fol. 08v


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5 revisions
cristobal -oldfordham at Jun 18, 2015 11:15 PM

fol. 08v

1216 ===10 Tecpatl===

1217 ===11 Calli===
1218 ===12 Tōchtli===
1219 ===13 Ācatl===
1220 ===1 Tecpatl===

1221 ===2 Calli===
1222 ===3 Tōchtli===
1223 ===4 Calli===
1224 ===5 Tecpatl===

1225 ===6 Calli===
1226 ===7 Tōchtli===

Auh niman ic ommì-
cuanìquê in atlitlalac-
yān in mēxìcâ

Oncān màtlācxiuh-
tìquê ozcē in atlitla-
lacyān in mēxìcâ


Then the Mexica moved to Atlitlalacyan

The Mexica spent eleven years in Atlitlalacyan.

fol. 08v

1216 ===10 Tecpatl===

1217 ===11 Calli===
1218 ===12 Tōchtli===
1219 ===13 Ācatl===
1220 ===1 Tecpatl===

1221 ===2 Calli===
1222 ===3 Tōchtli===
1223 ===4 Calli===
1224 ===5 Tecpatl===

1225 ===6 Calli===
1226 ===7 Tōchtli===

Auh niman ic ommì-
cuanìquê in atlitlalac-
yān in mēxìcâ

Oncān màtlācxiuh-
tìquê ozcē in atlitla-
lacyān in mēxìcâ


Then the Mexica moved to Atlitlalacyan

The Mexica stayed in Atlitlalacyan for eleven years.