L.c.2157: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1693 March 28

Bifolium. Postmarked: MR/28. Endorsed: 8 March 93 News Lettr.


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London March 28th 1693.


The forreigne Letters since my last bring the following advice.

Paris the 24th March. The King has ordered the Dauphin to goe to Brest to see in what forwardnesse the fleet is in, and to visit the Magazines & fortificacions of the Coasts and to returne in 3 weeks time and to make an exact report to the King when his Maiestie. will hold an extraordinary Councell upon Maritime affaires as how to act with his fleet either. to offend the enemy or to guard our owne Coasts the latter of which is judged moste needfull for that there begins to be a discourse and not to be without some foundacion that the English will certainely make adescent upon us this summer. The Kings Equipage is getting ready in a very glorious manner but will not set forward untill Midd May. Those skilled in the Polliticks conclude that he has some greate designe in veiw but where it will be formed they are to seeke but guesse it is either. to attacque the Garrison of Rhinfeilden on the Rhine to regaine our last reputacion or to forme the seige of Neuport in flanders This wee are assured that all the Switzers that were at the veiw of Chaltilly had orders from the Duke of Maine the generall to hold themselves ready to march upon the first orders to flanders.

Edinburgh the 27th instant The last weeke 21 souldiers with a serieant & 2 corporalls 2

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of Captaine Makays independant Company which was to make up part of Collonel Moncriffs Regiment. and were quartered at Glascow deserted with their Armes and marched in a body to the high lands and aparty of Dragoons were sent in pursuit but missed them

Falmouth the 23d A Whale of prodigious [buzinesse] had beene seene of the Lizard Severall of the men belong -ing to the Crowne Interloper lately taken on the Coast at Guinea are come ashore at the lands end and say tho she carryed but 30 guns yet fought 3 french men of War 24 hours till 50 of her men were Killed and severall wounded

Plymouth the 24 On the 22d. arrived here the Mary Brigantine of New yorke in 5 weeks from Bar -badoes and brought a packquet for their Maiesties which was imediately sent to white hall the men say that Island is in perfect health and in a good posture of defence, that Sir Francis Wheeler was not arrived at their comeing away and that they onely wanted for assistance from England to attacque Martenico haueing put themselves to a 10000li charge for that purpose

Our Merchants upon the Exchange haue received letters from Leghorne of the 16th Instant which give an account that Count d:'Estree with the thoulon squadron has met with a violent storme which has separrated & shat - tered them and one of the bomb boats is come ashore neare that place This Morning one Hamilton an Irish Papist was taken into the

The Duke of Ormonds Troope is goeing to quarter for some time at Warwicke & Cowentry.

Yesterday the Queene went to Hampton Court.

Wee had an account yesterday from Pakham in Rutlandshire - that a quarrell lately happened there betweene acompany of Souldiers and the Butchers of that Towne one of the later being Killed in the fray and sewerall of the former wounded but the souldiers being the Occasion - of it severall of them were committed.

Vienna the 18th. instant The Emperour has lately received divers letters from Turkey that the Grand Signior by the advice of the Counsell continues resolv -ed to carry on the War with the whole force of his Empire designing to bring 100000 men ^not reckoning 4000 tartars and malecontents who shall endeavour to breake into transilvania. Already 20000 turks have appeared before Essecke as if designed to beseige the same and in their returne plundred agreate many villages carrying severall thousands of the Imperialists into slavery upon which the Governour has sent to Court for a Reinforcement of his Garrison and the Emperour has held severall Councells

upon it, and tis generally said that his Imperiall Maiestie has recalled the Prince of Baden from the Rhine and 'tis feared some imperiall Regiments must alsoe be recalled to make head against the turks, and expresses are sent to all princes in Germany to hasten the March of the forces into Hungary A french Spy was seized as he was goeing to burne the Emperours fleete in the Danube

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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Custody of a Messenger by Secretary Trenchards Warrants in So hoe for treasonable practices yesterday the King gaue the Queen Notice that by a Letter that if the Wind continued eastward which hindred his Embarqueing he would returne to Kensington this evening and accordingly the guards went this morning to meet him The Princes of Denmarke continues indisposed since her miscarriage of adead child The Dutch Letters confirme that 11 of 25 ships that went from Scotland with recruits for flanders were taken by 3 French Privateers which fell in with the reare of them.

8 March 93 News Letter

To the honorable Sir Richard: Newdigate Baronet at Arbury 7 6d [..] near Coventry

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