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Physick & Surgery
A poltis to dispell and swelling
Take rye bread, if you would not have it very Strong take bread mingled
with wheat & rye andboile it with Strong bear to a poltis, then take snailes &
pund them, after you have taken then out of the shells, in a mortar, then -
mingle them well in your poltis over the fire, & so lett them boile a litttle, &
so apply it. For the pyle another way.
Take a peece of brown paper & wett it all over with inck, thendry it well,
and sett it a fire, take of these ashes & mingle it either with seame or butter ,
that ahs not been salted, or pomatum, & anoynt the part affected often with it.
For a Flux
Take a quarte of milk & heat steel read hott & quench it so often, till
your quarte of milk is com to a pinte. Adminster this milk glister-wise.
For the Tooth-ache & to preserve the teeth, it will fast them & cleane them. Mrs Peacok.
Take a penny-worth of Comon treacle, one large race of ginger grated ,
burt allum of the quantity of a walnut finely beaten, 2 spoonfull of white wine
Venigar; putt all this into a brwass ledle & stirr them well together, so lett them -
have 2 or 3 boiles, then outt it into a gally-pott; it will keepe 7 years. when-
your teeth aches, you must often in a day dii your finger in Some of it,
and rub your teeth with it, but if you designe to fasten & preserve -
your teeth, you may doe it only when you goe to be.
For chill-blains in feet on Ribes
Before they are broken bath either feet or heels in brandy warme yt
has tobaco steeped in it. If they are broken putt a plaster to them of -
was seame & diaculum melted together and spread on cloath. If there be
any proud flesh dippe some lint in clarified honey & apply it under ye plaster
this I have know certainly good.
To stay Vomiting another way
Boile a litle mace in running water and a litle rosmary, Sweeten it & give it
as you see occasion; or cutt an onion & hold it to the nostrils.
A Soare Mouth in a Child
Take of running Spring water a Botle, one good handfull of white archangels
flowers, sweet fennells seeds & any & any-seeds of each one ounce, Sasaparilla, Saxafras -
of each one quarter of an ounce cutt in small peeces; of Clownes-wort one good -
handfull, one ounce of liquorish scraped & shread thym & ye seed bruised; putt all these
into a pipkin & boile them with a very soft fire untill a third part be comsumed
then straine it & putt 2 ounces of honey of roses to it. of this take one quarter
of a pinte att a time or less if ye party be young or a child; take it in the morning
fasting, & fast 2 hours after it, and att 4 a clock in the afternoone, and att night
going to bed, & so continue to do for Six weekes or 2 months Spring & fall.
Clownes-wort is an hearb yt growes in the field & garden, you must gather it att ye time & Keep -
it dry all the yeare, and so you must the arch-angells flowers.

Physick & Surgery
An excellent salve to be used with the drink for ye Evill
or any Swelling hott ot cold, to bring them to an heaad or dissolve them.
Take a quarte of the best Salett-oyle you can gett, of read lead 3 quarters if a pod.
of white lead half a pod. both these being well beaten & seachrt, of Castle Soape one
pod. cutt into thin slices; Putt all these ingredients into a large pipkin yt is well -
glazed, sett it upon a Small fire of coales, still stirring ut with a stick made with a -
balle at the end (if the balle be of iron it will stirr it the better) stirr it till it -
be well incorporated for the Space of an hourse & a half increasing the fire -
as you Shall see occasion to keep it boiling, till the readness be turned into-
a grey. Then dropp a litle of it upon a cleane board & stirr it till it be cold
ad if it doth not stick it is enough, and so you must drop it with a ladele
as [youch] as you will have in a rowle, Stirring it with a knive untill you -
can endure to rowle it with your hands oyled, & so keep it for your use and
if you percieve it to grow to dry in the boiling you may putt in more oyle
as you See occasion; Assone as you percieve any swelling apply the Salve
either Spread upon leather or cloth, which will either dissolve it or bring it -
to a head & breake it, and when tis broakencontinue the Salvem washing -
the Sore once or twice a day with a little Veriuice Warmed, and a litlle bitt of
may Butter, or other butter before it be salteddisolved in the Veriuce. You must
use [lawne] browne paper to wash it withhall & not linnen; and leave a litle -
bitt of paper werr with the Veriuice & butter upon the hole under the plaster
made like a litle tent as the wound will endure it. You must gett the Verjuice
without Salt & be sure to lay a plaster long to goe beyong ye Swell-
-ling or hardnesse.
A powder to Stanche Bleeding
Take a the powder of bole-armoniack of frankicense, [Abes], hepatick of each
4 ounces, of Sangius draconis 2 ounces, of wheat-flower to the weight of -
all the rest,mix them being finely poudered.
Another Excellent Poltis, to mollify any Soare
Take half a Sheeps head, boile it in as much water as you think enough ts -
boile it till the bones comes out, then straine it out & putt into the liquor a great
handfull of maloes stalks and all & a litle handfull of elders leaves; boile these
till the maoes stalks be tender; chop the hearbs small & putt them in again
then take flower of rue as mucha s you think will thicken it, mix it with cold
water & so putt it to your liquor and boile it to a thicm poltis; then take ye yolk
of an egg & beate it with near a pennyworth of Safran, putt that in & boile -
it a litle, So apply it warme.
Colts-foots cakes good for a Cough
Take a pod of loafe Sugar, as much Spring water as will wett it, boile it to a Candy -
height, then take half a pod of Colts-foots leaves being wiped cleane & stripd from ye
Stalks, Stamp & Straine them & putt this juice into the syrup; then take half an ounce of
liquorish pouder & half an punce of [Orrace], half an ounce of anyseed, an ounce of -
gum dragon all searcht fine & when the Sugar & iuice has boiled a good while, outt in -
the pouders, Stirr ir well that it may not clod & so boile it till it will drop for Cakes, or
if it will not drop make them up when it is cold as you do other lozanges with a litle-
loafe sugar searcht.

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