Newdigate family collection of newsletters

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L.c.2137: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692/1693 February 9

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might not be Called to account & that it Did not Inteach upon the Kings Prerogative for that it was formerly Practised & the Word Prerogative was from Perago which was a priveledge the King asked & had Granted by the People for their protection In ffine it twas Carryed in the Affirmative by 39= Scotch Letters of the 3d Instant Say a Proclamacion is published there for the further Adiourning that Parliament to the ffirst of next Month & that Duke Hamelton designes suddenly for Court & is expected back with the Title of Lord Commissioner Great Quantities of Coin are bought up there for fflanders --

9 February. 92/3

To The honorable Sir Richard: Newdigate baronet At Arbury 4 near Coventry

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez

L.c.2138: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692/1693 February 11

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London ffebruary: the 11 (92 3)


Mounts bay the 5 four Barques rideing in this Road affrench Privateer Bore towards them with English Coullors which they Mishasting weighed Anchor & came Nearer shoare but the ffrench: Man pursuing to farr struck upon aRock and soe became a prey to the People

Plimouth the 7th about 10 Daies since their Maiesties Warehouse was broke open & a Great Deal of tallow & Canvas stolen there out & last Eavening some of the Canvas was found in a Dunkill belonging to a publique stable the Master whereof & his son in law ffled but his Wife being examined confessed that her husband & son in law with some others (now ffled) Comitted the Fact upon which she was sent to Geole & Hue & Cry sent after her husband ..

Yesterday about noon 2 Notorious Highway Men were seized near Epping & and Committed to Newgate

Yesterday the House of Lords haveing the Bill brought them by the Commons for [.] tryenniall Parliament forth with read the same & agreed to some amendments soe that it now wants only the Royall Assent

they write from Lorge that the ffrench: are getting ready 2 trains of artillery and boast theyll Attack Many places at once that they lately endevoured to take affort which Corers Ostend but were happily prevented & that its beleived theyll beseige Newport haveing Amassed great stores at Dunkirk [Ipriz] &c and have 90000 Men upon their lines & places Adiacent

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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Three Troopes will be added to the Lord of Oxfords Regiment of [horses]

aDutch Caper hath brought into Cowes the Prophet Daniell of Ostend Laden with Wine & Brandy from [thunk]

The Lord Iermain hath Introduced several Gentemen of Iersey [..] into his Maiesties presence who presented him with apleasing & Adress & his Maiestie has promised to take those Islands into his spetiall protection

Edenburgh 14 This day aVessell was taken up by order of Councill & [Manor] with 12 seamen and as many ffuzaleers & sent to the Bass to discover what Vessells were there- A boat Laden with 300 booles of Wheat was lately taken by aVessell sent from the bass & Carried in there

Hia Maiestie has ordered Lieutenant Generall Talmash to repaier to Flanders in aWeeks time he being to Command all the English & Scotch fforces & all the Genneralls Officers are to be English

The Swedes & Danes retained here are now discharged giveing security not to touch at any of the ffrench Ports

[Swanzy] the 6 Instant 2 Daies agoe aPrivateer of 4 Guns fitted out by the

Last Night wee read afforeign Mail which says- from Vienna of 31 ult that all advices from turkey say that the Grand Sennior is resolved to run the risk of another Campaign to which end fforces are raiseing in all the Ottoman territories & Great preparacions are sent to the Cham of Tartary to oblige him to bring a Numerous fforce into Hungary & the Germans are prepareing to oppose that designes -

Enhabitants of this place sent in a ffrench Prize of 6 Tuns which she took on the Coast of Ireland & in her return was attaqued by a ffrench: Privateer of 6 Guns with whom she fought Severall howers but haveing 56 Men on board the ffrench: Man would not Adventure to board him but sheied off & ours is safely arrived in to Port

ffoy in Corwall the 6 yesterday a French Caper came in to the Mouth of this harbour & Carryed off a Vessell Laden with Grocery Wares-

Wee hear aProclamacion will be published next week requireing all Lords Leiutenants of Counties Deputy Lieutenants and Iustices of the Peace to Make Dilligent search after absconded seamen there being severall not yeat returned to their ships which according to Proclamation ought to have been on board by 20 ult

Wee had advice yesterday from Dover that by aVessell arived there on Wednesday from Newport in fflanders they have an account that they Dayly expect to be Invested by the ffrench: most part of the ffrench: Kings houshold troopes being arived at Monss and himselfe howerly Expected-

Mrs Munford has not brought her appeal against the Lord Mohan but Designes to proceed on the statute of Henry: the 7 Chapter the [...] The Tryall of the Parsons for Imbesling the Kings stores at Portsmouth is deferrd till next term- Yesterday the house. of Commons went in to aGrand committee to raise afurther supply & agreed to have a re viewe of the Last Poll Tax & some would have another Poll but twas Carryed in the Negative

