from the Enemy and repulsed them with the loss of 8000 of their chosen Troopes and the french king being resolued to attacque itt with freash troops everyday day to become Master Master of itt in 2 houres after ordred 10000 freash men to make a 3d assault the same day wherein Coll Cohern the Governor shewed a great deal of Courage and Bravery butt was unfortu nately wounded yett Incouraged his men to repulse the enemy but on a L. C. 2104 S r/ London 23 June 1692 The Paris Gazett saith that Monsieur Tourvill being sent for to attend the King in fflanders and there was greate Expectacon of his being disgraced and sent to the Bastile butt on the Contrary the King told him he was sattesfied he had don his Best and persued his orders and tooke the whole Blame upon himselfe for Ordering him possitively to ffight the English and Dutch ffleetes./ They add that so soone as Namure is reduced they will send a Grand detach ment into Germany and Marquess Bouffloures into ffrance to Gaurd the Coasts and pretends that Duke Luxenburg not withstanding shall ffight the Confederate army. The Merchants on the Exchange haue Letters overland that Aurenzeb Grand Emperrour of the Mogull in India dyed in November Last in the 95 yeare of his age The Lord Sidney has for sometyme deferred his goeing for Ireland and possi tiuely fixed the 4 July to sett forwards to his Government of that Kingdom The Lord Pagett is arrived att ffrank ford ion his way from Vienna to the King Camp where he receiues Instructions and Credentiall Letters to the Grand Seignuer
and the forthwith setts forward to Constante nople - The Turkey Company haueing chosen his Lordshipp their Ressident Ambassador att the Oyyoman Port allowing him 2500li p annum. The Queen this weeke takes full resolu tion in carrying on the descent into ffrance and the King will send the Instructions sealed up which the Adm ll is not to open as to know the contents where they are to Land or what service they are to doe till 24 houres att sea and out of sight of Land. Yesterday the Marquess de Ra vignees Regem t of Horse appeared in Hyde Parke all well Accutered haueing their Tents on their Horses and 6 Horses with their Equipage they Consist of 7 Troopes & before Each of them 7 Reformades after wh h they marched thro the Citty for Ports mouth. Yesterday Came on a Tryall for a Consi derable Estate bequeathed in the Raigne of the late K James to be Endowed on a Nunnery that should haue beene ffounded in St. Martyns Lane and the Jury brought in their verdict for their Majesties
[side note] The Insurers in the Citty will now giue for 5li Laid out 100li if the Castle of Namure be not in possession of the french by the 20 July next forreigne Letter synce y Last bring advice that ffort William w ch Couers the Castle of Namure was taken or rather betrayed into the hands of the french Last Sunday was 7 Night after haueing Endured a siege of 14 dayes and withstood 13 seuerall attacque [/side note]
Edenburg June 16th. 200Twoo officers of the army, the one a Leut t and the other an Ensigne Quarrelling in the Camp drew and ffought and the former being killed upon the Place the Ensigne Made his Escape butt being mortally wounded was found dead the Next day about a Mile from the Campe Wee haue advice from the North that a Great man of warr was a few days synce seen in those seas Comeing along this Coasts with 2 small Vessells Boates and is said to be one of the french men of warr which was disabled in the Late fight and they were endeauour ing to find out some Large shipp to make use of her Masts to Enable her to gett home This Morneing the Lords of the Adm llty rec d an Express that seuerall Transport shipps from Ireland were arriued att St Hellens with a Traine of Artillery & Morters &c w ch tis s d willbe Imployed in the discent The haue also rec d advice that Adm l Russell was last Mo Sunday off of Ushant on his way to Brest haueing Left a squadron of men of warr before St Malloes & some fireshipps w th orders to burn the french men of warr if the found itt Practicable Some English and Dutch Shipps are also appoynted to Bloccade Dunkerke I am assured that most of K James Transport shipps synce their Invassion upon England is prevented are Laden w th salt & wyn
[side note] and sailed Eastward to Traffique into Denmarke & Sweeden - This day all the Judges were sent for to councell and Instructions giuen them to putt the Laws in Execution ag t such as will not take the Oathes and delliuer the same for their seuerall charges to the Grand Jurys in their Circuites - The Justices of Peace of Midd x are also ordred to Tender the oathes and giue to such as haue refused them [/side note]
sudden heard a Party beat behind him by Col Beaumont byWho had betrayd the towne & some of the men being ffateagued agreed to surrend r that Important place - They add Col l Cohern was s d to be gott into the castle wh ch was beleiued Might hold out 10 dayes Longer tho' the french pretended they would be Master of itt in 8 dayes The Letters add that on the 28th the whole army made publique prayers to God to bless their Endeavours ag t the Enemy whome they were Just Marching ag t but Euery day the King looked for the arriuall of the Lunen burg fforces wthhich his Ma ty was willing should Joyn him before he Engaged as wanteing their number of horse being 12000
[side note] To The hon ble S r Rich Newdigate Bar t at Arbury near Coventry 4 [/side note]