Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)



Needs Review


Folio page 257v.


To make a Suppository effectually to worke. Page. 1. An Excellent way to make Suppositors.p. 7. A most rare Glister for the Spleene.p. 14. A Medecine for an ache or shrinking of the Sinews. p. 65. Mr. Stones Scarecloth.p. 66. An oile for the Stomach.p. 66. An Excellent oyntment for a Breast with which I haue A Spetiall Plaister for the Sciatica or Gontish hu= mour which hath done many Cures ----------p. 67.A special braket is marked joining the last line with this one. For the stinging of a Snake or Adder either in Man or Beast --------------------p. 68.A special braket is marked joining the last line with this one Dr Steuens Water ----------------------p. 187. Sweete Water.p. 188. Receipt for sweete water.p. 190. Francisco Moreots way of perfuming of skinns. p. 192. Snaile Water or Worme water.p. 191. To make a Sacke possett To make a thistle Sallett.p. 284. A Sillabub.p. 286. How to make Sawcedges.p. 288. To Escauecke sole, Trouts, Besugo or Sea Breame Sardine or pilcker ----------------p. 293.A special bracket is marked joining the last line and this one, with the page number marked in the middle. How to make Syrropes -----------------p. 377. To perfume Sugar.p. 388. This entry is written in a different hand.To make a fine Syllabub ----p. 314. This recipe and the next are written in a spearate hand still.To make Synamon water -------p 331. To make surfitt water -------------p 198.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
Needs Review



A rare Medecine for a thrushinye mouth for Page. 13.
a Child or old Body
To make Taffaty Tarts. p.276.


Last edit about 3 years ago by vm727
Needs Review


V. An Excellent Medciine for the bleeding of} Page. 3. a Veine inwards- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To stanck the bleeding of a Veine inwards-- p: 4. A most excellent Vomitt. p. 6. A Vulnerary Liquor. p. 11. To make the Vlier Water. p. 70. To bake Venaion or Beefe in pots to keepe } p. 279. good all the yeare----------------------------------- To fry a loine of veal. p. 281. A most excellent Receipt of Veale Jelly p. 303.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by GGrim
Needs Review



A Wound Drinke and for the Kings Evill. Page. 8. A Plaister to kill the, Wormes. p.11.

A Glister for a Child that hath Wormes taught p.11.
by Doctor Baily.
To make the true Weopon powder. p.65. To make Water of Life. p.186. To make wormewood Water. p.187. A Water comparable to gold. p.189. A good way to make Water Grewell. p.273.
A Receipe to make our hould p.14
Their water
The great surfut Water. p.182.

The Lady Allens water for
the sh maik, small pox, or p.179.
fur fett
The Qeceipe for the pre = p.179.
Lionns Water of Wallnutt
A Medecine for the Wormes. p.15 Another for the fame. Ibid.
To priferue green Wallnuts p.339.
my sister Elizabeth ffoun =
show is way
A medicinall Worken-- gruill. p.316. To make Angelica Water p.199. To make sweet water p 215. To make Conserne of Worme=wood p 022 to keep walnuts moist all winter p.400 the Lady hervits Cordial matter p 432


How to fine Raison ruine 349

Last edit about 3 years ago by vm727
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Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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