



Status: Incomplete

The true scotch Pills given by the Author of them
to my Lord Duke of Lotherdale

Take Rosemary Cardvus Benidictus Dent de Leon
Balm Century the Lesser Dodder of thime
Arabia Spikenard Raisins of the sun stond
of each a handful boyld thes in a quart of water on a
slow fire to a pint let them stand all night with
halfe an ounce of senne next morning straine it
out & have redy 4 ounces of the best Aloes
in fine powder washt three times in succory
water put then your Aloes in a little Earthen
Vessel that will endure the fire put to it as much
of the Decoction as will desolve the Aloes let
thes Gently simmer on warme Ashes stil stiring
it least it burne to the side adding the remaining
Decoction by little & little tel the Decoction be
consumed & the Aloes brought to the consistance
of Pills at that time stir into it 4 drams of the
best Ruberb in fine Powder tel it be well mixed
with the whole mass then when cool make it into
pills you may take them when you please & tis rare
to carry ofe any Debauch of Drink in K Charles
the seconds time hardly any person was without a
Box in his pocket

Mrs Archers way of making my Lady
Kents Powder

Take of the maiestery of [Perle] Crabbs Eyes
prepared white Amber Burnt Harts horne maiestery
of white coral Lapis Contrayerva each a like
quantity to all thes the Tipps of crabbs claws burnt
the ful weight of all the rest make them impalpable
& to euey ounce of thes powders mingled a
dram of oriental Beazoar & a scruple of Amber
Greice 10 graines of musk make it up with
a strong Jelly of Harts horne deeply tinctured
with saffron dry them nither with sun nor fire
be in a warme place the powders of the things is better
then if made into maiestery [nav] they can make the powders as fine tho
theartofore they could not athout desolveing in vineger

Banisters Powder by Dr Bates

Unicornes Horne east Bezor the Bones of a staggs
Heart Red a white corral perl wood of Aloes Elkes
claws seeds of cittrons huld each 40 graines Roots of
Tormentel zedoary & Angelico Powder of Ivory Terra
sanna each a dram make thes into impalpable powder
then adde i5 graines of Ambergreic i0 leaves of gold
to euery halfe ounce of the Powder i0 grains of musk
without purfume is best for such as have the Head Ach or
mother chop the gold as fine as can be posible keep it
in a clean dry glase well stopt tis good for all that
gascoin powder is good for if not more effectual

{10 grains of musk to the whole is
enough & i5 of Ambergreice}

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