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16 revisions
Caroline Butten at Oct 27, 2022 06:21 PM


228 And half, Elemni 3 drams Ven: Turpentine half an ounce, powder the Gumms, seeds & flowers severally, then dissolve the Elemnis, with the Caranna and Burgandy pitch, last of all putt in Ven: Turp: entire and incorporate all to a plaister. Probat: T:H: Brest curdled with Milk to help First bath itt well with Milk oyle of Camomile and of Lillies mixt together then apply this following plaister Take honey half an ounce Ox gall 2 dramms storax calamitoe one dramm and halfe; Oyles of Camomile & Roses of each a dramm; mixe all these together to a plaister and apply itt to the Brest, cutting a hole for the Nipple An excellent astringent sirrupe Take one quart of red wine, 2 ounces of Cinamon one ounce & halfe of gallingall, half a pound of double refined sugar, boile itt from a Quart to a pinte & a Quarter; drink thereof warme morneing & Evening. Mrs Wooly For a paine in the Back proceeding from wind or cold 229 Ri penny royall, rue, Camomile, lavender, drye them betwixt 2 tyles and apply them hott to the place affected Dr Hone A pill of very good Vertue Mixe the powder of carduus benedictus with honey or Syrrup of Mints, or stoechas, or what else you please forme itt into pills, whereof 3 taken in a morneing for somewhate together availe mightily against all giddiness in the head, deafness and any decayeing of the sence; they warme cleanse and strengthen the stomack, resist pestilentiall ayre expell infection being received provided they be sweal after and keep the body in a good & health full estate. T:H: To strengthen the blead to one that may not take any openers Rl Olibani, masticis ana; Take olibanum & mastick of each 2 scruples, the Amber ℥ij nutmeges mace & Cinamon of each 2 scruples; the powders called Electuarium 3 gemmis, & Diambra of each a dramm and a half, Amber greece 2 graines mix all these with syrrope of clove gilly flowers to an Electuary, or else with sugar disolved in bettonye water. 113

And half, Elemni 3 drams Ven: Turpentine
half an ounce, powder the Gumms, seeds & flowers
severally, then dissolve the Elemnis, with the Caranna
and Burgandy pitch, last of all putt in Ven: Turp:
entire and incorporate all to a plaister.
Probat: T:H:

Brest curdled with
Milk to help

First bath itt well with Milk oyle of Camomile
and of Lillies mixt together then apply this
following plaister Take honey half an ounce
Ox gall 2 dramms storax calamitoe one dramm
and halfe; Oyles of Camomile & Roses of each
a dramm; mixe all these together to a plaister
and apply itt to the Brest, cutting a hole for
the Nipple

An excellent astringent

Take one quart of red wine, 2 ounces of
Cinamon one ounce & halfe of gallingall,
half a pound of double refined sugar, boile
itt from a Quart to a pinte & a Quarter; drink
thereof warme morneing & Evening. Mrs Wooly

For a paine in the Back proceeding
from wind or cold

Ri penny royall, rue, Camomile, lavender, drye
them betwixt 2 tyles and apply them hott to the
place affected
Dr Hone

A pill of very good

Mixe the powder of carduus benedictus with
honey or Syrrup of Mints, or stoechas, or what else
you please forme itt into pills, whereof 3 taken
in a morneing for somewhate together availe
mightily against all giddiness in the head, deafness
and any decayeing of the sence; they warme cleanse
and strengthen the stomack, resist pestilentiall ayre
expell infection being received provided they be
sweal after and keep the body in a good & health
full estate. T:H:

To strengthen the blead to one that
may not take any openers

Rl Olibani, masticis ana; Take olibanum &
mastick of each 2 scruples, the Amber ℥ij nutmeges
mace & Cinamon of each 2 scruples; the powders
called Electuarium 3 gemmis, & Diambra of
each a dramm and a half, Amber greece 2 graines
mix all these with syrrope of clove gilly flowers
to an Electuary, or else with sugar disolved in
bettonye water.


