For the runing of Reins
Turpatine and put as many e yolk of an Egg and beat m well, adding theirto A small draught of possit drink made of white wine & take it in A morneing fasting it help e runing of e rains commonly the first time, but nev r faileth e second.
e Quantity of 3 beans well washedFor A Burning Feav r
The [spane] of frogs or Toads distill'd e water put into possit drink is good for a burneing feaver e water, allso is good for A scald or burne A peice of new Lokram depth in e [spane] & dryed and soe keep all e year will stay bleeding
An excellent salve for A burne.
Take bees wax, Deer suit, and may butt a little quantity put these togather and melt m take nigh e Quantity of Sallit Oyl then mingle m & put it out into A bason w th A poring r & A 1/2 of Snow water & beat it togather 2 or 3 hours till it lookes white, it is good for any inflamed sore or blasting or venome it is to be vsed cold spred upon A fine cloath & shifted twice A day.
r of eachFor A cut or Green Sore
May butter and tops of Rosemary and tops of Hysop beaten and boil'd to A salfe, & strained is good for any cut or Green wound.
For e ffellon
Rosin a good for fellon. or this A yolk of an Egg and bay salt
e yolk of an Egg melted togather is17
An excellent plaster for the Gout or to draw hum ors out of e head or any place of e body
Take 2 ℔ of pitch 2 pound of rosin as much frankinsence A pound of Sheeps tallow one ounce of Saffron 2 ℥ of cloves, as much mace 1/2 A pound of Cummin beat all to powder w th 4 ℥ of lapidanu it must be boyl'd one hour, w >th A temperate fire e rosin & pitch & tallow must be melt'd before e other come in & when it is boyl'd spread it upon tared sheep as you need it cut it out.
For e Stone
Boil liquerash march mallows roots in clear possit ale w th a few sweet fenell seed make it sweat w th the spirit of althea [toyn] likeing soe drink of it at y r pleasure.
For A Consumption
Take A brest of younk Mutton & boil itt in A gallon of new milk untill e flesh fall from e bones then drink e said milk as often as you please.
For lameness, Plasies, cramps, & shrinking of Sinew's
A plaister made w soe much wax Oyle and allitle wax is singular against all aches of e joints & e diseases affores .
Ag t e bloody flux & all oth r Issues of Blood.
The Blossom's of pomgranates w in to powder & boyled in red wine and Drunk is good against the diseases Afforesaid.
th e rind made10
A Poultace for A Sore Brest
Take A quart of strongest wort one handfull of spearMint one handfull of Ale Hoofe w rose leafes & cut of e tops of e Roses n Shred hearbs and Roses togather very small and put m in e wort & boyl m theirin till it come to be as thick as any poultyce then take A Cloath and spread it one A good thickness & dress e brest evening and morneing theirw th & when it hath broken e brest dress it for 3 days after theirw th & then use what other Salves you think fitt.
th 2 handfull redWater for e Stone
Take saxifrage, Pellitory of handfulls of red rose wild time horse raddish roots of each 6 handfulls two handfulls of parseley Philipendula roots or leaves one handfull 3 ℥ ounces of Sassafrasse roots shred m grossly & put m into A gallon of new milk of blood red cow and let m infuse 24 hours and then distill m in A common Still & their will come 3 quartss or their about of water. Take hereof 3 or 4 spoonfull or as of many more if you can w th e like Quantity of RennishWine or quick white wine put in thereto some 3 Spoonfulls of e juice of Lemmons & Little Sugar then cut 1/2 A nutmeg in thin Slices or as much Gingar Laying it on y r tongue wash it downe in to your Stomack & e Other mixture use this fasting twice if you be in pain otherwise if itt be for prevention use it about e new and full of e Moon 3 dayes fasting togather fasting; let e water be A month old before you drink it, it must be still'd in May; if you put 2 drops of e Oyle of Juniper into y r draught & sweeten it w th Sirrip of march mallow roots it is e better.
19 To Make e Spirit of clary
Gather or reddy to blossome, be sure it be upon A dry day when you have pickt it from e stalkes put it into A glass still, filling it 3 quarters full, press it downe w th your hand, then lute e head close to body w th double white paper and Starch w ch is e best then put e Still into Balneum Maria Setting it upon A little low leaden trivitt mad^e fitt to hold e glass fast from riseing in e water then make e water boyl untill e Spirit rise.
e clary in e midest of may when it is blossomedTo Bring Throwes
Take as much amber as will lye upon A 6 pence and put into 3 spoonfulls of bitches milk & giue if to e party: this never failes.
