorish, and one of [>atess], six pennyworth of Saffron, and half a pound of figgs, a of a pound of Raisins, of the sun stoned half half an of Nutmeggs unclear half an of Cloves & Mace unclear quarter of an of ginger a handfull of Bame, a handfull of mint unclear 1 ounce of Cardimom seed put all these slit your figgs pound your seeds and spices and let stand in an Earthen pott or glass 14 daies Close Stopt the strain out your water and when you have done soe put your drugs a steep in some stronge beere let it stand 4 dayes then distill it in a cold still and you will have a good water that with sirrup of poppies is a good surfeat water, to every bottle of surfeat water you must put in an ounce of suggar candyed.
To make Cynnamon
Take 5 Gallons of Sack one pound & a half of Cynnamon bruised, halfe and ounce of Cloves, steepe this all knight, & in the morning set pot on with a soft fire, after it is stilled take one quart of & a of a pound of Leafe finely beaten & that will make it plesant
A Drink ot give a Woman that hath a dead Child within her
Take a handfull of Ditander seeds pound it & straine it into a little Sack, Beer, or Ale, & if you have noe Ditander, take as much Looedgs[?] seethe it and straine it & Let her drink it
To give a woman with Child if her Child be weak & she cannot feele it
Let her take 4 or 5 drops of a litte Sack to drink proved, I a moan have taken any hurt, or by reching that she have Flux come downs, or a lust or structing hersellf in time, she may take extract above said. This may be taken in time of Trav[?]ll to helpe forward Birth
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A Purge for a Sicke Body or a Woman with Child
Take one Ounce of & a half of, Manna, & a of a pint of Succory & warme it do litle together untill it is disolved, then put to it 2 Ounces of Sirup of Roses, & give it to drink, & let them keepe themselves warme & drink Brothow posset drinke. you may give one Ounce of Manna to a Child, & one Ounce of Sirup or Roses in a of pint of Succory or Sorrell you must straine Manna when tis dissov'd
To make an easy Clystew for a childe ot one that is weak
Take one pint of milk, & lett it boyle then take a little vinegar, & turn the milk & take away curd, add to it 2 ounces of sugar & one fram of salt, & give this as Clyster, you may do this without danger
Another Clyst
Take a chicken & boyle it in faire wat then take it
Mrs. Coffins Oyntment fe Piles
Take a pound of may butt quart of a pound of Figgs, cutt into small pieces one pennyworth of Liquorish one pennyworth of Anniseeds, a quat of a pound of Raisons of e sun, then boyle it up with young Elder budds soe it & keep it for yo use
& putt into it aTo Make a Chinah Broath
Take a Potte of faire running wat halfe an Ounce of Chinah Roots sliced very thin lett them infuse two or three hours & scum it cleane then straine it take this Liquor & sett it one e first w a knockle of veale Chop to pieces & a chicken if you please two or three Pippens pared & sliced Burrage flow & violetts of each a handfull, seethe all these togeth to the halfs then straine it in a Bason & take two or three spoonfulls at a time
& a-
To Make a Purge & a Vomit Mone
Take a Lemon & cut of take out all the meat of it then take e weight of three penee in Saffron & putt into e rinde of e Lemon, then take e meat you took out & putt into e Lemon upon e Saffron, then take e top of e Lemon & close e Lemon fast, then wrap it into a paper & rest it in y emb , & when it is rosted soft, take & putt it into halfe a pinte of white=wine & lett it steep two hours then wringe it out & straine it & drink it & it will give you six or seven stools 4 or 5 vomits, this is for m that are faint at stomachs: This is to help digest= =ure:
e top of it then-
To make a Glyst
Take a pint of Milk, add to it a spoonful of Anniseeds boyle it togeth a little while, then straine it out & put to it 3 spoonfulls of sallot Oyle & 3 spoonfulls of Sug , then beate e yolks of to Eggs, & mix it altogeth & give it something warme as a Glist This I have tryed
To make anoth Glyst
Take a pint of Posset ale, add to it one handfull of camomel halfe a handfull of Mallows halfe a handfull of violet leaves, halfe an Ounce of Anniseeds, halfe an Ounce of Fennellseeds, boyle all these togeth then straine it out & add to it 2 Ounces of Sug & as much Salt as will lye upon a shilling & give this to such as are troubled with winde. this is proved
For the swelling of e Throat, e Amons in
Take Rosemary & dry it to pouder in a Mortar, then take e poud of a white Dogs= turd & mix these two poud togeth w hony spread it on pieces of Leather & lay it on both sides of e Throast as near e Amons as you can
To make e jelly of Hartshorne
Take one quart of faire wat of Hartshorne, finely reasped boyle this togeth with a small branch of Rosemary & some Lemon rinde, & lett it boyle till e Liquor be halfe wasted, then straine it through a jelly bagg, & sweeten it will Sug , & a litle Rosewat & e juice of a Lemoon, & a litle Vinegar as you shall think good, you may boyle a litle piece of Cinnamon in it, e Cinnamon being first laid in Rosewat , & then boyle it altogeth , a litle & straine it againe into glasses & soe use it at yo need
& 2 Ounces-
For you can suffer it e Goute to be applyed as hot as
Take Froggs spawne wat???? Ounces of Hawthorne 4 Ounces of Mullet wat an Ounce of Mirke poudred a Drame of Oriental Saffron halfe a Dram of poudred Cikewife?? mix m [???] togeth & beathe e gri[??]ed part, & wrap e cloths about e part, Probatum est
Against exessive Vomiting
Take mint wat [????] now & then & apply outwardly a plaistor of[ ???????] take also e juice of 2 Quinces or Quince unclear wine
For a Looseness
Apply upon [?????] Bole Aemonacke e like quantity take [?ward] some dryed Hartsworne, in Sirup of dry'd Roses Corrall take all those for yo ordinary drink steeled wat wherein Corrall hartshorne [Tor????] =till Nutmeggs Pomegrante rinds & & e like be boyled
e Belly a plaist of venus