228 And half, Elemni 3 drams Ven: Turpentine half an ounce, powder the Gumms, seeds & flowers severally, then dissolve the Elemnis, with the Caranna and Burgandy pitch, last of all putt in Ven: Turp: entire and incorporate all to a plaister. Probat: T:H: Brest curdled with Milk to help First bath itt well with Milk oyle of Camomile and of Lillies mixt together then apply this following plaister Take honey half an ounce Ox gall 2 dramms storax calamitoe one dramm and halfe; Oyles of Camomile & Roses of each a dramm; mixe all these together to a plaister and apply itt to the Brest, cutting a hole for the Nipple An excellent astringent sirrupe Take one quart of red wine, 2 ounces of Cinamon one ounce & halfe of gallingall, half a pound of double refined sugar, boile itt from a Quart to a pinte & a Quarter; drink thereof warme morneing & Evening. Mrs Wooly For a paine in the Back proceeding from wind or cold 229 Ri penny royall, rue, Camomile, lavender, drye them betwixt 2 tyles and apply them hott to the place affected Dr Hone A pill of very good Vertue Mixe the powder of carduus benedictus with honey or Syrrup of Mints, or stoechas, or what else you please forme itt into pills, whereof 3 taken in a morneing for somewhate together availe mightily against all giddiness in the head, deafness and any decayeing of the sence; they warme cleanse and strengthen the stomack, resist pestilentiall ayre expell infection being received provided they be sweal after and keep the body in a good & health full estate. T:H: To strengthen the blead to one that may not take any openers Rl Olibani, masticis ana; Take olibanum & mastick of each 2 scruples, the Amber ℥ij nutmeges mace & Cinamon of each 2 scruples; the powders called Electuarium 3 gemmis, & Diambra of each a dramm and a half, Amber greece 2 graines mix all these with syrrope of clove gilly flowers to an Electuary, or else with sugar disolved in bettonye water. 113

And half, Elemni 3 drams Ven: Turpentine
half an ounce, powder the Gumms, seeds & flowers
severally, then dissolve the Elemnis, with the Caranna
and Burgandy pitch, last of all putt in Ven: Turp:
entire and incorporate all to a plaister.
Probat: T:H:

Brest curdled with
Milk to help

First bath itt well with Milk oyle of Camomile
and of Lillies mixt together then apply this
following plaister Take honey half an ounce
Ox gall 2 dramms storax calamitoe one dramm
and halfe; Oyles of Camomile & Roses of each
a dramm; mixe all these together to a plaister
and apply itt to the Brest, cutting a hole for
the Nipple

An excellent astringent

Take one quart of red wine, 2 ounces of
Cinamon one ounce & halfe of gallingall,
half a pound of double refined sugar, boile
itt from a Quart to a pinte & a Quarter; drink
thereof warme morneing & Evening. Mrs Wooly

For a paine in the Back proceeding
from wind or cold

Ri penny royall, rue, Camomile, lavender, drye
them betwixt 2 tyles and apply them hott to the
place affected
Dr Hone

A pill of very good

Mixe the powder of carduus benedictus with
honey or Syrrup of Mints, or stoechas, or what else
you please forme itt into pills, whereof 3 taken
in a morneing for somewhate together availe
mightily against all giddiness in the head, deafness
and any decayeing of the sence; they warme cleanse
and strengthen the stomack, resist pestilentiall ayre
expell infection being received provided they be
sweal after and keep the body in a good & health
full estate. T:H:

To strengthen the blead to one that
may not take any openers

Rl Olibani, masticis ana; Take olibanum &
mastick of each 2 scruples, the Amber ℥ij nutmeges
mace & Cinamon of each 2 scruples; the powders
called Electuarium 3 gemmis, & Diambra of
each a dramm and a half, Amber greece 2 graines
mix all these with syrrope of clove gilly flowers
to an Electuary, or else with sugar disolved in
bettonye water.