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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This Day the Lords appointed the Committee to draw up an Adress to his Maiestie upon the severall leads of Advice they have agreed to make the [King]: this Day the house of Commons read a 2d time the Bill for encourageing Privateers by allowing the Commodities they take to be sold in Markets & areward for every tunn they shall take either Privateer or Man of War together with the Hulk A Bill for Punishing Mutineers & Diserters and paying souldiers Querters was reported & ordered to be Engrosed The Heer Overkirk Generall of horse is by his Maiestie layd aside being a Dutch Man & Collonel Lumley goes forthwith to Command in his Roome

11 February. 92/3

To The honorable Sir Richard: Newdi= gate / Baronet 2 At Arbury near Coventry

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez

L.c.2139: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692/1693 February 14

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London ffebruary: 14 (92/3)


The Term ending Yesterday Parson Yong who was some Daies agoe Convicted of Mannifest fforgery was brought. to the Kings. Bench bar in order to receive Sentence for the same and the Villain being Consious of his Guilt and beleiving it Merrited Death fell upon his Knees and begged Transportacion but the Law being too favourable in that Case the Court only sentenced him to stand 3 times on the Pillory in the Pallace yard ffined him 1000li to remain 3 yeares in Prisson and not to be allowed Pen Ink or Paper & this Morning Mounted the Stage in his Wodden Ruff before Westminster Hall Gate

The Gentleman who Claimed the title of Earl: of Banbury was brought to the Kings bench Bar and moved the Court to Admit him to baile. but after arguing the Matter remanded him to Newgate the Court being first willing to argue his Plea upon Replication that will be made by the Attorney Gennerall. begining of next term

Yesterday the house of Peeres remitted 100li set upon the Earl: of Aylsbury for Abseating the house at the Lord Mahones tryall

the house of Lords heard this Day an appeal from out of Chancery between the King: and the East: India Company being for 9000li for the 10th part of the vallue they took from the Great Mogull in the Indies & they affirmed the Decree in favour of the King This Day the house of Commons read a 2d time & Committed the Bill for takeing the publique accounts they also read the

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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They after heared the Peticion of the Merchants against Passing of the Aulnage Bill & appointed it to be Considered on next Wednesday And their Lordship afterwards read the first time the Bill about. Royall Mines and there being some Nice Distinction therein ordered the Iudges to be summoned to give their opinion thereon next thursday

Plimouth the 10th yesterday the German Spy boat came in here from Cruizeing and have brought with him a fisher boat which he took within 4 Legues of Brest the Men upon Examinacion say that that the ffrench: are Equiping their ffleet with all dilligence and that a squadron is allready put to sea ...... of Marriners and another is to follow to ioyn and follow them but uppon what design tis not yeat known

Portsmouth the 12 Yesterday arived here the streits ffleet with their Convoy of 14 Men of War with about 60 sail of Merchants A Dutch outward bound East India shipp being at Anchor & the Commander going on shoar ordered noe person should be suffered to come on board but had the Curiosity to return to the ship side to find how the Centinels performed their Duty & refuseing to give a speedy answer one of them shott him Dead and was this Day brought on shoar

there should be aborrowing Clause or Clause of Credit added to the Bill the parliment promiseing to make good the Next session what should be wanting in this But it was endevoared by some to get 2 Yeares further Impost on East India Commodities as a Colatterall security which the house resented as beleiveing their promise of repayment in an act of Parliment was suffitient security for that the whole Credit of the Nacion was conserned thereon and applicable thereto

to be Interred An English Privateer is returned with 2 prizes one of them a swedish fly boat And order is come hither from Dover to take up all the Vessells of burden they can for transport ships -

Iohn Poultrey Esquire Clerk of the Councill in Ireland is arived from Dublin being sent by his Excellency the Lord Sidney to receive his Instructions before he goes for fflanders

Iam assured that 200000li is remitted out of Holland being the monney of severall persons to be lent on the proiect Million Act the Interest of Monney being low In Holland

Collonel God has acquainted his Maiestie that he has not layd Down his Commission vpon any dissattisfaction but some private reasons Induced him thereto with which the King: is sattisfyed

On satterday last the Lord Mahone had the houner to Kiss his Maiesties hand before he travells into fforreign Parts

Briggadeer Stewards Regiment is to be made the Regiment of Guards in Ireland to Consist of 26 Companies & atroop of Guards of 120 horse will be raised there under Command of Collonel Smyth

Captain Villers of the Guards is Made Collonel of Sir Iohns Morgans Regiment

Its said that Collonel Churchill & his brother Captain Churchill of Aman of [teays] have layd Down their Commands-

yesterday the House of Commons went upon further waies & Meanes to raise the remainder of the Monney for the Kings supply being 300000li & Considered that the reveue of the Poll would not amount to halfe and thereupon propounded Divers proiects the one of Paper used in service of the Law should have aRoyall Stamp at aLimited Price & from thence forward noe Limited Bill bond &c that was not written in such paper should be Vallid in Law but they Conserted into disaprobacion & resolved

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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Second time the New Supply Bill & Committed it to aCommittee of the whole house they afterwards heard areport of the Committee of Elections the Ellection of the County of Essex & after Some Debates pro et Con the house Divided and disagreed with the report by 3 Voices whereby the siting Member Mr Homeywood is Confirmed against Sir Eliab Harvey

