Wellcome Collection: Ayscough, Lady (MS1026)

Receits of phisick and chirurgery. There are a few cookery receipts at the end. Inside the cover is written 'The Lady Ayscough Booke Anno Domini 1692'. The first 93 pp. and the 7 pp. of cookery receipts are by the original hand, the remainder is in another nearly contemporary script.




Folio's 124v to 135r are blank


Last edit over 3 years ago by Folger Shakespeare Library




Last edit over 3 years ago by Folger Shakespeare Library



To make forc'd meat for Balls

Take A peice of Leg of veal as big as hand clean without skins & some Beefe suit about as much more as the veal, shred very well together; then take some topes of young time and Parselay & shred them small, & put them to your meat & A penny lofe grat'd, 3 or 4 eggs, & season it with nutmeg Mace, & cloves, paper and salt, & soe make itt up into Balls.

To make Frigose white or Browne

You may make it of severall sorts of meat as, Rabits Pullits, Chickins, or Lambe, veal, Mutton, or Sheep tongues mushrome; bottoms of hartichoaks or such like, take any of the afforesaid meats and take the skins from it & cut them into little peices noe bigger then Wallnuts & wash them in water & salt & giue them a seale in boyling water and drane them from the water very well dridge them with flower and fry them with with Clary=fied butter to A pritty browne, then take them from the salt very clean and put them into A Stew pan with some strong broth 3 or 4 Anchovies and some white wine, Sliced Lemmon mace and A few sweet herbs tyed fast up; let an these boyl togather prity well haue riddy the yolke of 3 or 4 Eggs and about A Gill of cream weal beat & some nutmeg grated into it put A quarter of A pound of Butter into the frigose then your Eggs, & be sure you keep it shakeing for fear of Crudleing, when you see it thick enough dish it upon Sipits & silced Lemmon upon itt if you would haue itt browne put in clarit in stead of white wine noe Cream with your Eggs. 6 136

Last edit about 2 years ago by MackieBlack



How to pickle Mushromes

Pill your mushromes & put them into salt & water take them out without any water put them into A skelet to boil put to them A good handfull of salt with A little whole peper mace, & cloves A slice of Lemon pill with An Oinion when they have boild A good while power the broth from them set them on again and boil them till noe broth will come from them when they are clear from the broth give them A soaking in white wine & Vinegare & soe put them up you must have more white wine then Vinegar

To stew A brest of veal mutton or lambe

Take A brest of veal better half rost then draw it into A stewing pan out to it some Claret or Ale and some strong broth 3 or 4 Anchovies some mace & some whole peper A fagot of sweat hearbs & some Lemmon pill A good many sweat breads parboil'd & sliced into thin peices and some balls or forced meat let all these boil togather for 1/2 an hour some times turning your brest the other side downeward into the brothe then just when you intend to dish it up take A peice of sweet butter as big as an Egg an mould it up in flower and put it under your brest of veal and keep itt shakeing untill you think it is thick enough or if you please you may thicken it with the yolk of an Egg and A little orean then dish your brest of veal upon sipits and lay your sweet = breads abou't it and the ball and pour the sauce upon it & lay your sweetbreads you may take A neck mutton or veal and fry itt afore you put it to stew with the brest of veale


To make Aqua marabilis

Take Galingall, cloves, Qubibs, Ginger, Mallilot flowers, Cardamonia= maca nutmegs of each 2 drams the joice of Celadine mint & Balm of eac'h A pint mingle all the said spices being beaten in powder with the juice then put to them A quart of Aqua vitae & 3 Quarts of good white wine & put all these into A pot & let it stand all night beg being close stopt & in the morneing still itt with a soft fire

