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Dr Dorislaws Syrope of Roses

Juyce of Dammask roses 2 pound put therin a pound
of Dammask roses beaten put it in a pot couer it close
set it in seething water 24 howers then strain out
that & adde to the roses another pound thus doe for
9 days the last straining put it into Balneo 24 howers
til ther appere a thick element int he bottom the rest
will be cleer & red like a ruby pour of the cleer &
set it againe into hott water & ther will be an
other setlment which power the cleer from & make it
into a syrope

Spirit of saffron Dr Bates

Bawn the freshest & greenest shreed finely i2 handfuls
cannary sack 3 quarts sweet Fennel & Angelica
seeds each 3 quarter of an ounce saffron halfe an
ounce steep them 3 days distil them keep the first
quart by it selfe the 2nd also the rest will be
little worth to the first addde fine suger candy
finely Beaten 2 ounces hang in the glasse 6
grams of Ambergreice if you please to make
tincture take a pint of the first quart mixe a dram
of saffron with the Ambergreice raveles to peces
not powdred it is excellent in infectious deseases
smal pox measles spotten Feavors plague malignant
Feavors trembling at the Heart fainting
swoonding or the like it moveth those easeth
travel & some kind of Afterthrows from one spoonful
to 3 as needed requirs the Tincture is best


Sirfit Water

Two quarts of Ague vitte halfe a pint of Dammask rose
water 3 quarts of Poppy water halfe a pound of white suger
candy powdres put them together let them stand 24
howers put to it 4 ounces of Dates stond & sliced 12 ounces
of raisins stoned halfe an ounce of Annisseeds a quarter of an
ounce of nuttmegs as much mace & cinomon a stick of
liquorish beat the seeds & spices put them together let
them stand in the Aquevitte i0 dayes stiring it once
a day then put in a good handful of Poppy leaves clipt
& dryed as much clove July Flowers clipt set it in the
sunn 12 days stiring it once a day strain it out & hang
a bag of Ambergreice in it

For the Stone & stopage of vrin

An ounce of Lapis Judaiicus beat it 3 howers close
couered labor it very well part it into seven parts to
euery part have beaten white suger candy halfe an ounce
keep thes severaly disolve a paper of your candy in a
draught of whitewine put also a paper of your Lapis in
a spoon with a little of that wine stir it & take it drink
the wine after it fast 2 howers thus doe each other day
for seven days thos mornings you take not this boyle Juniper berrys in poset drink halfe a spoonful of suger and as
much sasaperrela as will lye on a groat being put to it stir
it well together take it first & last a groats worth of the
sasaperrilla will serve all the time one who took this voyded
2 handfuls of gravel in one day & was at great ease
7 years after & was cured againe by it & so commends
it to the world

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