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Walter Chitwin Esquire Member of
Parliment for Stafford Dyed 2 or 3 Daies agoe
of the Small Pox heareing noe Issue to our
Estate of 4000li Per annum But has made Captain
Chitwin his Kinsman his sole Executor and
has ordered an Anuity to all his servants
proportionably to their Degrees-

The Million Proiect Act has advanced
since yesterday 7 Night 12800li & as the Law
Directs Sallyes are struck-

Rear Admirall Mitchell is ordered
to return with his squadron to england Imediately
after he has Convoyed the King to Holland-

Forty Gentlemen with each aMan
attending him well Mounted are arived there
from Glocesteirshire Designeing to pass this
summer in the Campaign in fflanders provided
his Maiestie will permit them to act as a Boddy

Last tuesday Night 3 Highway Men
Robbed as many Gentlemen near Hyde park
Corner from one of whom they took 25 Guinees
a silver hilted sword and aWatch

Yesterday the Gunner belonging
to the train of Artillery in fflanders went down
the River in order to their Imbarqement

Wee had an account yesterday from Guilford
in surrey that one Mr Thornberrough a
Minister who had abennifice of 200li Per annum
in the Countrey Preached lately upon the
following Text Let him that think hee
stands take heed Least he fall & then went
Imediately and hanged himselfe in aWood and
was not Discovered till 9 Daies after-

Deceased ^the King: doing it mera Moatu with verry Gratious Expressions in favor ^of him - A Great Many Gentlemen
besides those afforementioned are come out of severall Counties with horses & servants
well Mounted & Equipped to serve as Vollenteers in fflanders - Wee have an account
that the Surveyor Gennerall haveing vewed the Roades is allready arived at Harwich
& sent an account of all the Defective waies between that place & London

I am Assured that the King has
declared his resollucion to Carry
on aDiscent this summer against ffrance: to which end
all Matters are disposed aGreat Number
of Bisketts to be baked aVast Number
of Beifes to be Killed 20000 tents to be
prepared and severall Thousand Loads
of Hay to be bought up The Lord Livetenant of
Ordnance to gett ready all sorts of Municion
of War The Wellboates to be
Carreened in order for service & the Discent
will be made by his Maiesties subiects & the ffrench

Dr Roan Bishopp of Killalow
being lately Dead in Ireland his Maiestie
has appointed Dr Pooly to succeed him

Sir Thomas: Darsy a Member of
Parliment for Maulden in Essex Dyed lately
att his seat in that Countrey

I am well Informed that the
Discent will be Made with 30000 ffoot &
4000 house & 2000 Dragoones

Dartmouth 19 yesterday Admirall
Aylmer arived at St Hellens with
his squadron Admirall Rook is
still here with the streights ffleet
waiteing only affaier wind to Carry
him fforward

Its Said that Sir Thomas: Powis
will be made Attorney Gennerall

Last Night the the Commission for Constituteing Duke Hamilton High Commissioner of
Scotland was Signed - Yesternight the King: was pleased ex Gratia to Declare Sir Iohn Trenchard
Secretary of State in the Room of the Lord Sidney and Sir Iohn was ordered to attend
the Councill att Kensinton this afternoon in order to be Sworn His Maiestie has Declared
Samuell [Theor] Esquire Surveyor Gennerall of England which place was formerly enioyed by Mr Harbord

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Lucio Alvarez

mera Moatu - The meaning of Ex mero motu is out of mere impulse, of one's own accord, of one's free will.