Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)



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22. {X}To make conserve of Wormwood {A Fab}Take a pound of the young toppes of worm=wood, steep them twelve howers in two quarts of Hyssop water, squeeze the wormwood gently from the water with your hand, then putt your wormwood into a mortar with 3 quarters of a pound of Loaf=sugar, & half a pound of Rasins of the sunn stoned; beat all these to a conserve, and tye it close up in a Pott and keep it for your use. You must take as much as a nuttmeg hereof, every morning Fasting.

An exellent Receipt for the stone or stoppage of the urine {A Fan[...]} Take the kernelle of Ash keyes, when they are ripe, which is about Michaelmas, dry them & when you administer them, you must beate them to a fine pouder and give one spoone full of them in broath.

{X} For the spleen; Boyle thime ash Bark and tamaris of each an oune in a possett Drink made of white wine and Small ale drink it fasting in a morning & at 4 of the Clock in the afternoon for 9 days 23

for the Stone The destilled watter of Clivers or Beane Shells; or time taken as much and as Often as you please; allso Eatting of Endiff with all things is Extream good to breake the Stone by which medicine outd do: Amey measured him selfe maney yeares and yoyded hundreds of stones

for aney heatt in the blather or sharpnes of Eurin Putt too Spunfull of Serupe of Mallows in to a droft of milke matter in the morning when you just wake and last when you goe to bed until the pane sesses

Last edit 7 months ago by BellamyMartin


24 For a burn or scald Beat whites of eggs til they all froth then put in as much Oile Olive as whites of eggs beat these well together til they are incorporated then put in as much fine flax as wil cover the place thin over dip if very wel in the palme before you lay it onn & apply fresh morning & night until the place bee well; under God this wil come without leaving any fear it applied in lime.

A Medicine for ye wormes. Take one pill of Aloes rosatum in the morning early & four houres after take a Glister of three quarter of a pint of new milke with for Spoonfuls of Huney warmed over embers, if ye give it to a man or wooman ye must double the quantity of all.

To Care a hixe by CouldContracted Take a handful of Ale hoofe & 20 or 30 rasons of the Sume stoned boil them in a quart of ale tile halfe bee consumed drinke if the first thing in a morning and the last at night til ye find ye selfe cured

For the pain in ye head take two halfes of a Smale rose Cake put upon the too nutmegs Grated & Lay them into a dish pour upon them as much Elder Vinegar as will make the rose Cake soft then lay them on your temples and let them ly as low as they wil reach


A poultes for any Soar or wound that is Inflamed, Boil a pint of Milke with crumBs of whit bread, a handful of Mellalot flowers, halfe a handful of red rose leaves, when these are well boiled together put it into a porenger, & stir into it halfe an ounce of Oile of St. Johns=wort & halfe an ounce of Oile of roses this quantety is too much unless the sore bee very great therefore you must proportion it as ye for ocasion

An Excelent Receapt for any pain in the bake espetialy the whites. Take of white amber well fine pared & sugar or roses each 4 ounces, of Nutmeg in a fine pouder 2 drames, mix them wel & keepe them in a box for your use [ut a full spoon of this pouder into a draught of new milke warme from the Cow, & drinke a pint of it every morning fasting & at foure of the Clok in the afternoon.

Another for the Same Fil a stil with Clary as hard pressed doune as you Can then pour for it as much whit wine as wil soake in Let it stand 12 houres then draw it offe with a soft foer, the next day fil ye stil as hefore with Clary only, then pour the distiled water upon it & let it stand six hours then draw it ofe again with a soft fier and keepe for ye use; bee sure ye bottle bee drie & sunn ye water drinke it 2 houres before dinner & supper a quarter of a pint sweetend with whit sugar candy.

the Oyntment for ye same boile Ground moss in Creame so much as wil make it thick as an ointment & anoint the vaines of ye back there with the first thing you doo in a morning & the Last thing you doo at night.

Last edit 7 months ago by BellamyMartin


{26.} A pleasant remedy for wheazing and spopage in the stomak

{Mr C: Hinton.} Take halfe a pint of the best Cinamon water and put to it, for ounces of Oximell of squills, keepe it in little Glass bottle and take now and then acording as you find Ocasion a spoonful of it, and shake the Glass uery well eury time.

For the Stinging of a snake or Adder

{My Mother.} Immediately when you are stung heat a knife very hot in the fier, and clap just upon the place that was stung and hould it a Good while til it have burned it out, or else, lay the intrails of the same ader or snake that stung you, or of aney other, and bind it fast on upon the place.

For an [Fgeu].

{L. Lowther.} Cutt the yellow Rind of Ciuall Orranges very thin, dry it before the fyer, and then beat and tearee it, and take a Good spoon full of the powder into spoonful of tack an hour before your fitt and ly worme, doo this three times whether the fit leaves ye or no and again before the next full of the moon three times. {27}

Last edit 7 months ago by BellamyMartin


{28} {31} Sorcleary of ye coru =1 Turn over are ye nettle loam from ye field gathered, put [tramron] to your kettle, [] crushed in your [uncreambile] Then [thuprey snowel] Ye added in number two crushed Likewise - then not sometime one to poot -not James [Schurley ]

Last edit 7 months ago by BellamyMartin


{32} {33} Dones of ye Petales [image]Pluck say of the petals Near from the stem of ye [?] Seen as Here Pull that the Same [] produce for Sour [Longfits].

Last edit 7 months ago by BellamyMartin
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 238 in total