To Bring Throwes
Take as much Christiall as will lye on A groat and put into it A spoon of spring=water & guie to e party.
For e wormes for A child
Take Sena one 3 Garlick, & Rubarb of each 1/2 A ℈ worme=seed one ℈ Savin & Centery of each one top let these infuse in 1/2 A pint of water all night then let it boyl gently togather untill itt be consumed to 3 quarters of an ℥ then strain Strain it, & mingle w th it Sirrup of of Roses ʒ3 and vse it
A present & approv'd remedy for e Stone
Take 2 handfulls of saxifrage 2 handfulls of Mother of time 2 handfulls of piercestone oth riwse call'd prosper two handfulls of Philipendula & as much of Pellitory of e wall 2 ℥ of fennel seed & Slice 9 or 10 Reddish roots to m put all these into A gallon of new milk of A cow wholly red & let all these Steeping in it 3 or 4 hours togather then destill itt to A pottle in A cold still near about mid sum er. afterwards Slice some good quantity of Sassafrasse & put it into A pottle and Stop it close. you may drink att any time when you feel pain about 3 spoonfulls soe t you doe not eat nor drink w thin an hour after.
eFor the Stone in e Reins
Take an handfull of piercestone and handfull of white Saxifrage roots, 2 handfulls of Eringo roots A handfull of e Kernells of Ashen=keys, & 1/2 an handfull of green persaley boyl m in ^ 3 gallons & an 1/2 of wort e space of an hour w th A slow fire n let it coole & when it is cooll enough put yest to it and let it work like other ordinary Ale; then strain it from e Herbs & put itt into a vessell of it for it & stop it close & in 3 or 4 day's you may drink of itt every morneing a good draught or oftnorner as occasion is offered.
A Receit for A woman apt to miscarry
Take cumphry rootes and leafes flowers of white archangell sheeperds pouch plantain knott grass nip let m be distilled w th milk take clary leafes & flowers distill m in A glass Limbeck putt fresh hearbs unto m and distill m 5 or 6 times over take 20 berrys Cocheneile take 4 treads and e yolk of a new laid Egg eat it up & drink e Cocheneile, w th A draught of these 2 waters mingled togather.
For the Pleurisy
Take hard meat put A good quantity of t new made & hot into bear or Ale bruse e dung well theirin n Strain that through A lining cloath and take as much of it as will make A good draught & put to it e Quantity of A nutmeg in Treacle, stir it well into e Treacle be disolved in it; n warme it and drink it in e Morneing fasting & also at night when y u goe to bed, soe it be 2 houres after y r meat let y r medicine be made every day if not you may make as much at once as will serve 2 day's, soe you may make itt strong enough & put treacle to it as affores d but keep it in A close vessell. Also for A stick w ch cometh allwayes w th A pleurisy y u must take horse Dung & fry it w th fresh butter & if y r stich be on y r right Side under y r small ribbs lay this Medicine on e side of e back directly ag t it soe it be not laid derectly ag t e heart for e Medicine will remove e stich to e place where it is laid therefore e medicine must not be laid near e heart for drawing of it to t place. This hath been often proved to doe great good both for e pleurisy & also for any inward cold t is taken when A number of oth r medicines wound not bre break it; this hath helpen it.
This hath been given to A young child when Struck in & e child like to dye & e Child hath recovered.
