fol. 01r


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12 revisions
mundy-oldfordham at Jan 19, 2017 07:44 PM

fol. 01r

Nicān icuiliuhticâ in inxi[uh]- tlapōhual catca mēxìcâ zan nauhtetl in iuh quìtohuâ cē ācatl, quitlamia xiii. ācatl. Cē tecpatl quitlami- xiii. tecpactl. Cē calli qui- tlamia. xiii. calli. Cē tōch- tli quitlamia. xiii. tōchtli. Auh in ì- cuāc otlami- to nauhte- ixtin ni- man molpia in toxiuh īpan in ōme ācatl xi- huitl ompōhualxiuhtica on màtlāctica īpan onxihuitl huel cen huēhuèti- liztli. Quin omìcuilò ni- cān mēxìco a xxvii dias del mes de Seti- em- bre de 1576. Annos.

Nicān icuiliuhticâ in inxi[uh]-
tlapōhual catca mēxìcâ zan nauhtetl
in iuh quìtohuâ cē ācatl, quitlamia
xiii. ācatl. Cē tecpatl quitlami-
xiii. tecpactl. Cē calli qui-
tlamia. xiii. calli. Cē tōch-
tli quitlamia. xiii.
tōchtli. Auh in ì-
cuāc otlami-
to nauhte-
man molpia in toxiuh īpan in ōme ācatl xi-
huitl ompōhualxiuhtica on màtlāctica
īpan onxihuitl huel cen huēhuèti-
liztli. Quin omìcuilò ni-
cān mēxìco a xxvii
dias del mes
de Seti-
bre de 1576. Annos.


Written here is the year count of the Mexica. It's made of only four parts that go as follows: the year 13 ācatl ends the part beginning with 1 ācatl, 13 Tecpatl ends the one beginning 1 Tecpatl, 13 Calli the one beginning with 1 calli, and 13 Tōchtli the one beginning with 1 Tōchtli. When the four parts have come to an end, after 52 years, our years are tied on the year 2 ācatl. This was written in Mexico on the 27th day of the month of September of 1576.

Written here is the year count of the Mexica. It's made of only four parts that go as follows: the year 13 ācatl ends the part beginning with 1 ācatl, 13 Tecpatl ends the one beginning 1 Tecpatl, 13 Calli the one beginning with 1 calli, and 13 Tōchtli the one beginning with 1 Tōchtli. When the four parts have come to an end, after 52 years, our years are tied on the year 2 ācatl.

This was written in Mexico on the 27th day of the month of September of 1576.

fol. 01r

Nicān icuiliuhticâ in inxi[uh]- tlapōhual catca mēxìcâ zan nauhtetl in iuh quìtohuâ cē ācatl, quitlamia xiii. ācatl. Cē tecpatl quitlami- xiii. tecpactl. Cē calli qui- tlamia. xiii. calli. Cē tōch- tli quitlamia. xiii. tōchtli. Auh in ì- cuāc otlami- to nauhte- ixtin ni- man molpia in toxiuh īpan in ōme ācatl xi- huitl ompōhualxiuhtica on màtlāctica īpan onxihuitl huel cen huēhuèti- liztli. Quin omìcuilò ni- cān mēxìco a xxvii dias del mes de Seti- em- bre de 1576. Annos.

Nicān icuiliuhticâ in inxi[uh]-
tlapōhual catca mēxìcâ zan nauhtetl
in iuh quìtohuâ cē ācatl, quitlamia xiii. ācatl. Cē tecpatl quitlami-
xiii. tecpactl. Cē calli qui-
tlamia. xiii. calli. Cē tōch-
tli quitlamia. xiii.
tōchtli. Auh in ì-
cuāc otlami-
to nauhte-
man molpia in toxiuh īpan in ōme ācatl xi-
huitl ompōhualxiuhtica on màtlāctica
īpan onxihuitl huel cen huēhuèti-
liztli. Quin omìcuilò ni-
cān mēxìco a xxvii
dias del mes
de Seti-
bre de 1576. Annos.


Written here is the year count of the Mexica. It's made of only four parts that go as follows: the year 13 ācatl ends the part beginning with 1 ācatl, 13 Tecpatl ends the one beginning 1 Tecpatl, 13 Calli the one beginning with 1 calli, and 13 Tōchtli the one beginning with 1 Tōchtli. When the four parts have come to an end, after 52 years, our years are tied on the year 2 ācatl. This was written in Mexico on the 27th day of the month of September of 1576.

Written here is the year count of the Mexica. It's made of only four parts that go as follows: the year 13 ācatl ends the part beginning with 1 ācatl, 13 Tecpatl ends the one beginning 1 Tecpatl, 13 Calli the one beginning with 1 calli, and 13 Tōchtli the one beginning with 1 Tōchtli. When the four parts have come to an end, after 52 years, our years are tied on the year 2 ācatl.

This was written in Mexico on the 27th day of the month of September of 1576.