Recipe book collection: University of Guelph

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University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117045)

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Small Mead - Coz Mun

To four Gallons of Water take 6 Pound of Honey and disolve it in warm Water, then Take 10 Whites of Eggs beat to a froath, then stir it alltogether, and as soon as ready to boyl take of the scum, and Let it boil one hour, and keep it scumming all the White, then strain it thro' an Hair sieve, and let it stand till cold, then put a Pint of yeast to it, and Let it Work in an open Vessel for 3 or 4 Days stiring it twice a Day, then add the Juice of 4 Lemons with two rinds - it must stand 3 Weeks in the Vessel and then bottle it [5 flourishes]

To make Almond Fool

Boyl 3 Pints of Cream allmost [to] one Pint first; having ready 5 or 6 Macaroons crumbled, in a small stone pan without the Wafer Paper, pour some of the boiling Cream into it cover it close and Let it stand half an hour, then bruise it very fine with a spoon and then boil the other Cream with a blade of mace, take it off the fire and put the thicken'd Cream to it and the yolks of 9 Eggs beaten with a little of the Cream, sweeten it with White sugar and a Little scented sugar with Musk; so set it on the fire stiring it till it begins to boil, take it of and pour it out quick - The same poured out into sack and sugar makes a good Posset [7 flourishes]

To make Pomatium Coz Howard

Take 2 ozs of sperma ceti 2 ozs of Oyl of sweet almond, and half an oz of Bees wax, melt them together, and if it is too stiff put in as much sallad Oyl as will make it of a proper Consistancy - put it into Gally Pots for use - it grows Whiter by keeping [2 flourishes]

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To Pickles Turnips diamond cross of dots

Take Turnips and slice them very thin : then put them into a pot. a Lay of pepper mace and Cloves bruised and a Lay of the Turnips. fill up the pot with, Vinegar and Lett them stand 3 or 4 Days before you use them. [flourish]

To Make a very good Cake [flourish]

Take 6 a pound of fine flour, 6 pound of Currants, 2 pound of Butter, a quart of Cream, and a quart of good ale barme - first mingle the Currants together with the flower putting into it a pound of Sugar some. Cloves mace and Nutmegs pounded then make the flour into an heap in the middle of the pan you make the Cake in, and in one side of the flour put in 20 Eggs (Leaving out 8 of the Whites) first beaten together with the Barme, and in the other side of the flour put the quart of Cream and the 2 pound of Butter (the Butter being first melted in the Cream) and so put in, mingle this Cake one way - then set it by the fire and Let it rise half an hour. then put it into a Coffin of White paper (you must Leave out of your 2 Pound of Butter as much as [w] will Butter the Coffin) set it into the oven for 3/4 of an hour then take it out and make this Iceing for it [flourish] Take 2 pounds of fine Sugar and mingle it with rose Water, beat it a good while then Lay it on the Cake with a feather set it into the Oven and Let it stand till it riseth well then take it out and Eat it when Cold [flourish]

Note: Sugar line 3: r obscured due to binding: manuscript checked

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To Jug an hare. flourishes with square of dots

line Cut an hare in pieces but dont wash it, season it with half an Onion. Shred very fine, a sprig of Thyme and a little Parsley all shread - and Beaten pepper and salt as much as will Lie on a shilling, half an Nutmeg and a Little Lemon peel - strew all these over the Hare and slice half a pound of fat Bacon into thin slices - then put your Hare into a Jug, a Layer of Hare and the slices of Bakon on it - so do till all is in the Jug - stop the Jug Close that not any steam may go out, then put it in a pot of Cold Water Lay a Little till on the top and let it boil 3 hours - take the Jug out of the kettle and put half a pound of Butter in it, and shake it together till the Butter is melted - then pour it in the Dish garnish'd with Lemon flourish line

To Clear sugar

Take 2 or 3 Whites of Eggs and put them in to a bason of Water and with a very clean hand Lather that as you do soape, take nothing but the froath, and when your syrup boils with a Ladle cover it with it: do this till your syrup is clear, making still more froath and covering the syrup with it - it will make the worst sugar as Clear as any, and fit to preserve any fruit. flourish line

