Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)





12. the hearb Mercurie and Violett Leaves of each 1/2 a hand= ful, boyle all these together in 3 pints of Water, when it is 1/2 consumed straine it and putt to it a Spoonful of honey of Oyle of Camomile Violets and Rue of each 1/2 an ounce, & the quantity of a hasell nutt in Salt, stirre it well together, and so give it. With this Medeicine I cured a Child of mine y had a desperate Feaver caused by the Wormes.

Mrs. Coply's drinke. {A Fan} Take a naile pinte of unslakt Lime, putt it into a great Stone pott then putt to it 6 quarts of Spring Water, cover it and let it stand 24 houres, then put to it 4 Ounces of ye best Liquorish scraped, and sliced, and 2 Ounces of Saxafrage sliced, 2 Ounces of Anniseeds bruised. Let it stand 24 houres more, then straine it, drinke of it thrui in a day a Quarter of a pinte at a time, or more if You find occasion. The time is in the morning, fasting, at 3 of the Clocke in the afternoone, & at night when you gos to Bed. It is good for any ulcer in the Body o= ther in ye Kidneys, Bladder, or mother. It is good to strengthen the Liver. It hash cured the Dropsie, & is a great cleaner of the blood from any putrefaction that is in it.

An Excellent Receipt for any weakenes in the Back {Lady Bedles A Fan} Take of white Amber well prepared, and of Sugar of Roses of each 4 Ounces, of fine Nutmegs in powder 2 drachmes, mixe t hem well, and putt them in a Boxe for your use. Drinke in a morning fasting 2 Spoonfull of this powder in a good draught of Milke warme from the Cow, and fast 2 houres after.

A Cooling Broth for one that is in a Feaver {My Mother A Fan} Take a Chicken, and boyle it in 3 pints of water, putt into it Time, 13. Rosemary of each one slip, Cinquefoile and Straw Berry Leaves of each 1/2 a handful, a little bunch of unripe Grapes the bottome of a Manchett, Let it boyle untill 1/2 be consumed, then let it settle, & drinke the Cleare as often as you have a mind to it.

A Strengthening and Cooling Broth {My Mother A Fan} Take a good bigg Chicken, and the Bones of a Knuckle of Veale, boyle them in a pottle of water to somewhat lesse than a Quart, putt therein 10 Raisins of the Sunne stoned, 5 Leaves of Buglosse & 2 Leaves of Succorie, 5 Leaves of Endive, & 2 Sprigs of Time & one Sprigg of Rosemary, & one of sweet Marjoram, together with the bottome of a Manchett, and when it is boyled enough straine it and let it settle, Then poure out the cleare into a pott, & give the same as often as the sicke Party requires it, & make as often fresh as You need.

A Rare Medecine for a Thrush in the Mouth for a Child or Old Body {My Br. Warw A Fan} Take stress of the purest Scarlett you can get & with a [Shouell] made redd hott burne it in it, & with ye same Quantity of Homemade into fine powder mingle it rubb the Party's Mouth till it bleed & in few times using it, it will cure it, be it never so dangerous.

A Purge for a Child {Mr. Battersby A Fan} Eight graines of Aloes is a fit quantity for a purge for a Child, taking one houre & a halfe after it, a glister made of 3 quarters of a pinte of Milke, and 2 great Spoonful of honey dissolved in it.

for a Child that hath the Rukets To anoint their Limbs with Dog Grease every Evening, & in very short time it will cure him. Another {A Fan} Take a handfull of red Sage, a handfull of Tops of Rosemary, a handfull of

Last edit 5 days ago by BellamyMartin


14 of Harts horne putt them in a pipkin with 3 pints of the best Muscadine you can gett, boile it till it come to something more than a pinte, & noint the Childs Limbs morning & Evening

A most Rare Glister for the Spleene {X} {Lady Nicholas } {A Fan} Take a quart of Posset drinke made of Ale, or a Quart of thinn Veale Broth, put in a handfull of Buglosse Leaves, a handfull of Burnett Leaves, a handfull of Mallowes, boile it till it come to a pinte, straine it, putt to it 3 Spoonfull of fine Loafe Sugar, 3 Ounces of Syrrope of Violets, and so give it warme, and no more.

A most Rare Receipt for onne that can not [hiuld] their water []

15 For the Scurvy {A Fan} Scuvy grass of both sorts, safe of each 4 handfulls: wormwood, Horseradish roots of each halfe a handfull, pund this together straine the fome and drinke three or foure spoonfullss so long as it lasts

A Vinegar to wash the Teeth for the Scurvy {A Fan} You are to take 4 good handfulls of the tops of Firree and you are to take a pottle of the best white wine Vinegar you can get. You are to boyle the said Vinegar till it comes to ye [3rd] part these tops of Firre are not to be had in any place in England but at Roe-Hampton neare Putney. When you have boyled these together You are to wash your mouth Evening & mornning but in the day as often as you please.

