L.c.2135: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692/1693 February 4

Bifolium. Postmarked: FE/4. Endorsed: 4 Feb. 92/3.


Needs Review



London ffebruary the 4th (92 3)


Yesterday a Complaint was made to the house of Commons that affleet of between 50 & 60 Sail of the Enemies ships had Shipped into Dunkirk notwithstanding our squadron of Men of War in the Downes who never Weighed Anchor to Intercept them upon which aCommittee is appointed to search the Miscaradge

I am Credibly Assured that above 150000li is allready brought into the Exchequer upon the proiect Million Bill & tis not Doubled but the whole summ will be suddenly advanced which will render the Borrowing Clause useless

The time Mrs MeriWether was reprived for is on Munday Expired & tis verily beleived unless she makes an Ingenious Confession of her accomplices she be be yeat Executed

The Severall persons who have Bills found against them for Imbesling the Kings Stores in his Yard at Chatham will be Tryed this Term at the Kings bench Bar

Parson Yong will alsoe be tryed for the Notorious fforgery upon the Bishopp of Rochester

a ffrench Prize which struck first to the English Privateer but the other being to the Windward boarded her soe the Matter must be decided by the Admiralty Court Sabbatic ffebruary 4 the house resolved itself into a Grand Committee further upon waies & Means & made a Considerable Progress & are to be on the same on tuesday Next ; they afterwards went upon the Bill for punishing Mutineers & Desserters

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez


The House of Peers Yesterday proceeded further on the tryall of the Lord Mahone they were along time arguing the Manner of theire proceedings & haveing Adiusted the same to ask the Iudges Opinions upon divers Points of Law and that any Peer may put his Question & accordingly the Lord Kingston Earls of Mulgrave & Nottingam &c put severall Questions to the Iudges & had answers from them upon each head they heard alsoe what the Councill had to Offer on the behalfe of the Prisoner & at 9 at Night Adiourned to 10 this Day when tis beleived theyle Enter upon the point Guilty or not Guilty

Wee had advice yesterday from Worcester that a Great Mutiny had lately been there occasioned by the Corning of some ffactors from Bristoll to buy up Corn to transport whereby the price is much enhansed but the Magistrates seized & Committed some of the Cheife Mutineers whereby the tumult was appeased

They Write from Portsmouth of the 2d Instant that the Bridget Galley came to Spithead haveing Lost in [stres..f..eller] affrench: Privateer & 9 of the Men were put on board her when taken

about 20 Eminent Cittizens of Good repute most Insurers of shipping are are this week gon aside - Yesterday the Daneish envoy had audience of his Maiestie & demanded restitucion for the Daneish ships taken by our Men of Warr and to have his ffinal answer in 7 Daies the Letters from Portsmouth further advise that there is a Contest between an English & a flushing Privateer Conserning

The Lunt ffriggat which was Insured at 40li Per Cent: supposed to be Lost is arived Cales Richly Laden

Sir Iames Hayes who Marryed the Lady ffankenbridg Dyed Last thursday Night at Kensinton

Wee hear that the Recorder of London has a List of the Names of 50 Highway Men their Inns & haunts and this week severall horses heve been seized which noe boddy ownes wherefore tis beleived they belong to the Gang after whom Great search is made

Yesterday the house of Commons Voted 5li per Cent to be layd upon the stock of the East: India Company to be appropriated to the use of the Warr & resolved to lay the Like summ upon the stocks of the Husdons Bay & Affricae Companyes

Wee have advice from Ireland that the Lord Lieutenant of that Kingdom is prepareing of Bills to be sent hither for the Kings approbacion in order to be passed into Lawe at the next meeting of Parliament and endevours are used to find out atemporament to Compose the Misunderstanding of the last sessions

the King: has now declared his resollucion of begining his Iorney by the ffirst or 2d of March- On thursday night 2 Gentlemen were Robbed in st Georges ffeilds by some ffoot Padds who took from them 2 Watches & about 5li in Monney and all their Clothes Leaveing them Naked & tyed [...] to back to prevent their persuit & one of them is soe sick that tis beleived hele never recover the Disaster

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
Needs Review


& went through the same & ordered it to be Engrosed the Peers have been all this Day till 5 of the Clock Debateing in the house the severall reasons relateing to the Lord Mahones Tryall & made an end of the same there were 14 Peers found him Guilty of Murder & by that he was not Guilty where by his Lordship was acquitted the Lord High steward made a Speech Dissolved the Court & broke his staff = the Lord Strathnevar is made Cold of one of the Regiments to be raised in scotland & sir Iames: Mancreife for the other

4 February. 92/3

To The honorable Sir Richard: Newdigate Baronet At Arbury 2 near Coventry

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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