Transcribathon: EMROC 2021

Pages That Need Review

Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)

Needs Review


The folio number is 179v, the scribe number is 388.

50 To perfume Sugar.

X A Fan This attribution appears in the left hand margin and is in a different hand. There is a short, diagonal mark above the first line of this recipe on the far right sise. Beat double refined Sugar verry fine, putt it into a galley pot, fill it halfe full, if your pott hold 2 pound then putt in 4 graines of Amber Gris, tied in a little piece of TIffany, then put in the rest of your Sugar, thrust it downe, tie[d] it downe with a Paper & a Leather, sett it into the Ouen after you haue drawne your great Bread, let it stand till it is cold and then breake it out for your use. This is the best way that is to perfume Sugar; You may putt in more or lesse Amber as you like.There are two short smudges in the left hand margin, next to this line.

51 To make White Marmalade.

A Fan X This attribution appears in the left hand margin and is in a different hand. Take a pound of Quince, being pared, cored, and quarterd, and to that, halfe a pound of double refined Sugar, and putt them together into a Skillet drye, let not the fire at first be too violent, but assoon as the Sugar begins to melt, boile them as fast as possibly you can, stirring them very carefully from the first putting in, (for they will burne to presently[y] if you be not veryThere is a smudge right below the word "very" here. ALso, there is a dash-sized mark in the margin next to this line. carefull) twill breake enough in stirring, & when they Quince is tender glass it up. As fast as you pare it, cover it with Sugar, that it may not grow blackeThere is some kind of flourish here at the end. Also, there are two dash-sized marks in the lower left corner of the page.

180r: Ian Faith: Folio page 180r, Scribe's page 389

How to preserve green Wallnuts my Sister Elizabeth Ffanshawe way. A Fan + 52 This attribution appears in the left margin.

Take your green Wallnutts before they be hard when you may run a [knife] tho= rough them, boyle them in fay[ne] ura= [ter] shifting them in the boyling from the water to another 4 houres, with them boyle but a little in th[is] fresh waters for [fear] they turn black when you find them hard[en] enough, take them up in a cullender, & peele them, & put them into syrrup which must be made yearly whilst they are [Lie]thing; To [ru]ery pound of nu[...]Inkspot appears here a pound and a quarter of sugar; you must weigh your nutts before you boyle them, yo must boyle your syrrup to a good height, & put your nutts into your hott syrrup as fast as you [p]eele them, stick into this box of [euery] [nutt] a cloue, let them boyle [leisurely] in the syrrup till the syrrup be thick enough, then take them out, & when your syrrup is cold pour them in a pot & keepe them for your use. You must run a great Needle through euery one of them, & prick them before you boyle them. The best time to doe them is the morn after mid= Somer about the 10th of July in the increase of the Moon. If July "well [use]" them physically to purge you must make you syrrup of powderd Sugar.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio page 181r, Scribe's page 391.

My Lady Biadlis receipt for Billyof Pipins A Fan+ 53This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Take a pound of pipins and a pint of water; pare your apples and putt them into the water and boyle it untill it will gellie then straine it out and sitt it by; then take one pound of sugar and one pint of water and make a syrupe of it: then take it off the fire, after it hath boyled a quarter of an houre, and when it is somewhat coole, putt in a pound of apples after they are pared and coared, and boyle them soe fast as you can, untill they are halfe done. then putt in your gellie and halfe a pound of sugar, a quarter of a pint of Rhinish wine, the juyce of three lemons and some lemons pills boyled thin them up as fast as you can.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio page 182r, Scribe's page 393.

Sir Kenelmer Digby's recepitto make Meade A FanThis attribution appears in a different hand in the left margin. Boyle what quantitie of rain or spring water you please, till a 3rd fourth part be wasted consumed and then lett it settle 24 houres, and poure the cleare from the settlings, take 60 gallons of the cleare and boyle in it 10 handfulls of Eglanstine leaves 5 of liverwort 5 of Scabies 4 of balme, 4 of rosemarie, 2 of bayleaves, one of thyme, one of sweet marjorane, halfe a handfull of Eringe rootes, scrape them & splitt [onl]y when these haue boyled halfe an houre in the water, run it through a seive, after it is settled, poure the cleare from the dreggs to euery 4 gallons of this liquor, take one gallon of the purest white hony you can gett, lade the honey & liquour with a skiming dish till it is well mingled. soe you must doe thrice that day: the next day boyle it verie gently skiming it all the while pourring in now and then a ladelfull of the c[oul]d liquour which you must reserve to make the skum rise. when it is vere cleare from skum you must boyle it more strongely till it beare an egge. very high, then lett it coole till it bee luke warme. Putt in Ale yest to make it worke the Same quantitie you doe into Ale. turn it up in a cask that has had sack or white wine in it. Keepe the bunge open till it hath done working, fillinge it up as it wastes with the same liquour, which you must reserve for that purpose. When it hath allmost done working, hand a bagg in it of thin canvase, in it a quarter of an ounce of ginger sliced, a quarter of an ounce of Cinnamon, cloves, & nuttmeggs a quarter of an togeather. Putt a Stone into the bagg to make it Sinke, stopp it up close for 6 months before you drink it, and then you may draw it into bottles if you please.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio page 182v, Scribe's page 394.

