



Status: Needs Review

Dr will An excellent mixture to strengthen the Lunges

syrope of Juiubes 2 ounces of maidenhare halfe an
ounce snayl water an ounce olibanum halfe an
ounce shake thes together give a spoonful night
& morning

For Oliver Shropshire which Dr Willis
prescribed him for a vllcer in his Lungues by Bleeding
& a Consumption

Take Hartstonue Coltsfoot Agrimony Bittony
speedwell mouse eare muller each a handful
sanders of all sorts each a dram & a halfe rasins
a quarter of a pound Licorish halfe an ounce sweet
Fennel seeds 2 sponfuls boyle thes in 3 quarts of
water til a 3d part is wasted strain it &
when it is cold put it in Bottles drink morning
at 3 in the afternoon & at 7 at night each
nine halfe a pint tis better if he take noe other
drink he may drink it cold with his meat euery
night a spoonful of syrope of salphir let
his diet be gruel ponado Flummery & such
light food & milk if it agree twice a day hot
from the cow

A water to strengthen the Lungues

clary 6 handfuls cyrus 4 handful Bittony sage
Rosemary each 2 handfuls each 2 handfuls
chop all put in to them 6 pints of milk one quart
of maligo or canary stil it in a common stil
mixe strong & smal take 6 sponfuls night &
morning also syrope of the Juyce of gil[Goby] ground
night & morning a spoonful for a fortnight


A syrope For a Consumption or Cough of the Lungues

Maidenhare a handful coltsfoot Hartstong Liverwort spleenwort
Lungwort seatrack each a handful & a halfe as much ellecampany
roote sliced a stick of Licorish a spoonful of Annisseeds
of marygold Flowers cowslips & Borage & rasins stoned each a handful
12 Figgs sliced lay all thes all night in a gallon of water in
a pipkin close couered in the morning set it on a soft fire
let it boyle very softly till halfe be consumed it will beat
least 6 howers doeing it must be close couered then strain it
halfe a pint of the Juyce of Turnips baked in a ouen & the
same of Hysope water & as much suger as will boyle thes
to a syrope then take first & last a spoonfull of it

To strengthen the Lungs Dr Willis

A quart of milk a handful of Gilgoby ground boyle them
put it in a Tankard ouer which put a Tunnel & receive
the fume by the smal end into your mouth for halfe an
hower euery morning

For a Cough of the Lungs

An ounce of the powder of elecampany 3 ounces of Hony a
quarter of an ounce of Powder of sulphir make thes into an
electuary wher of take night & morning as much as an
nuttmeg you may increaace your quantity

Mr Pellings emmultion for Vllcerated Lungs

20 snayls a handful of maidenhare as much ox eye Daisy root
& leaves boyle thes in 2 quarts of Barly water to 3 pints
& with white poppy & cowcumber seeds each a quarter of an
ounce 10 Almons blancht as much dowble refined suger as
will sweeten it make it to an Almon milk with the Almons
& seeds take it twice a day

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