fol. 35r


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13 revisions
cristobal -oldfordham at Jul 17, 2015 03:42 PM

fol. 35r

1451 ===11 Ācatl=== 1452 ===12 Tecpatl=== 1453 ===13 Calli=== Nicān cehuechililoc in tōctli oncān pēuh inic mayānalōc 1454 ===1 Tōchtli=== Nicān in necetochhuilōc Cuauhtica neānōc ìcuac In netotonacahuiloc 1455 ===2 Ācatl=== Nicān molpî in toxiuh ic chicuaceppa molpia īhuān ìcuac in acâ aocmo con- momaca in ītlamatzohual za īìtic actoc in momiquilî tzopi- lomê quincuàquê aoc āc quin- tōcaya.

1451 ===11 Ācatl===
1452 ===12 Tecpatl===

1453 ===13 Calli===
Nicān cehuechililoc in tōctli
oncān pēuh inic mayānalōc

1454 ===1 Tōchtli===
Nicān in necetochhuilōc
Cuauhtica neānōc ìcuac
In netotonacahuiloc

1455 ===2 Ācatl===
Nicān molpî in toxiuh ic chicuaceppa
molpia īhuān ìcuac in acâ aocmo con-
momaca in ītlamatzohual za īìtic
actoc in momiquilî tzopi-
lomê quincuàquê aoc āc quin-


[cehuechililoc?] Then the famine began. On this year everyone was affected by the year one rabbit. They grabbed each other with wood as everything [ne-totonaca-hui-lo=c] At this time, our years were tied for the sixth time. If a person did not get a folded tortilla, crows would go inside them when they died. The crows would eat them and no one would bury them.

Then the famine began.

On this year everyone was affected by the year one rabbit. They grabbed each other with wood as everything [ne-totonaca-hui-lo=c]

At this time, our years were tied for the sixth time. If a person did not get a folded tortilla, crows would go inside them when they died. The crows would eat them and no one would bury them.

fol. 35r

1451 ===11 Ācatl=== 1452 ===12 Tecpatl=== 1453 ===13 Calli=== Nicān cehuechililoc in tōctli oncān pēuh inic mayānalōc 1454 ===1 Tōchtli=== Nicān in necetochhuilōc Cuauhtica neānōc ìcuac In netotonacahuiloc 1455 ===2 Ācatl=== Nicān molpî in toxiuh ic chicuaceppa molpia īhuān ìcuac in acâ aocmo con- momaca in ītlamatzohual za īìtic actoc in momiquilî tzopi- lomê quincuàquê aoc āc quin- tōcaya.

1451 ===11 Ācatl===
1452 ===12 Tecpatl===

1453 ===13 Calli===
Nicān cehuechililoc in tōctli
oncān pēuh inic mayānalōc

1454 ===1 Tōchtli===
Nicān in necetochhuilōc
Cuauhtica neānōc ìcuac
In netotonacahuiloc

1455 ===2 Ācatl===
Nicān molpî in toxiuh ic chicuaceppa
molpia īhuān ìcuac in acâ aocmo con-
momaca in ītlamatzohual za īìtic
actoc in momiquilî tzopi-
lomê quincuàquê aoc āc quin-


[cehuechililoc?] Then the famine began. On this year everyone was affected by the year one rabbit. They grabbed each other with wood as everything [ne-totonaca-hui-lo=c] At this time, our years were tied for the sixth time.

Then the famine began.

On this year everyone was affected by the year one rabbit. They grabbed each other with wood as everything [ne-totonaca-hui-lo=c]

At this time, our years were tied for the sixth time.