London 7ber 13th 1692
fforreigne Letters since my last
bring the following advice, Ostend the 16th of 7ber
the Transport Shipps are still here but the Well
boates gone for England some dayes agoe
The people of the Countrey presented the Duke
of Lyenster with 300 head of Black Cattle for
the vse of the Army And there are bought 20000
Bombs & halfe the Number of Carcasses and
50000 Bulletts which are to bee Shot hott ~
into the Towne of Dunkirk with Intent to
blow vp the Magazine And in a day or 2
wee recken to begin the Attacque
Newporte Ditto 18 Vessells are
arrived here from Holland Laden with Stones
Brickes & Parras mingled among them they being
all Designed to bee Sunck att the Enterence
of Dunkirk Harbour which will vndoubtedly
Spoyle the Porte Wee talke variously of the
proceeds that wee shall make against itt And tis said
wee shall not beseige itt in forme but Cont
ent our Selves only with Bombarding of
the Towne & Soyle the Harbour for the present
And winter quarter a great many forces ~
about it & demand Contribution of all that
parte of fflanders which is vnder the power of ffrance.
Yesterday a Messenger arrived
Expresse from the King but wee doe not as yet
know his Errand but Sayes that some of the
Guardes are ordered to Loo whereby wee ~
Conclude that his Maiesty will Suddenly leaue
the Army & after some dayes there come
for England
Yesterday 14 Morters were ~
Shipped off att the Tower for fflanders & this day
the Lord Overkirks Regiment of Dutch horse ~
Embarqued for the same Countrey
pervse a Letter dated the 16th from ff...es that the ffrench: had drawne a great Detachment
on one Side Winnixburgh to prevent our Attaque vpon Dunkirke vpon
that quarter but theire maine Army Continues behinde the Lyne & that the King designes
if the weather permitts to Endeavour to give the ffrench: a defeate by provokeing Luxem
burgh to fight & will not leaue the Army soe Soone as he Intended haveing
drawne out Severall Detachments to fall vpon & Sirkmish with parte of the Enemyes
London 7ber 13th 1692
fforreigne Letters since my last
bring the following advice, Ostend the 16th of 7ber
the Transport Shipps are still here but the Well
boates gone for England some dayes agoe
The people of the Countrey presented the Duke
of Lyenster with 300 head of Black Cattle for
the vse of the Army And there are bought 20000
Bombs & halfe the Number of Carcasses and
50000 Bulletts which are to bee Shot hott ~
into the Towne of Dunkirk with Intent to
blow vp the Magazine And in a day or 2
wee recken to begin the Attacque
Newporte Ditto 18 Vessells are
arrived here from Holland Laden with Stones
Brickes & [Parras] mingled among them they being
all Designed to bee Sunck att the Enterence
of Dunkirk Harbour which will vndoubtedly
Spoyle the Porte Wee talke variously of the
proceeds that wee shall make against itt And tis said
wee shall not beseige itt in forme but Cont
ent our Selves only with Bombarding of
the Towne & Soyle the Harbour for the present
And winter quarter a great many forces ~
about it & demand Contribution of all that
parte of fflanders which is vnder the power of ffrance.
Yesterday a Messenger arrived
Expresse from the King but wee doe not as yet
know his Errand but Sayes that some of the
Guardes are ordered to Loo whereby wee ~
Conclude that his Maiesty will Suddenly leaue
the Army & after some dayes there come
for England
Yesterday 14 Morters were ~
Shipped off att the Tower for fflanders & this day
the Lord Overkirks Regiment of Dutch horse ~
Embarqued for the same Countrey
pervse a Letter dated the 16th from [ff...es] that the ffrench: had drawne a great Detachment
on one Side Winnixburgh to prevent our Attaque vpon Dunkirke vpon
that quarter but theire maine Army Continues behinde the Lyne & that the King designes
if the weather permitts to Endeavour to give the ffrench: a defeate by provokeing Luxem
burgh to fight & will not leaue the Army soe Soone as he Intended haveing
drawne out Severall Detachments to fall vpon & Sirkmish with parte of the Enemyes