My Lady Barklay's receipt to make Meade. A. Fan +This attribution appears in a different hand in the left margin. Take 6 gallons of spring water, a handful of tops of rosemarie, a handfull of thyme, a handfull of bay leaves, 2 handfulls of Eglantine leaves, wash them clean and putt them into the water, boyle it skimming it all the while for an houre, then run it through a sieve, stirr it once in halfe an houre for that day, at night putt in a Gallon of the purest white honey well stirred into the liquour, the next day boyle it againe and skim it verie cleane. putt in 2 eggs well beate cleare it by skiming very well, and lett it boyle for half an hour: after, take it of and run it through a sieve, poure it into broad eathen Vessell or Vessells to coole. Be Sure to pure the cleare from the bottome when it is well Settled. Beat the whites of 3 eggs very well. putt to it 2 spoonfulls of wheaten meale, 2 spoonfulls of yest, beat this very well together, putt it into the liquour when it is c[o]ld, ladeling of it euery half houre with a skiming dish for one day, next morning: take the whites of 2 eggs, one spoonfull of wheat= =meale, &smp; one of yest and beate all these well togeather putting them into the liquour and mingling them well togeather. Then turn up the liquor in your Vessell hanging a bagg therein, of a pennieworth of cloaues, of ginger, of Cinnamon, of nuttmeggs, bruise them well before you putt them in. At 3 months you may drink it, at 6 months it is best. Folio page 183r, Scribe's page 395.This page is blank, but has a note sewn into the page. Take of Sarsaparilla cutt small 6 ounces, flinty china 2 ounces Guarium halfe an ounce, infuse these in 5 quarts of water 6 hours then boil halfe away, with a gentle fire : adde at the later End of boiling, liquerish Sliced 2 drams, halfe a dram of Coriander Seeds, V pour it off while hott & lett him drinke it for his ordinary drinke cheifely If hie find it too hott, adde 2 ounces of [reisins] washd (but whole) to the next boiling. Dr. Lower.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
Needs Review


the nerves of the eares are affected & obstructed, & you must goe to the Bath & [bee] pump'd about 3 weekes & you must purge the day before you begin to pumpe & purge once in a weeke while you stay there & stop your eares with wool moistened with good Compound Spirit of lauender your deafenesse is a paralyticall weakenesse of the eares you should drinke a drying dyet drinke of sarsa & china for your [constant] drinke while you vse the bath & a while after

Last edit about 3 years ago by EK
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A FanThis attribution appears in a different hand in the left margin. To make Cakes of all fruits.

+ 54Take the best quinces you can gett and boyle them tender, take them from the skins and the cores, and doe them through a fine cushion-canvasse. And to a pound of the pulp take a pound of double refined sugar beaten very fine & mix your polp & Sugar together in a Skillet with some musk & ambergreece & sit it upon a quick fire: the faster it boyles the better it preserves the colour, but you must take heed is does not burne. You must stirr it allways with a wooden stick and when it begins to be enough, it will come cleane from the bottom of the Skillet, which you may know by dropping a drop upon a board & lett it coole and if it come cleane off it is enough. Then take it off the fire, and haue a board on purpense very Smooth, and drop your paste upon it what fashion you please. If you like it in knotts you must poure out and shake the board that it may not bee thicker in one place than in another. And when it is cold cutt it off the board & strew searched sugar upon it & make it in knotts. For your cakes you must Sugar them & print the sydes next the board: then putt them upon papers with the printed syde upwards, for the other syde is apt to stick. Then stoure them or drie them in the Sun, and if they bee right they will drie in 2 days. The less sugar you make it up in th ebetter. If the pulp be too thick, you must putt two or three spoonfulls of the water in the Quince in it before you straine it. Thus you make Pippins, Apricocks, Orenges or Lemons, Goosiberris or Respberries, plums. But you must boyle them as you doe for clear cakis in a Tankard in a skillet of water. Then doe it all through a canvass if you do: the Quinces. If you will doe the green apple paste, you must greene your apples, and putt noe applewater into them, nor to the four Last fruits. If it bi once boylid it will neuer drie: if it bi under it will drie, but not soe soone. You must shift it on clian papers.

