


Status: Needs Review

Scotch Callops - Ditto

Cut your slices thin off a leg of veal, season them with nutmeg
pepper and salt to your taste fry them in fine beef driping
only fry the fast and lean Seperate, put them on earthen
pan to drain and keep hot, then clean your frying pan
and put a slice of butter with a little flour to burn, shake
it about till it has done frothing, to make your gravy draw
it with some of your veal, not to be burnt, a little water
an Onion and Sweet herbs, Season it with one Anchovie
Catchup Mango liquor, a little white wine - put it to the
hot burnt butter, and when your meat is well drain'd put
that in also, and let it boil altogether- If it is too brown
put a spoonfull of sweet cream to it, Garnish your dish
with balls fry'd, Sweet bread crimp parsley - bread fryd in
squares and lemon

A plaister to prevent sore breasts when the milk
is coming - Ditto

Take an oz. of Spermaceti, an oz. of oyl of Sweet Almonds an
oz. of virgins wax 12 drops of oyl of Cloves - a large spoonfull of
brandy - put these together in a plate or dish over a chaffin dish
of coals, stiring it as it melts- and when it boils, dip in a peice
of old holland that will cover your breast and cut a hole for the
nipple - and repeat it as often as you find occasion

Curd Puffs - Ditto
Take 2 handfulls of curd well whey'd 4 Eggs - leave out 2 whites, a
pinch of salt - nutmeg sugar & flour as much as will make it a
tender paste - Then butter your papers, and lay them the bigness
of an egg - bake them quick - make Sauce with Rose Water
sugar and butter - Strew fine sugar over them

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