Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)



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Folio Number 232v, Scribe's Page 494.

Baked= meates.

Venison. Beefe. Porke. Veale. Lamb. Mutton. Hare. Goose. Minc't Pyes Humble Pyes Calves feet. pyes [N]eates tongue pyes A Trotter Pye Petit pastyes A Turke Pye Goose gibbett Pye Swan pye Peacocke pye Ducke pye.


Folio Number 233r, Scribe's Page 495.


Stew'd Carpes. Boyled Pikes Stewed oysters. Tench Butterd Cray-ffish. Mullett Shrimpes. Pickled scollopps. Crabbes. Pickled Oysters. Lobsters Boyld Ling Boyld Codd Fflownders Oysters Whiteing A loddes head Salmon. Cockles Marrionetted Soales Seabreames Boyled Pearch ffryd oysters. S[omei]ss. Soales. Whiteings. fflownders. Place. Stewed Turbat Thornbacke ffryd Chine of salmon Soused Troutes. Sturgeon Lobsters Anchoves Caviare Botargo Souced salmon Eales. Broyled Eeles Eele Pye Chard Pye Lampre Pye Salmon Pye Oyster pye Troute pye Boyled sprattes Mackurell Pilchards Herring Pye Red herring.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio Number 233v, Scribe's Page 496.

==Puddings, Cakes, Pulse. and Bread.==

Oatemeale Puding Rice milke Dumplings Panada Quakeing Pudding Egg caudell A Calves foote Oatemeale Caudell A Peak. Milk pottage. Biskett. Water greavell. A Baked.Sugar soppes. A Bagg.Oatemeale pottage A plaineShong broash BlackChicken broash WhiteGelly of veale, or MarrowCalves ffeet CowslipButter'd Egges LiverMilk=papp RiceWater papp. Hash There is a bracket drawn from "A Calves Foote" in the left column of line 12 to "Hash" in the left column of line 24 that says "Puddings", signifying that everything in the left column between those lines are a type of pudding.Sack possetts Sassages without skins Gelley of Jse[m]glasse Porke sassages with skins of Hartes horn fforc'd meate Greene Apple There is a bracket drawn from "Greene" in the left column of line 29 to "Apple" in the left column of line 30 that says "Tanseys", signifying that lines 29 and 30 are types of tansy cakes. fflommery. Boyled Egges. Poached Egges Tartes of all sortes Plumme Cakes of all sorte Plaine Cakes of all sortes Wigges Bunnes Shrouesburg Cakes. Biskates Macaroons March=panes Pan=de=lo Cheese-cakes. Houshould bread Wheate bread Manchett Cheate bread ffrench bread Rye bread M[a]slen bread ffurmety Butterd Rice Wheate Rice pottage Pease pottage

234r Folio number 234r, Scribe's Page 497.

==Cold meates & salletts and Rootes.==

Gummory of Bacon. A spanish dish of a Potted venison Hogges head. Collard beefe Sparribb. Hung beefe. [N]eate tonges Bollogna sassages Anchoves Caviare Botargo Olives Capers Oyle Eldervinager. Oranges, Lemmons, Almonds. Currants. Hard Egges. Broome budds. Sampyre. All green salle hearby. Raddish codds. Horse Raddish. Cowcumbers. Bur[z]age & [b]uglasse fflowers Couslip flowers. Clovegilliflowers. Purslain Radishes Butterd Parsnips. Turnops. Carretts. Cabbugg Savvy Cole Colley fflowers Artechoakes Potatoes Pease Ffrench beanes Skerretts Cardus The great thistle Beanes Sparragus Colewortes Spinage

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Butter, cheese, Creames.

Almond butter
Thick creame
Thinne creame Cheese
Two meale
New milke
Slip coate
Clouted Creame
Sullabubs Custards Ffresh cheese
Codling Creame
Cabbage Creame

Seweete meates ffruites Drinkes.

All preserved ffruites Canary wine
wett. Clarrett
Marmalade of all white
ffrutes Rasberry wine.
Jelleyes of all fruites Cherry
Cheazecakes Syder
All fruted dryed with Meade
sugar. Lemonada
All ffruites dryed with Berry
out sugar. Cowship wine.
Raw ffruites. Curran
Grapes. Peaches. Peares. Nectarins. Apricockes. Apples. Plumes. Raspryes. Strawberryes. Gooseberryes. Mulberryes. Medlers Sarvices Philberds
Small mutts.
Ffigges. Cherryes. Currans.
Last edit about 3 years ago by EK
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Folio page 236r, Scribe's page 501.

A meickstuer Mixture?of Seuerall dishesout of which a yong homkiper may make Choys of what is Sutable to their fortun and estat:most of thes things is prop[er]for littell Ju[hes] be[...]unplan on all mon[s] the great ones,This note is added in the same hand as a post script to the header, and separated from the body text with a bracket. Several inkblots and smudges appear on the note.

A dish of butter Chees of all sorts Biskets of all sorts Cakes of all sorts ham pofe Brues all sorts of Stud frutte all ways of dresing Eggs hasty puding All sorts of backed pudings All sorts of boyled All sorts of hoggs pudings All sorts of fride pudings All sorts of Soused metts risse milke Barle milke milke poredge furmety peese poredg all sorts of watter gruell all sorts of brothes all sorts of Earbe poredg all sortes of Cadells all sorts of Jelles all sorts of Orenes all sorts of tannseys peese poredge Collope and Egs All sorts of Custards All sorts of Si[loffes]

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio page 236v, Scribe's page 502. List begins on 236r, 501.

Otte Cakes [fir]ing Ottecakes All sorts of CheeseCakes All sorts of pann Cakes All sorts of fritters witte potts buttered nettle A frase All Innards of bestes All tarts parsnepis Sauey Colle Cottey flowers Cabdeg Spinedge Speareygus Espaireigos Peanuts Heartychokes Co[b]le and backon beenes and backon peese beenns french beenes Salletts of all sorts turnipps Caretts All sorts of frutte All sorts of Sweet mettes Jelley of fleth frickeses An amlett Chesnuts wall nuts

237r Folio page 237r, Scribe's page 503. List begins on page 236r, 501.

Sweettmett Stud peares Waffers of all sorts all frut both plane and Canded raw potates a stud flogghed in the spaines fashon presed and Could Sasedgees Colered Beefe Chocalaty Andothos Oliues Capeus Anchoues Caueauey pickelled beans juickelled Coucombrs pickelled Oysters pickelled scolops drid backon dride beefe drid tongs Crabs Lobster }both butered on Littell dishes Crafish shrimpes }the Same

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
Displaying pages 201 - 205 of 238 in total