fol. 46v




Status: Translated
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12th King. At this time don Diego Panitzin became king, don Antonio de Mendoza came over, and coins were introduced. Afterwards the president departed.

At this time a wooden temple was erected, and the people of Tenochtitlan hid in boats (or in Acalco)

At that time they set off for a new land; people from Tenochtitlan went. At mid-year don Diego Panitzin passed away.

13th King. At this time don Diego Tehuetzquititzin became king.

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Should we translate "tlatoani" as king? I think "ruler" might be better. Also CT has question about Acalco--"in boats" or a place name. To resolve.


1538. Gordon: Since placenames are in reality postpositional phrases, they can be translated in many cases in reference to nouns just as much as to places. Thus the sequence "ynacalco" can be read in any one of three ways.
1) in Acalco (in Acalco)
2) in boats (in acalco)
3) in their boats (inacalco)
Which one is right is a matter of context, not grammar.


1539. Cristobal’s version: At this time the people of Tenochtitlan, gone to a new land (with tlacoxihuitl), departed. [within half a year] don Diego Panitzin died. Gordon’s offered here for the following reasons.
Gordon: CT translation doesn't deal adequately with ompeuhque AND yaque. An alternative possibility is to take yaque as a noun in apposition with tenochca, meaning "traveler" and the like. But I don't think that's necessary.
I also translate momiq'li as "passed away", taking the reverential form into account. We can't always differentiate in English elegantly between reverential and neutral usage, but where we can, we should in my opinion.