



Status: Needs Review

one Plaster will serve 3 or 4 days turned & wiped
clap Greens Green Plaster for the same cure
oyl olive a pint red lead 8 ounces white lead 4 ounces
Castle sope 5 ounces set the oyl ouer the fire in an
earthen pann melt the spoe first then the lead being
beaten & serced stir it well & when it turns culor
if it will come ofe when cold (if dropt upon Iron or
Bras) then it is enough then put in halfe an ounce
of Hoggs greace & a quarter of an ounce of oyl of bays so
dip your clothes strongly in it the red Plaster is to
be vsed after any cold taken 2 or 3 days it is very
good for any scatica leting it lye 14 days.

Dr Frigg to ripen any Swelling

Hemp seed Flax seed & lint seed beaten & with milk
make therof a Poltis

A Poltise for any Boyle tho a Plague Sore

Herins Dung the yalow an ounce of white salt finely
beaten one ounce of yolks of eggs 2 ounces mingle
all cold spread it on leather thinn lay it on
cold & when it is broke spread it on cloth

To dry up wounds & fil them up with new flesh tho the
bones be seen

Powder of Flower de luce mixed with Hony fil up the

To take Dead flesh out of any wound

Unsleckt Lime serce it very fine mixe it with Hony
bake it in an ouer after bread shave it as you
have occasion to vse is


For a Sprane or Bruse

Take of Red Harys plaster 6 drams Diapalma 3 drams melt
thes in smal Bitts ouer a gentle fire with a little oyl of wormwood
being melted adde i0 drops of natural Balsame & so either make
it in roles or spread it on linin

{X} To Make Red Harrys Plaster {P}

Oyl olive 2 pints Lethurage of gold a pound & a halfe wax &
per rossen each 4 ounces Appoponax sagapenum Galbanum
amoniocum & ellemmi of each being also strained 2 oz Lapis
callaminaris finely powdered 3 oz: the roote caled Anstolochia rotunda
an oz & halfe olibanum mastick mirrh Amber Dragons blood
in fine Powder an ounce burnt bones red Harry red corral the
load stone severally & finely Beaten crocus martis each halfe an
ounce cyprus turpentine 4 ounces first boyle your oyl & leatherge
of gold stiring them well then put in the wax & gums stirring them
continvaly when it is almost enough ( which you may find by droping
some upon a moyst board)put in the Turpentine & the powders
but you must first take it of the fire least it run ouer stir in the
Powders well & make it into rowls anoynting your hands with oyl
of st Johns wort let it not boyle after the turpentine is in
the Red Harry is that which is left in the bottom of the distillation
after the oyl of vittrial is drawn ofe well washed
& dryed againe

For a sprain in the Bones or sinues

Aque vitte the white of an egge & Bolarmonake beat them
severaly mixe them with the Flax & apply them hott id it
be an Ach put in a little vineger

A Poltis for a swelling or rankling Lady st John

A quart of milk a pint of Ale grounds Daisy roote plantaine &
mallows each a handful chopt red rose leaves boyle them in
the Ale & milk & thicken it with oaten meal to a poltis then put
in some oyl of roses or red rose water or oyl of camomile as much
bores greac as an egge Apply it hott

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