L.c.2122: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate?, 1692 December 31

Bifolium. No address present. Endorsed: 31 Dec. 92 News Lettr.


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London December 31: 1692

Sir yesterday we received 2 fforreign Mails which bring the following Novells Coblentz 28th Instant the enemy hath so pusht on their Attacks at Rhinfelden as to haue ruined the 2 Bastions and yesterday Morning they made a Generall Assault on the [Camterscarp] with 3000 men Supported by as many and Carryed the same but the beseiged before they could Lodge Themselves thereon drove them out of it with 1000 killed and as many wounded with the Loss of 300 on our side The confederate fforces haue passed the Rhine and are marching towards the enemy whereby our next may give an account of raising the seige or a Bloody Battle. Hague the ffirst of Ianuary ~ the States haue received an Express that the ffrench 2 dayes besieged Huy with 18000 men but Shamefully drew off upon our fforces drawing towards them and have Lost 1200 in the Enterprise Since which the ffrench haue besieged ffurnes but the Heer Overkirk is Marching with the Horse and the Earl of Achlone with the Foot to prevent their design One Captain Newland who had been taken and Carryed into Brest and Lately came Thence and St Maloes

{Except the Commissioners which they do on Munday, They haue fflung out the Oath to the Assessor and instead thereof laid a penalty of 10li = The House of Lords deferred the Affair of the Duke of Norfolk till Munday and haue been all this day upon the Bill from the Commons about disabling Members to sitt in Parliament that shall accept of an Employ at Court and It was believed}

Last edit over 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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Arrived here this Christmas gives an account that there are great preparacions making in those ports and they openly declare that they will make a descent either Into Scottland or Ireland but sayes that our taking Lately a ffleet of Danish shipps being Laden with Navall stores doth very much retard them In order to the Equipping their new shipps - he further adds that money is some what plenty in the Sea Port Towns but very sccarce in the Countrey and that for one young man might see 40 old the fformer being hurried to the warrs Those of St Maloes are fortifying it as Likewise all other Towns fearing a descent from England Edenburgh 24th December Sir Iames Stewart has taken his place at the Councell Board as the Kings Advocate and on the 23d appeared before the Lords of the Sessions in his Gown - It is said his Maiestie has remitted the Affair of the Magistrates of this City which still continues on the same Foot as mencioned In my Last to his Councel. Sir patrick Murray their Maiesties Cash Keeper and Sir William Lockart their Maiesties sollicitor Generall are removed from being Councellors and tis said divers Alteracions will be made shortly among the Officers of state in this kingdom - ffrequent Robberies are of Late committed in and about this City the Rogues going In Bands 20 of which Lately attacqued

himself was slightly wounded in the Belly but I cannot learn the Occasion = Die Sabbati 31 The House of Commons would not agree to a present free Conference with the Lords but sent word by a Messenger of their own - They haue this day committed the Bill for Coynage that the Standard or Current price be 3d Lesse in value to hinder the Exportacion thereof They afterwards went through the Money Bill

Last edit over 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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The Laird of pennycocks house but were repulsed before they could accomplish their design This Week his Maiestie sent to Chattam for sir Clously Shovell to wait upon him at Kensington. It is said Mr: Bridgman will Succeed Mr Dives (Lately deceased) as Clerk of the Councell Advice came yesterday to the Lords of the Admiralty that some of our ffrigatts haue brought into portsmouth 2 Danish men of warr after 4 hours ffight they were Convoy to 40 Sail of Danish shipps that were bound for ffrance with Navall stores after which one of our ffrigatts is sailed and tis hoped will give a good account of Them. Yesterday the House peers were debating a Long time the Matter of the return of the Earl of Nottinghams papers from the Commons and at Length agreed to haue a free conference this day at 12 a clock with them and Instructed the Managers to insist upon some heads relating to Admirall Russell The Letters from Ireland say that a Conspiracy is discovered there to have betrayed the Towns of Cork and Kingsail to the ffrench for which severall persons are in Custody and the Lord Liuetenant is going to the aforesaid places to see that they be put into a posture of defence and a Train of 28 pieces of Cannon is gott ready to be drawn out at an hours Warning The Letters yesterday from Paris Say they haue an Account that

{The ffrench Privatiers haue Lately Carryed Into Dunkirk Severall Dutch Merchant Ships particularly one worth 150000 livres = yesterday our Merchants received the bad News that the Berckley Castle a merchant Ship worth 40000li was Lately cast away near Leghorn = Yesterday the Earl of Danby went out of Town and ffought a Duell with Captain Stringer and wounded him in the Arm and Thigh and}

Last edit over 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez


They would have Thrown it out but ye house divided and Carryed it for Committing it Yeas 42 Noes 33

31 December. 92 News Letter

Last edit over 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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