14 February. 92/3


To The honorable Sir Richard: Newdigate baronet at Arbury near Coventry 4

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez

L.c.2141: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692/1693 February 18

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London ffebruary: 18th 1692


The house: of Lords Yesterday agreed 3 heads of Advice to the King vizt to putt the Livetenancy of London into better hands to regulate the Abuises of [Prest masters] & to turn out all persons in places of Trust who will not take the Oaths

Yesterday the house of Lords was likewise a long time debating a Bill brought in by the Earl of Pembrook against the Estate of the Lord Jeffereys which was deferred till they hear the Iudges Opinions about itt

Wee had Advice Yesterday from the Downes that Vice Admirall Altemond is arrived there with a Dutch man of warr & the rest are following

Mr Adam Banks Woollen traper in the Citty is to bee tryed next Sessions for Spreading the late Kings Declaracions & Mr Charleton a Highwayman who was one of them that Attempted to robb Mr Lamb the Goldsmith will bee tryed next Sessions hee was bred a Merchant & had averey plentfull ffortune but reduced by Extravagancy & bad Company to this miserable Condicion

Portsmouth 16 the Chatham Yatch is arrived here & has brought in 70000li to pay off some Shipps &c - And last night Admirall Rook arrived in order to Command the Squadron to the Streights

The 3 Admiralls have Exhibited a Complaynt to the West Indies & another goenig to Turkey the Lyne of Battle will not bee soe great as last yeare by 12 or 14 Men of warr = This day the Lords read the first time the Bill against Hawkers & Pedlers & rejected the same the Marquis of Halifax said that if it Should pass 20000 persons must bee Starved or Robb

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Plymouth 14 Instant the Dover ffrigat is returned here with 4 Danish Shipps which 'tis beleived will bee proved good Prize they haveing Contraband goods on bourd.

Last night there was brought into the Exchequer 65000[?] vpon the Million Proiect Act & great summes are in readnes to bee added to itt Especially what I lately told you to bee sent from Holland but it is said they must putt itt vpon English lives - otherwise it will bee difficult to know whether they bee dead or Living

The Shipp Robert of London belonging to divers Gentlemen about white hall that was some time since taken out of the Port of Tunis by the ffrench: & no reparacion made by that Goverment being a Neutrall Port - Letters are prepareing by the King which Admirall Rook is to take along with him into the Mediterranean & is to sayle with his squadron before the said place to demand Satisfaccion for the Shipp & goods & in Case of refusall to force them to a Complyance with his demands for Suffering such an Affront to bee Committed in theire Port

Yesterday 4 Clippers were seized in Soho & Committed to the Gatehouse

Edingburgh the 11th Instant there are lately arrived in Leith Road 42 Merchant

The Lord Laxington Master of the house to the Princess of Denmarke haveing Layne downe 'tis said hee will bee Succeeded by the Lord Denleigh - This afternoone a Commander of a Ship arrived from ffrance: & has been with the Earle of Nottingham & given him an account that the ffrench: are sending from Brest a Squadron of Shipps to meet & reinforce the Tholone Squadron for feare they should meet with the English & Dutch in the Streights

Shipps vnder Convoy of the Brent ffrigatt which with another Man of warr is to Convoy the Recruites that are now Embarqueing ffor fflanders

On Thursday night the Heer Overkirk arrived here from Holland & is gon after his Maiestie to render him account: of the posture of Affaires in the Netherlands & to acquaint his Maiestie that his presence is Indispensably Necessary in those Countryes with all possible speed for that the ffrench have some grand Attack in view & some will have itt that they designe to beseige Maestricht which place should [...] theire hands would oblige the States of Holland more neerly to Concerne themselves for theire owne Safety

Paris Gazett from Ratisbone of the 1mo say that the Princes who opposed the 9th Electorate Continue theire Clamors & the Duke of Woolfenbotle has putt 8 Troopes of Horse & 13 Companyes of ffoot into the Towne of that name & 6 Troopes of Cavaly & 12 Companyes of Infantry into -- Brunswick & the Movements of the Troopes of Denmarke Holsten & Sweeden Dukes of Bremen Munster & Westphalia Cause great Inquietudes the Minister of Munster & Woolfenbotle being recalled from the - Dyett Communicated to the Collidge before

theire departure that theire Masters Conceived great dissatisfaccion to finde that the Emperor had Invested the 9th Electorate without the Consent of divers Princes of the Empire which they terme an Enterprize soe preiudiciall to the ffundamentall Rights of the Empire that they must vigorously oppose the Continuance of the more Especially since the Emperor has taken Measures not Conducive to the safety of the Empire = =

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on the Highwayes = The house of Commons read this day a 2d time a Bill againste Poaching of the Game & went thro parte of the new Impost Bill & they are to bee on the same againe on Munday

18 February. 92/3


To the Honorable sir Richard Neudigate Baronet at Arbury near Coventry per Litchfeild Bag 2

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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