



Status: Complete


For the runing of th Reins

Turpatine the Quantity of 3 beans well washed
and put as many the yolk of an Egg and beat them
well, adding theirto A small draught of possit
drink made of white wine & take it in A morneing
fasting it help the runing of the rains
commonly the first time, but never faileth
the second.

For A Burning Feaver

The [spane] of frogs or Toads distill'd the water
put into possit drink is good for a burneing
feaver the water, allso is good for A scald or burne A
peice of new Lokram depth in the [spane] & dryed and soe
keep all the year will stay bleeding

An excellent salve for A burne.

Take bees wax, Deer suit, and may butter of each
a little quantity put these togather and melt them take
nigh the Quantity of Sallit Oyl then mingle them
& put it out into A bason with A poringer & A
1/2 of Snow water & beat it togather 2 or 3 hours
till it lookes white, it is good for any inflamed
sore or blasting or venome it is to be vsed cold spred
upon A fine cloath & shifted twice A day.

For A cut or Green Sore

May butter and tops of Rosemary and tops of Hysop
beaten and boil'd to A salfe, & strained is good for
any cut or Green wound.

For the ffellon

Rosin a the yolk of an Egg melted togather is
good for fellon. or this A yolk of an Egg and
bay salt


An excellent plaster for the Gout or to
draw hummors out of the head or any place of the body

Take 2 ℔ of pitch 2 pound of rosin as much frankin=
sence A pound of Sheeps tallow one ounce of
Saffron 2 ℥ of cloves, as much mace 1/2 A pound of
Cummin beat all to powder with 4 ℥ of lapidanum
it must be boyl'd one hour, wi>th A temperate
fire the rosin & pitch & tallow must be melt'd
before the other come in & when it is boyl'd spread
it upon tared sheep as you need it cut it out.

For the Stone

Boil liquerash march mallows roots in
clear possit ale with a few sweet fenell seed
make it sweat with the spirit of althea [toyn]
likeing soe drink of it at your pleasure.

For A Consumption

Take A brest of younk Mutton &
boil itt in A gallon of new milk untill the flesh
fall from the bones then drink the said milk as often
as you please.

For lameness, Plasies, cramps, & shrinking of Sinew's

A plaister made with the Gum Euphorbium and 12 times
soe much wax Oyle and allitle wax is singular
against all aches of the joints & the diseases afforesai.

Against the bloody flux & all other Issues of Blood.

The Blossom's of pomgranates with the rind made
in to powder & boyled in red wine and Drunk
is good against the diseases Afforesaid.


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Line 18: Lokram = https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/109621