Folio page 184r, Scribe's page 397. This recipe is deleted with a large X across the paragraph. To make Lemmon Creame.

A Fan 55>THis attribution appears in a different hand in the left margin.+Beate the whites of eight egges and one yealke very well. putt to them the juyce of four Lemmons and a halfe, one spoonefull of Orange flower=water & as much suger as makes it sweet, stir these all well together, and drayne them through a hayre Siue, sett it on a soft fire, in a silver or earthen basin stirring it all one way, till it is as thicke as a [Feoole], Then it must stand three howers before you serve it up. If you please you may Putt in a graine of Amber greece, [add] in Powder, when you take it offe the fire.

This recipe is written in a different hand. To make a fine Creame. +L. Good:This attribution is written in the same hand and appears in the left margin. 56Set three quart of new milke Let it on the fier, and when it boiles up, pour into it an other quart of new milke, at Seueral times leting it boile up betwiset euery time, then take it off the fier & Stir it til it bee quite Could, then pour it into the Seuerall pans or bouls & let it stand 2 days & 2 nights, then take ofe the top thik with a tin Slice with holes in it put to it 1 Spoonfuls of Orrange flower water & Sweeten it to your taste, so Stir it with a Spoon all one way til it bee as thik as a Soft butter, lay it in little heapes upon a fruit dish & So Serue it up. if you would doo it at a nights warning, raise it with a quart of Creame.

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
Needs Review


Folio page 184v, Scribe's page 398

To make Leaman or Sugar waters. +L. GoodricheThis attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. 57Mingle your Sugar after it is finly beaten and Searced in a Siluer Spoon with as much Leaman or Orrangflower water as wil wet it, then hould it ouer A Chafendish til it lookes Candied ouer as you Stir it with a little knife you must have a great Care that it does not So boile, when it is enough Spread it upon a little Square peese of paper uery thin & pin it up the 2 Sides of it together & [S]et them in a stoue or Sum other warme place 24 hours, & when they are drie wet the outsides of the papers & so take them ofe, it must bee fine paper or they wil not Come ofe whole. L. Good:This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin.This recipe appears in a different hand compared with other recipes on this page. To make Angelot Cheese

take to 4 quarts of milke one quart of Cream let your milke bee just warme from the Cow & Put your Cream to it Could, Let it together & when it is Come, with a little China Cup take it whole [u]p & fil your Chees fat & when it is L[impe] fil it up again so doo til it is all in, then let it stand til next morning & with a trencher laid over turne it in the fat so euery morning & night for 4 dayes then take it out, Salt it a little & lay it to dry turning it Constantly; it wil not bee good under three months but best oulder.

Folio page 185r, Scribe's page 399

To make a baked oatmeal puding La: Mordaunt:This note appears in the same hand in the left margin. In 3 pints of new milke Steep a quart of great Oatmeal until it bee tender, then break into it ten Eggs, Put in a pound of [like] shred smale a pound of rasons of the Sunn picked and washed & a quarter of a pound of Sugar, mix & beat them all well together, & pour it into a pan wel butered, & so bake it & leave it up.

To dress cocles the best way La: Mordaunt:This note appears in the same hand in the left margin. Put your cocles into a pail of clean water, and with a birch broom, rub them round the pail very wel with several waters til you thinke they bee not Gritty, then fil a broad earthen pan wil Coale lighted & so spread your Cocles all ouer the [pan] & lay a Cloth four or fiue times double ouer them Cloase that the steam & heat doo not get out let them stand til they bee enough which wil bee in halfe an hour or little more, then let your pan into a dish & leaue them up that they may bee very hot with Sum butter melted upon a plait

L. Purnor.This attribution appears in a different hand in the left margin. To put fruit for Tarts to keepe all winter. Take your fruit Clean picked & dry gathered put them one by one into Glas bottles, Stopt & bre[then] very Cloos downe that neither air nor water can get in, then put your bottles into kettle of water on the fier & let it stand til the water just begins to boil then take out your bottles & let them by thes wil keep all winter

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio page 185v, Scribe's page 400.

