and the forthwith setts forward to Constante
nople - The Turkey Company haueing
chosen his Lordshipp their Ressident
Ambassador att the Oyyoman Port allowing
him 2500li p annum.
The Queen this weeke takes full resolu
tion in carrying on the descent into ffrance
and the King will send the Instructions
sealed up which the Adm ll is not to open
as to know the contents where they are
to Land or what service they are to doe
till 24 houres att sea and out of sight
of Land.
Yesterday the Marquess de Ra
vignees Regem t of Horse appeared
in Hyde Parke all well Accutered
haueing their Tents on their Horses
and 6 Horses with their Equipage
they Consist of 7 Troopes & before
Each of them 7 Reformades after wh h
they marched thro the Citty for Ports
Yesterday Came on a Tryall for a Consi
derable Estate bequeathed in the Raigne
of the late K James to be Endowed on
a Nunnery that should haue beene
ffounded in St. Martyns Lane and the
Jury brought in their verdict for
their Majesties
[side note]
The Insurers in the Citty will now giue for 5li Laid out 100li if the Castle of Namure
be not in possession of the french by the 20 July next forreigne Letter synce y
Last bring advice that ffort William w ch Couers the Castle of Namure was
taken or rather betrayed into the hands of the french Last Sunday was 7 Night
after haueing Endured a siege of 14 dayes and withstood 13 seuerall attacque
[/side note]
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