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Needs Review


To stew Carp flourish flourish flourish flourish line scale and gut your carp and wash the blood out of their Bellies with Vinegar then flour them well and fry them in Butter till they are thoro'ly hot, then put them into your stewing Pan with a Pint of Claret, 2 anchovies, an Onion stuck with 3 or 4 Cloves, 2 or 3 Blades of mace, a bunch of sweet herbs, and a pound of fresh Butter, put them over a slow fire, 3 quarters of an hour will do them, then take your fish up and put them in your Dish, serve them in and if your sauce is not thick enough boil it a Little Longer then strain it over your Carp - this is a very good way to stew Eels, only Cut them in pieces and not fry them Garnish with horseradish and Lemon

line To make a Tansey to Bake line

Take 20 Eggs but 8 Whites, beat the Eggs very well and strain them into a quart of thick Cream one Nutmeg and 3 Naples Biscuits grated as much juice of spinage with a sprig or 2 of Tansey as will make it as green as grass - sweeten it to your taste then butter your Dish very well well, and set it into an Oven no hotter than for Custards, watch it and as soon as it is done take it out of the Oven, and turn it into a Dye Plate, scrape sugar and squese Orange upon it --- Garnish the dish with Orange and Lemon, and serve it up


Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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To make pickel'd Lilla - Miss Wynn flourish line Take ginger one Pound let it lie in salt and Water one Night. then scrape it then cut it in thin slices and put it into a bottle with dry salt and Let it stand till the rest of your ingredients are ready take a Pound of garlick, peel it and cut it in pieces and salt it for 3 Days, then wash it and salt it for 3 Days Longer, then Wash it and let it Lie in the sun to Dry, take Cabbages and cut them in quarters and salt them for 3 Days then press the Water out of them and put them in the sun to Dry, in the same maner you must do Collyflowers and sallary and Radishes only scraping the Radishes and Leaving the young tops on, French Beans and Asparagus must be salted only 2 Days then Boil then up in salt and Water twice; and afterwards dry them in the sun, take Long Pepper salt it and dry it in the sun Mustard seed and turmerick bruised very fine, put thes ingredients into a stone Jars, and if you would have the Pickle very strong put a quart of the strongest Vinegar and 3 quarts of small, fill your Jar 3 quarters full, and supply it as often as you see occasion for: After this manner you may Do Mellons Cucumbers Plumbs Apples Carrots or any such things, they are put altogether and you need never empty your Jars, but as things come in season put them in, filling the Jar up with Vinegar flourish line

Note: Over the name at the top is what looks like a sideways bracket as a flourish.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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To keep Artichoak Bottoms for sauce line Take your Artichoaks about Michaelmas, (they may be the small plant sort.) boyl them so much as to take off all the Leaves and the Choak, then put them on tin plates and set them into your Oven (after your other things are out) when it's so cool as not to discolour them in the Least - Do this till they are very Dry, then put them into an Earthen Pott to keep - tie them down close and keep them in a Dry Place - when you would use any put them into scalding Water till they are tender - cut them in Larg Dice; they look white and Eat very sweet all Winter line To Make Moss Stick line putt a stone of Lime into Cold Water with which Water mix Glue - and boil it together so as to make it fit for use line Cement for Sticking Shells line 1 pound of rosin 2 ozs of Bees Wax to which add as much Brick dust as will thicken it, stir and boyl them together till they come to a Consistancy or Cement - it must be used hot over a Candle or fire in an Earthen Pott

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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Lip Salve line a quarter of a pint of oyl of sweet Almonds half an oz. of sperma ceti a penny worth of Virgins Wax, melt these over the fire in a silver Thing then put in a Little alkennet Root to couler it line Walnut Catchup line Take a handfull of green Walnuts and pound them in a mortar with a little salt, then strain all the Liquor from your Walnuts boil and scim it very clean, the put in one head of garlick a few shallots one ounce of White pepper 2 penny worth of Cloves and 2 penny worth of mace Let it boil a quarter of an hour or more and when cold put in a quarter of a Pint of Vinegar let it stand a Week or 10 Days and boyl it up again flourishflourishflourish line Force Meat line Take a pound of suet a bit of fat Bacon shred all together and beat it in a stone Mortar very fine then season it with pepper, salt and Nutmeg a little grated Lemon peel a few sweet herbs chopt small, if you like them add the yolks of 2 Eggs to bind them - flower your hands & roll them up - fry them in Butter flourish