To Keepe Walnuts moist all winter La: Mordaunt:This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Gather your walnuts uery dry & Carefully for fear of bruises, then let them Green shels & all into new dry high earthen pot lay on a sheet of paper & ouer that a Cloue & ouer that a wet skin, lie it all hard downe & let your pot in a room that is neither moist nor hot, when you open your pot it wil not keepe long after, when you Leaue them up peil off the Green shells they wil keep thus til Sumer again.

To keepe raw fruit. This recipe has no attribution. Put raw fruit in an earthen pot, [Cure] it uery hard & Cloos up, & hang it into a well, & it wil keep til that sort of fruit Comes again.

To make french bread. La: turnor.This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. to halfe a peck of fine flower take a pint & halfe of uery good new ale yest, then beat the whils up 2 eggs til they be a light froth, & beat them wel into your yest; heat a quart of milke [s]uery hot & put sum of it to your yest & aggs so [put] it through a hair seiue into your flower and with you hand mingle it well together if it bee to thick you may put more hot milke to it, Couer it with a dish couer & let it rise before the the fier halfe an hour whil your ouen heats them make it up as fast as you can into little loafs & bake it in a quiet ouen.

Folio page 186r, Scribe's page 401.

To make Smale Couslip wine. La Turner:This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Pick your Couslip flowers from the botums & put them into a high earthen pot & pour upon them boiling water as much as you please for the strength of it let it stand all night and the next day run it through a canvas strainer & press all the juice wel out of the flowers then make a thik Clear Syrup with juice of Leamon or Citron or both, & mingle your liquor & Syrup well together, then run it all through a double flanel Beaby bag, & bottle it up.

To make Spanish eggs La turner:This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Take the yolkes of 6 eggs, beat them uery well, then take the weight of Sugar as you gues wether too little then too much; boile it to a high Candy almoast to a Sugar again with water then pour in your eggs, stir it on the fier as long as you Can for fear of [burneing], then take it off the fier & with a ladle pour it into a spoon underneath, as the spoon fils lay it into your dish & so fil it again til it is all run through, when it is quite Could leave it up it is [proper] to have eaten among Jealys & could labels after hot meal & before the Desart.

A past for the hands;La IssabelaTurner.This note appears in the same hand in the left margin. 3 quarters of a pound of biter almans,halfe a pound of reasons stoned, halfe an ounce of Camphir the pulpe & juice of 2 leaman, 2 spoonfuls of brandy & 2 of Sack, all made up, with 3 Spoonful of [Rose] [liquid]

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio page 186v, Scribe's page 402

To make Clear Leaman Cream; Mrs. F LavingtonThis attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Squees the juice of 4 large leamans [...] [...]These words appear heavily deleted.*about half apound of finesugar beat, This interlinear insertion appears in the left margin. of the finest loaf sugar, & 84 or 9 spoonfuls of fair water, [...]; then Let it ouer a Clear Charcoal fier til the Sugar bee all melted; then haue ready the white of eggs beaten & put them in; stir all together and run it gently through a Jealy bag, then set it ouer the fier again stirring it continualy one way, & so soon as you perseaue it Grow thik take it ofe imediatly, if you like it put in one Spoonfull of Orang flowr or amber water Stirring it round one way til it bee Cool then put it in the dish with Leaman peel boild & Cut Smale betwixt.

To make an Orange puding. Mrs Havington:0This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Take the rhind of an Orang or too put uery thik boil them til they bee uery tender, and Sum of the like ones out, then dry them in a Cloth & beat them in a flan mas[her], with the yolkes of 8 eggs, a quarter of a pound of loaf Sugar, & a quarter of a pound of butter, beat all these about an hour til it bee like puding fluf then bake it in a quick ouen, with a leafe of [Puef] Past under & ouer it, as it lies in the dish; if you Cut the piel uery smale as it [s]aw before you beat it & so put it in, it wil bee much the better;

Folio page 187r, Scribe's page 403

To make Cherry wine Currant, apricot or plumb wine. La Turner:This attribution appears in the same hand in the margin. take your Cherrys as many as you please, slice off the stalks & put them into a high earthen pot, with your hand mash them all, then pour on them boiled water as much as you guess is one part of three let it stand til the next morning uncouered, then pour it into a thik Canvas strainer & put it betwix a Jely press or a Clean Chees press, til you have pressed out all the liquor, then sweeten it to your tast & to 6 Galons of liquor put in a pint of fresh rasberry juice, then run it through a double Tely bag (you must beat the yolk of an egg with three or Spoonfuls of milke, pour it into your Jealy bag & run it round with your hand to thicken it,) run it through til it bee uery Clear & so put it up in bottles, Currant wine whit or red is made the Same way, Omiting the juice of rasberys, & so is Apricock or plumb, if you would have your Cherry wine to keepe your mush break too handful of the stones & squees them in.