A Medicine for the Wormes {A Fan} Take Lemmon, mingle it with Saffron in powder, to every 3 Spoon= fulls of ye juice put the weights of 6 pence in Saffron, to a Child of a year old you may give 3 spoonfulls at a time 3 Mornings fasting. To one of 7 or 8 or older 3 or 4 Spoonfull. This Medicine also is very approved for ye Wormes {A Fan} Take Aloe rosatum made up into pills somewhat bigger than the big= est pease. Take them fasting 3 pills every day one or two houres after you have taken your pills make a Glister of a pint of new Milke with 2 Spoonfulls of honey, set it on ye Fire till it be hott & ye honey dissolved stirring it all ye while. And when it is so cold that

Last edit 5 days ago by BellamyMartin


16 that you can endure it upon your Eye then administer it to the Child or Party & it will bring away Wormes in abundance

The directions of doctor Bowles {A Fan} In the first place I comend this diet drinke for your life, at meales as well as out of meales, but at least twice a day morning & after noon, taking it for a quarter of a yeare at a time, the hot months excepted.

A diet drinke for ye Scurbute {A Fan} Comon dockroots cut into thin slices [] ounces, sassfras 6 ounces, 4 Orenges cut in quarters, 2 handfulls of dryed eldern fflowers, halfe a handfull of Woormwood bruized; 2 pound of Raysins cutt. put all these into a Bag to hang in 4 gallons of small Ale woort, After 4 days drinke of it as aforesayde. In the Winter adde 2 quarts of the juyce of Apples, in ye spring 3 pints of the juice of Scurvey-grass, ~ Water Cresses, succory, or dandelion, some times, all, or any of these. when you will make it purgatiue adde 6 ounces of [Sena] to the bag

An excellent water to be used constantly all winter for the Scorbute. {Ann Fan} Scuruey-grasse bruized three pound, horse Radish rootes cut sliced & torne one pound, 12 Oranges cut into thin slices, put those into a glasse Still, ~ powre in so much sack and white wine as will cover them 3 finger deepe, stop the glasse close, let them stand 24 howers on digestion, the next day distill a water from hence Take a Wine-glasse full and at pleasure, Sweetned with syrrup of eldern flowers, or Orenges, or wood-sorrell, or Clove gillyflowers.

Pills for the Scorbute {An fan} Polypodia Rootes dryed and [reduced] into powder, halfe an ounce; Cassia lignea, and Cream of Tartar of each 4 scruples; saffrom in powder, 10 graines: Make these into pills with syrrup of mayden hayre, a dragme to be taken every morning for 40 days twice in a yeare, Spring, & Fall.

A Gargale for the Scorbute {A Fan} Syrrup of the green husks of hazell nutts, the decoction of pomegranat peeles; of each this decoction halfe a pinte, besides 2 spoonfull of the syrrup. 9 drops of the spirit of Virtriol, 2 spoonfull of the Juice of Scur vey-grasse

An excellent Cordiall gurd against the Scorbute in all Fevers (especti ally malignant) Small pox, Mea zells. {A Fan} Orenges 100, more or lesse, cut them

Last edit 5 days ago by BellamyMartin


18 into most . thin slices in a capacious earthen pan, presse them downe with a spoon that the juice may rise, and the Rines drinke in their owne juice, every day shirring them from the bottome that thiy mouldie not, & prissing them; doi this 5 or 6 days till the Rines acquire the first degree of putrifashon, ifh yu shall judge by the tendernesse of them cast these into a Shill, and distill a water from [here] Besides this afore= said [Varhies], it is very pleasant and wholesome a spoonfull in a glass of wine at your pleasure, espeshally when you are hott.

This forr Doctor Bowlis. 19 For Any Flux {A: Fan} Take 10 grains of Rhubarb; 5 of Nuttmeg, and as much of Cinnamon. Mingle these togeather being small grated with as much Conserve Of Roses as will make them up into a mass. Everie morning take this, and evening too if the distemper bee stronge. Take plaine glisters of milke made with 2 ounces of syrop of wioletts and the yolke of an egg and the quantitie of an egg in butter never salted, no sugar; in the evenings before, if you take the medicine only in the mornings.

If the flux be with torments in yi gutts or blood. Drink as great quantities of new whay, as you can, and as often. When you intermitt your whay, take the Rhubarb medicine ut subra.

Last edit 5 days ago by BellamyMartin


20 An Excellent receipt for a Child that hath ye ricketts {A Fan} The Bath Take a black sheeps head put to it 3 galons of running water, red sage red mint, []. speedwell of each a handfull put in a handfull full of linnen raggs boyle these till ye flesh com from the bons of ye head then put it in an earthen pott & stop it close & bath ye child from ye wast downeward all ye the reines his back with ye third part of this liquid which must not be [strained] but [] ye ingredients & all so warm as ye childe can endure it this proporsion is for 3 nights together & you may make it twice a month at ye beginning & ending if the childes weaknesse be much

The oyntment belonging to [it] {A Fan} Take a pound of butter out of ye churne beat ye milke clears from it then take speedwell, wormwood, rue alehoofe, featherfew, red sage, red fennell camomell, mayden hysop, cleaves, hartes tongue, millelott, Lavander Dill, vervane, fox ferne, setwell, brooklime, water-Cresses. cleane all these Very well & [bauing] bruis'd them boyle them in ye butter, when it begins to boyle, put in halfe a quarter of an ounce of Mace & halfe a pint of the strongest muskedine, boyle it on a soft fire for an houre, then streine it through a course canvas & keep it for ye use, close [stopt] when it is gold with this oyntmt. you must anoint ye sides, ye back bone, the thighs & ye Anckles, during ye time you annoint ye child which should be ever after bathing, you must keep the child rapt in a thin white cotton Cloth made like a large long smock to cover ye infant, it is likewise very good if ye child uses motion by being swung, or otherwise as is proper to ye Age therof.

Last edit about 15 hours ago by BellamyMartin
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