University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117045)



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Elder flower Wine four pointed flourish Ditto

line flourish After you have drawn off the raisins from the Lees (as above) put to it 10 ozs of Elder flowers and 18 Lemons sliced peel and all, Lett all this be tun'd up again, and lett it stand 6 Weeks then Bottle it - If you do not think it sweet enough add a lump of sugar to each Bottle flourish line Mrs Fazer Mrs Fazer

Almond Cheese Cakes

line Four ounces of Almond paste beat up with a Litle orange flower Water a little Sugar 8 yolks of Eggs half a pound of melted Butter and half a pound of Sugar mix it altogether and Bake it four pointed flourish line

For a sore Throat Mrs Craven flourish

line Put 4 ozs. of the fat of Kidney into a new glazed earthen Pot set it on the fire. when melted take it off and strain it then put it back into the Pot again and put to it 3 ozs. of Butter when melted put to it 3 ozs. of Rosin when that is melted put 1 ounce and a half of Bees Wax when that is melted put it into Gally Pots for Use - If the Throat is very bad Change the Plaister in 24 Hours if not lett it remain on - spread it upon flannel - it will keep many years flourish line

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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For Tincture of Hierapiera for a quart - Mrs Baylis

Take of the best Alloes one ounce 2 drams and 2 scruples Virginia snake root, Ledoury, Gallangall, the Lesser Cardamons seed of each 1 oz Dram Cinnamon and S saffron of each 2 scruples powder the alloes, bruise well the rest except the saffron and infuse all in half a Pint of Best Brandy for a few days then add a quart of white wine and let it stand a few days more then strain it off for use and add ten grains of Cochineal Powderd and Bruised - Lett it stand 4 Days on the Brandy and 4 Days after the wine is put to it before 'tis straind off or 5 days flourish

Syrup of Popys --- Ditto flourish

Take a Peck of red Poppys when Picked power upon them 4 quarts of boyling water. Let it stand a night and day then squese the Popys with your Hands and to every pint of Liquor put 3/4 of a Pound of Lump Sugar when it boyls scum it then put to it a quarter of an an ounce of mace Ditto Cloves a little Cinnamon a little Ginger a little white pepper a nutmeg. sliced 2 ozs. of raisins which and ston'd half an ounce of Carriway seeds tie the seeds in a bit of muslin and Let all boil to a thick Syrup. when Cold take out the seeds and raisins - put some spice in all the Bottles Cork it very close - it will keep 6 or 7 years flourish some of it in Brandy is good to make a Person sleep or for a sick stomach double line

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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The Electuary for a Cough and Consumpsion Dr Ratchiffs Receipt --- line under "Receipt" line Conserve of red Roses 3 oz; Pulvis Haly 3 drams Crabs Eyes Crabs Claws prepared of each one Dram - make it up into an Electuary with syrup of maiden Hair and take the quantity of a Nutmeg morning and Evening and drink after after each Dose a small Coffee dish of the following Pectoral

Raisins of the sun stoned 1 oz, dates nine, figs 11, maiden Hair Scabious, Colts foot each one Handfull Liquorish half an ounce cut and boil them in 3 pints of water til one pint is consumed and let it stand to settle then Pour it of and add of Barley Cinnamon Water 2 ozs. half the quantity is enough to boyl at a time it will change in a few days line Raisin Wine flourish To 100 cwt of raisins pickt put 2 Gallons of water Let them stand 14 Days stiring them well 2 or 3 times a day - then press them and put the Liquor into gourd Vesses first rencing a quart of Brandy about your Vessel till it is Lost - when it has done Hissing stop it up and when it is fine bottle it.

Put to the same Raisins 10 Gallons of Water and let it stand 10 or 12 Days stiring it as before and it will make a very Pretty small wine you must press it as before you may put a little Balm and 2 or 3 Pounds of Sugar 3 Oranges and 1 Lemon and it is very good Balm Wine - Or If you put Elder Blossoms and bottle it with 3 or 4 spoonfuls of Elder syrup it will be very good. If you have a mind to make Elder Wine of the raisin Wine put what Quantity you

Note: "Cwt" is an abbreviation of "hundredweight"

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


Please in a Vessel and to every Gallon put a pint of Elder syrup in the Vessel and stop it up close till it is fine then Bottle it. flourish line


four pointed flourish

line To one hundred wh weight of Raisins 22 Gallons of Water pick and Chop them very small put them in a Tub, boil the Water 2 hours and as soon as the Steem is gone off put the Water to the Raisins cover it over with a Cloath and stir it twice a Day for 9 Days - then have a clean Vessel and have some melted Brimstone and dip rags into it time them to a stick burn them in the Vessel and stop it very Close when the steem is gone into the Vessel wash it with Brandy as above and tun it the Wine Let it Work of it self & when it has done stop it Close - Bottle it when you think proper If it stands near a twelve months it is better --- N:B: the Last receipt is the better best but will not make so much Wine flourish line

To make a Custards - - - - - - Mrs. Gibbs

Take a quart of Cream and a little better than a pint of new milk, then boil them with a little whole Nutmeg a Little Cinnamon and a little mace, boil it 10 minutes then take it off & strain it add to it a Quarter of a Pint of Sack, then take the yolks of 10 Eggs and strain them through a sive then stir them together till Cold then sweeten it to your Taste - your Cups must be filld at the Oven flourish line

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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For & Consumption

Take 2 ozs. of perl Barley Ditto of Hartshorn shavings Boyl them in 1 quarts of spring Water to 1 quart take 2 ozs. of eringo root and nine snails bruise them and boil them in the Liquor, then strain them - Take 6 spoonfulls in a little Red Cows milck every morning and Evening - the milk must be Warm

A Tansey Mrs Middlemore Half a pint of spinage juice beating a bit of Tansey with it half a pound of Naples Biscuits grated half a pint of milck Ditto Cream - Thicken it over the fire when cool put 8 Eggs leaveing out half the Whites butter your Dish very Well

For a sad Cough - Mr. Cooper

Two ozs. of syrup Terlew 1 oz of sugar candy & Juice of Lemon

For a Cough ----- Mrs. Howard An ounce of Conserve of Hips Ditto of syrup of saffron Ditto of sperma seti, made into an electuary, take a little whe never you Cough

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 85 in total