A Receit to make mead Take 12 pound of honey and desolve it with your hands into 6 Gallons of water & put it into A Cope or Kittle, and as it comes to be near to boil take of the scum & in the boyling as it rises & when it hath boiled about an hour & 1/2 put into 1/2 A hand full of rose mary dried & one handfull of dried sweet Marjoram and about 2 Ounces of white Ginger brewsed with 2 nuttmegs & A few Cloves and Sinement about 2 pennyworth let them be brews'd by them selves & put into A bag together, beat the herbs ty'd in A bundle to the bagg with some weight of Lead to sink to the bottome & boil them in it half an hour long then lade it into A Tubb, & let there be A tap in the Tubb & cover it and let stand about 5 or 6 hours so it will run very clear then let it be worked with about 1/2 penny worth of very good Ale east after the manner of Ale or Bear is worked but begin to work it in A little Quantitie put it together blood warm & let it work in the Rundlet you put into; let it be unstop'd 3 or 4 days days till it hath done working. then stop it up close that it hath no noe vent and let it be taped at the time it is put into it that it may not be stired, when it is for to be drawn off at about 3 weeks time into bottles & in 1 or 2 weeks time it will be fitt to Drink but allway mind that it be well corked.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Caroline Butten




And also with what most use fall's from him into the pan, when you have rost'd him sufficently you are to hold under it when you unwind or cut the tape that ties him, such A dish as you purpose to eat him out of & let him fall in with the sauce that is rosted in his belly and by these means the Pike will be kept unbroken & then to the sauce which was within and also in the pan, you are to add A good quantity of the best Butter & to squise the joyce of 3 or 4 Oringes, lastly you may either put into the Pike the Oyster 2 cloves, Garlick and take it whole out when the Pike is out of the spit or to give the sause A hogoe, set the dish into which you set the Pike fall to be rubb'd with it the Oringe or not useing of the Garlick is left to your discretion

manicule To make Scotch collop's of veal

Take A large Leg of veal & pare of al the skin of the outside & then cut all the meat from the bone in one peice that is on one side & then the other side in another peice cut it into thin slices Acrose the Grane, and it will make it tender, soe lay them upon a clean table and beat them with the back of A knife & larde them well with small bacon peices of bacon & drige them with flower & fry them with sweat butter till they be browne then take them out into A clean stew = pan & put to them some good gravie & a little broth and white wine A little, nutmeg=peper & salt. soe set them upon A charcoal fire and give them one boyl & shake them up thick with A peice of butter or the yolk of an Egg & dish them upon sipits with balls & sawsinges & sliced lemmon about the dish

3 To make A calf head hash

Take A large calf head or 2; well washt & take out the brains and wash them & put them upin A clean Pote with some time & Pareoslly and let them to boyled then shred them fry them wth an Egg yolk stow peper salt, nutmeg well mixt together & chop ym into A fring pan, wth A spoon. butter then yr Calfe head being more then half boyled take ym up and cut the one half & the tongue wth a knife into A stewing pan in little peices noe bigger than an Oyster then carbonade the other half and season it wth peper, salt & shred time and parsaly, but first wash it over wth ye yolks of an egg set it before ye fire to broyle, then put to your other some strong broth & white wine & 3 anchovies some Oysters and pickle & mushroom's cockles mace cloves 2 or 3 whole oynons whole peper a fagot of sweet herbs some forst meat batter soe let ym stew together 1/2 an hour then fry some fine thin collops of bacon some some sawsinges & fri'd parsley & Oysters then dish your boyled cheek in ye midle of & ye other round about upon sipits & lay the fried brains Oysters collops of bacon sawsinges all over ye meat & garnish wth hearbs & sliced Lemmon

To Make Scotch Collops

Take thin slices of veal beat it wth ye back of a knife season it wth peper & salt, let it lie A while in boyling water, take 2 yolks of Eggs well bet some lemon & Oynons & A very little sweat hearbs shred small & A sliced nutmeg one Anchovie mix all these together in some white wine, Frie your meat[then] put put all these ingredients to it & shake them well in yr pan soe dish it up, set some thin slices of bacon upon A dish before ythe fire to broil & lie them over them over ythe food meat

Last edit about 2 years ago by Julia
Displaying pages 126 - 130 of 134 in total