University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117046)





To make Raisin Wine Mrs Jervis

Boyl 10 Gallons of water. put it when half cold to 50 pounds Malaga raisins chopt stems and all Let this stand 10 days, stiring it twice a day. Squeeze the liquor out with your hands, thro' an hair seive put it up by degrees Let it stand about about 4 months in the Vessele - adding to it 49 ts of brandy - Let it work for 6 weeks with the bung open. Then stop it up by degrees. Let it stand about 4 months in the vesell. Then draw it off. When you have drawn off little more than two thirds you will perceive it run thick Catch that by itself in a pan and all the Lees with it. philter it thro' a flannel bag Let it be all put into the Vessele again. whip't up with an ounce of iceing glass stop it close till your taste tell you it is fitt for bottleing

Lip Salve

A quarter of a pint of oyl of sweet Almonds half an ounce of Sperma Ceti a penny worth of virgins wax melt these over the fire in a silver thing then put in a little Alkennet root to colour it

Shrewsbury Cakes Miss Wynne

A pound of flour half a pound of butter a quarter of a pound of single refined sugar, and a glass of sack

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


Oyster Loafes Mts Middlemore

Take oysters, and wash 'em in a little warm water, then strain their own liquor , and stew 'em in it, with a little white wine, some Mace and whole pepper, and a bit of lemmon peel Let 'em stew a quarter of an hour Thicken the liquor with a bit of butter Cut off a thin lid of a french roll, and take out all the Crum Then fry 'em in boiling butter, till they crisp and of a light brown fill them and put the lid on

Custard Pudding --Do

Take a pint of Cream or milk put to it six eggs very well beaten leave out 2 whites season it with sugar Nutmeg, and a little sack and put in a spoonfull of grated bread Then put it in a Cloth three or 4 times double Let your water boil when you put it in, and keep it boiling constantly for an hour Melt butter and sugar for Sauce.

To make Cowslp Wine Mrs Jervis

Take 4 Gallons of water put to it 10 pounds of fine powder sugar, boil it together half an hour, and turn it clean all the time it boils Then run it thro' a fine hair Seive, and let it stand till almost cold The put to it 4pounds spoonfulls of light

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


yeast, and when it is cream'd over put into it Two pecks of Cowslips peeps fresh pick'd Stir it well together Then put into it a pint and an half of Spirits of wine & 4 lemons slic'd put it altogether into a Vessele and let it stand 6 weeks And then if fine bottle it. It must be stir'd everyday

To make a pound Cake Sister Brydges

Take a pound of fine flour, well dry'd by the fire a pound of loaf sugar beaten and sifted a pound of fresh butter, beat it with your hand till it is so soft as it can be Take 10 eggs, but half the whites put the sugar first into your butter, then the eggs last of all the flour with a little Mace and Nutmeg with an ounce of Carraway seeds Then put it into the pan and bake it

Artificiall Asses Milk Mrs Jones

Take 2 quarts of Spring water, half an ounce of shavings of hartshorn, and the same of pearl barley boil this till a 3rd part is wasted. Then put in 6 or 8 shell snails well wash'd and bruis'd and half an ounce of Eringo root. Boil it again a little and Strain it off

Heartshorne Flummery Mrs Middlemore

Take half a pd of hartshorne to 2 qts of spring water, and boil it to about a pint. Then strain it off and put to it 3 or 4 spoonfuls of cream a little Orange flower water sweeten it to your taste stir it till near cold then put it in your Cups

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


For the Eyes Mrs Jones

Rose water an ounce Tutty and Callaminaries of each one Scruple 2 drachms of honey, a clove split

Dr. Ratcliffs Recipet for a cough and Consumption

Conserve of red roses 3 ounces pulvis Italy 3 drachms Crabs eyes. crabs claws prepared each 1 drachm make it into an Electuary with Syrup of Maiden hair, and take the quantity of a Nutmeg morning and Evening Drink after each dose a small coffee dish of the following Pectorale

Raisins of the sun ston'd 1 ounce 9 dates. 11 figs Maiden hair Scabious. Coltsfoot of each one handfull, Liquorish half an ounce cut and boil 'em in 3 pints of water till one pint is consum'd and let it stand to settle Then pour it of and add of barley Cinnamond water 2 ounce. half the quantity is enough to boil at a time It will change in a few days.

Water Cakes Mrs Daw

Take 2 pound of flour, rub in half a of pound of fresh butter very well then put in half a of pound of dry sugar. an ounce of Carraway seeds. 3 spoonfulls of Ale yeast 3 yolks of eggs, beaten with a little rose water half a pint of cream warm'd mix altogether into a paste and role it out the thickness of a crown pence and cut them out with the top of a glass and bake them

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF
Needs Review


on tin plates buttered. Take care they are prick'd and full of holes. Bake'em to be colour'd on both sides

Oranges for Tarts Mrs Middlemore

Let your Oranges lay in water 5 or 6 days changing the water every day. Then boil 'em till they be as tender, that a straw may run thro' 'em They must be boiled in 3 or 4 different waters, that they may not be bitter, when they are tender enough cut around bit off the top and scoop out all the pulp as clear as possible Then take a pound of fine sugar to a pound of Orange, The sugar must be boil'd in the Orange water till it comes of a good thickness, and then give the Orange a boil up in the Sugar Syrup But the Syrup must be very clear straine'd off before you put the Oranges in When this is done put the Oranges in potts or jarrs, and cover them with the Syrup

To Collar a Breast of Veal Mts Jones

Bone it and season it, with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg Mace, a little fat bacon in thin slices, and force meat Then role it up hard and tye it with tape or pack thread put it on a tin pan with some caule or suet over it and let it Bake 2 hour 1/2

To make Rumbuge Do

A pint of [morntain?], half a pint of water a little bitt of lemon peel, sweeten it to your taste & then boil it. beat 2 eggs with 4 or 5 spoonfulls of the wine Then put it into a chocolate pott, and Mill it very well before you put it into your cupps

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 76 in total