


Status: Needs Review

To make Hamms -- Ditto..

Cut your Hamms Westphalia fashion beat all the fleshy
part with a rolling pin, but break the bones, To every-
Ham take two oz. brown sugar 4 oz. Salt petre beat is
small and mix it with common salt with as much as
will keep it sweet in a vessell as will hold pickle-
enough to cover them - The next day put to each Ham a pint of vinegar, and a pint of pump water
turn them every ^other day stiring up the pickle with your
hands keep them prep'd down 14 days - Then hang
them in a Chimney three weeks where you burn Wood

To make a Ragoe. Ditto..

Take a breast of veal and lard it very thick, and half
roasted - Then put it in a stewing pan that will hold
it - Set it over a charcoal fire - and put into it about
half a pd. of butter, when the butter is very hot put
in the veal and brown it very well - Then put into
it a quart of strong broth, a quart of white wine
a bundle of sweet herbs 3 or 4 anchovies, some
mace and pepper, and a slice or two of Lemons, and
let it stew two hours Then put in some Oysters -
Mushrooms, and sweet breads, and shake in half a
pound of butter - Serve it up about the rims of the
Dish have some sippits tongues larded and force

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