To make goosberry Wine. La Turner:This attribution appears in the same hand in the margin. Take 3 quarts of whit Cristal Goosberrys ripe, put them into you pot one by one, & Crack euery one as you put them in, then pour upon them a Galon of boiling water, let it stand uncouered all that day & all night, then pour them into a Canvas Strainer and hang them up to run pressing the bag gently with your hand for fear of the thik coming through, sweeten it to your tast, & run it through a Bealy bag uery Clear & so bottle it up, this is for the [pale], but for the [base] you must put the water Could to the Goosberrys, Couer it & Let it in the ouen after [brown] bread let it stand whil the ouen is warme then dooas before

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
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Folio page 187v, Scribe's page 404.

To Brew Heath Beer. Mrs Hiks.This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Take a kilderkinRoughly 81.83 liters, a cask. & 2 or 3 Galons of water because of wasting in the boiling; divide it into 3 parts, first boil one part with heath & Ginger, then put it into your mashing tub & let it Stand halfe a quarter of an hour then put to it a bushel of [molt] & let it Stand one hour til you have made the next part boile, then let the first [run] & put in the Seacond to doo 3 times til boiling the Liquor with Ginger & heath, & if it [now] Clear from the molt boil your liquorwort uery litle, & when it is Could put it all together & Let it to worke with a quart of yest & the next day Run it into your Kilderkin 3 ounces of Ginger beaten uery Smale, & 2 good handfuls of Heath is enough; The last three lines of this first recipe are written in the same hand, but different ink and begins in the left margin and extending to the right edge of the page to fit. This was likely added at a later date.the Smale Beer at Jenkens has too bushel of [scotchSee Lovage] to a hogshead which the brewer there Says is stronger then the 8 Shiling Beer at London.

An Electuary for the Cough of the Lungs. Mrs Grantham;This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Take 6 Ounces of rasons of the Sun Stoned, beat them in a Stone Morter uery Smale, then take 4 ounces of brwon Sugar Candy, beaten uery fine; then take halfe a pound of Conserue of red roses; mix all these well together, then take 12 drops of the Oyle of Sulpher, & 2-4 drops of the Oile of likerch & one ounce of Syrup of Diorodium mix them all wel together & take of this morning & euening, the quantety of a nutmeg, if the party haue a loosnes they must leaue out the Syrups, add 1 ounce of Syrup of Colts food.

Folio page 188r, Scribe's page 405.

To make Pipin Cakes; La: Turnor.This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. take a dozen of fair pipins, pair them & cut them as fast as you pare them, into a quart of Spring water boiling upon the fier, let it boile til it Comes to a thik pulpe then take to euery pound of pulpe a pound of double refined Sugar, boil your sugar in a Clean skillet to a uery high Candy, then pour your pulpe into it, Stir it upon the fier as long as you can for fear of Simering, take it off & put in juice of Leaman And Leaman peil raw sliced acording to your tast, Glas them up in Clear Cake Glases & Stone them & when they are dry atop turne them out upon Sheets of Glass & so dry them up as Clear Cakes.

To make Cherry Brandy. La MordantThis attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Fil a 2 quart Glas with a wide mouth, ful of Morello or Kentish Cherrys within 2 inches of the top & as you put in your Cherrys L[ower] amongst them a quarter of a pound of whit Sugar Candy, finly beaten then fil your glas to the top with the best brandy you Can get Stop & tie it up Cloase, & let it stand about 2 or 3 months & then draw off the brandy into quart bottles Stop them & keep them for your use.

To picle all manner of Salad; Mrs Adamson.This attribution appears in the same hand in the left margin. Make a picle of 2 parts Vineger & 1 part water boil it & put sum salt into it, put it in an earthen pot to keepe, & when your pin[t]s laim or le[tt]re is fit Cut them in lenghs to your liking & put them into this picle, & at your leasure a Month or too after take you Salads out of this picle, & put them into a stew pan of fair water, Couer them up on the fire & when they begin to boile take them off, & let it by to Cool, then let it on

Last edit about 3 years ago by HillaryNunn
Displaying pages 81 - 90 of 154 in total