e red Gumm hath been12
22 Medicine against e Plague Take 3 pints of malmesay & a handfull of red sage one handfull of rue Mittle werme shred m & put m into e malmesey & set m on e fire & let m boyle untill one pint be boyl'd away then strain it and Take long pep er, Ginger, Nutmege, of all one beaten to fine powder & put itt into e malmesey & let it boyl A pritty while & then take it of and put into it an an Ounce of e best Methridate an of venice Treakle, or 2 ounces of e best other Treackle and when it is cold put into A 1/4 of A pint of e best Aqua=vitae and half A quart. of A pint of Angelico water; drink of itt luke warme & take of it ever morneing A spoonfull of 2 in e morneing fasting, Thrice or oftner in A week if you please but if e party be sick take 4 spoonfulls att any Time in e day and cast e party into A sweet & let him drink & let him drink but hott possit drink boyled w th sage & in any case take heed of takeing cold And if A sore Arise be not hasty to draw it To an head but let it Arise of it selfe & when itt is come to and head take some sorrill leaves and bake m between Two Tiles and square 2 or 3 figgs amongst m and apply it To ye sore or else take white Lilly roots. Probatum est An excellent medicine against ye winde W: ch proceeds from e Mother w ch many times causeth great pains both in the Liver & e Spleen Take A great fell Onion commonly call'd S tt Thomas Onion & cut of e top as you doe of an Apple & take out some of e Onion being sure e bottome be not medled with and n. haue some rue very small shred & some honney & some gross pepper mix all Together & fill up e hollow of e Onion w th it then put on e. Top again & wrap it up in A wett pap r and set it upon e Embers roasting itt like A ward in Sokingly & when it is soe done take it out of e paper & putt of e top then mix yt yw. put in & e Onion Together saveing e bottome still whole Then as hott as you can endure itt lay e soft side upon e navill & e curst upwards laying A warme Cloath upon it, To keep in e warmness as long as you can if you find any ease by itt, it were good to haue another riddy To lay on when e other is cold; t if you Lay one on when you goe to bed in e morneing you may apply another. For A Consumption Take 2 sheeps hearts hot from e sheep pare of e fatt & e deafe ear'[..] and slitt m. of one side and shake out e blood then put m. in A clean pipkin & cover m. all over w th red rose wat r. all night, then weigh To either heart 2 of fine Sugar, beat e sugar very fine and Thraw it upon e hearts n Stick 3 cloves in each heart n. Take A clean pipkin & put theirin soe many rosemary Sticks leafes scrap'd very clean as will lay cross in e midst of of e pipkin n. lay e hearts upon e rosemary Sticks t. e. Goice of e hearts may distill downe n cover it ov r. w th. past close & bake it w th. w.t bread, Take every morneing warm'd for A child one spoonfull for an old body 2 spoonfulls.
A Medecine for e Stone
Take one handfull of pellitory of the wall one M of Saxifrage one handfull of parseley one M of mother of time & 2 or 3 radish roots shred m verry small, & lay m in A gallon of milk one night & destill m e next day.
For A Cough
Take 3 pints of running water 4 rasons stoned 6 Figgs 6 dates shred m all 1/2 an M of coltsfoot as much scabious as much apothecaries Maiden hair Redwood blossomes pickt & quart r of an handfull or better A Liquiries Stick Sliced as much Eleacampane roots as A Walnut Sliced if it be dry'd less will Seve 1/2 A Spoonfull of Anniseeds. boil it Softly & cover till half ^ or more be consumed & Strain it into A Gallipot or pipkin. & then put one ℥ of browne Sugar candy to it. drink A quart r of A pint of it warme twice in e Morneing fasting & 4 A clock in e afternoon till e whole quantity be spent
If you want of those herbs you may vse penniriall or Agrimony in e place.
I Dry of these herbs in Sum and Role m close in papers they will keep the better
er to vse all wint rA Cordiall to bring away after birth
Take make it strong of e Roots & giue e woman to Drinke every 6 or 12 hours as you See occasion She must drink it 2 or 3 times.
e Rootts of e blew flow r de luce & boil m in Ale25
To make a Drink for e Biteing of A mad Dog
Take sage leafes and herb of grass of each A good handfull, 2 or 3 heads of garlick 4 pennyworth of best Treacle you can gitt, A good quantity of time brayed small boil all these togather in Strong Ale (if it be for A dog.) but if it be for a man boil Muskadine in A pipkin close stopt w th corse past w ch must not boil over e fire but in A kettle of wat r for e more strength; and giue it party 3 or 4 dayes before every change and full of e Moon for dayes before every change & full of e Moon for A month this is good for man or beast.
eLet Quantity of this.
m Drink morneing & Evening A prettyA Broth & Syrrop for A consumption
Take China rootts clean scrapt & Sliced an Ounce, and infuse it in hott Embers by A gentle fire all night in an Earthen vessell close stopt in 6 of 7 pints of water & n boil it untill their be but A pottle left & w th this Liquer make broth of A cock or pullit e Skin fat taken of, & put theirin of Scabious folefoot Maiden hare Scurvy grass Agrimony & harts tongue of each on M of time and Rosemary, of either A little of Balme 1/2 handfull one whole mace or 2. e bottome of cheat loafe or 3 Spoonfulls of french Barley & A few whole rasons & A little Salt.
e weight ofTake of this Broth twice in Take Maiden hare Hartstongue Hysop penniriall Scabious pimpernall folefoot Agrimony Balme of either one handfull one Apple John or Pippin Sliced A parsaley & a fennell root of eith r one ℥ of Orage root 1/2 an ℥ of Annaseeds & fennelseeds of either
e Day A good draught14