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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To make Reasin Wine flourish line Put 6 pound of reasins well chopt to 1 Gall. of Water, let them stand about 20 Days stirring them well together every Day then strain it off and put it into a cask - let the Cask stand open as long as it works or hisses which may be a month 6 Weeks or more flourish line To Stew Carp Mrs Jones Scale and gut your carp and wash the blood out of theire bellies with vinegar then flower them well and fry them in bytter till they are thro' hot then put them into your Stewing pan with a pint of Claret two anchovies an onion stick with 3 or 4 cloves 2 or 3 blades of mace a bunch of sweet herbs and a pound of fresh butter put them over a short fire 3 quarters of an hour will do them Then take your fish up and put them in your Dish your Serve them in and if your sauce is not thick enough boil it a little longer then Strain it over your Carp. This is a very good way to Stew Ells only cut them in pieecs and not fry'em garnish with horseradish and Lemon

To make Bath Flumery Mrs Torrent Take two Calvees feet & boyl them in two quarts of spring water till it comes to a pint & a half then let it be cold & then put it on the fire & put in 3 or 4 Lorrel Leaves & a blade of mace & a little Lemon peal & let it Just simmer up then take off & strain it then put it into a pint of Cream & keep stirring of it then put in two spoonfulls of sugar & half a Glass of white wine keep it sturing till you find it begins to Jelly then poor it into your Cups & keep it for Use. Wet the Cups in cold water Just before you put it in them

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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To Stue Carp Mrs Middlemore Scale and wash your carp clean before you open them then slit them carefully & save the blood in Vinegar take out all the inside with caution for fear of breaking any thing because they must not be washed or the inside put into there bellys some hole peper & salt & a blade of mace Cover them in the stew pan with Claret & half as much water with spices & sweet hearbs & a bit of horsreadish stew them Gently & turn them when they are [ennf] lay them on a dish to drain & boyl up the sauce thay ware Stude in with 2 anchoveys bon'd & washed the vinegar the blood was saved in half a pound of butter thick it with a little flower before you put it in the the butter: Garnish it with fryed bread & Lemon.

To make surrup of Saffron Mrs Torrent Take a qr of a ounce of saffron. put it into a quart of spring water in a Tankard, on something that will keep it Close, let it stand 12 or 14 hours over gentell fire, tell the saffron has quite lost its Coular: then strain it of & put to it 2 pound of Lofe sugar & boyl it to a surup.

This is enuf to make at a time One dram of saffron a wine pint of spring water put them into a Tankard that will keep it Close covard let it stand 12 or 14 hours over a gentle Fire till the saffron has lost itts Coler then strain it & put in to it a pound of loaf sugar & boyl it to a syrup.

A Floatng Island Take 3 Coddled Apples - the Juice of 3 Lemons a little Sugar - beat it 103 hours with 3 whites of Eggs

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
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To Roast a Pike Mrs Jones Scale and wash a Pike from head to tail lard it with Eals flesh rolled in sweet herbs and spice roast it at length or turn his tail into his mouth dust or bread it or bring off into the oven, let the sauce be drawn butter anchovies the spawn and liver muserooms capers and Oysters.

To make pickle for Hams Mrs Jones Take four Gallons of Spring water one pound & 1/2 brow Sugar 7 ounces of salt petre 7 pound of Comon salt boil them well together and skim them as long as any foulness rises Strain them thro' a Cloath & when cold sink the meat quite under the liquor it will keep well for six weeks or two months without being too salt for Hams or to keepe as hung beef dry the Hams well as soon as you take them out of the liquor put them into paper bagg, Lay it in a dry place

New College Pudding Mrs Jones Take half a pound of Bread grated fine a pound of suit minc'd fine half a poud of Currants Two ounces of sweet meat a little Glass of Sack or Rosewater 4 ounces of Sugar and a Little Nutmeg mix it togeather with two or three Eggs.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by pat_mccurry
Displaying pages 31 - 40 of 76 in total