fol. 37r


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7 revisions
cristobal -oldfordham at Jan 21, 2016 08:34 PM

fol. 37r

1471 ===5 Ācatl=== Nicān miquico in Ilhuicami- natzin niman ic ommotlā- lî in Āxāyacatzin ic chi- cuacen tlàtoāni īhuan ìcuac poliuhquê xōchi- tlan tlācâ 1472 ===6 Tecpatl=== 1473 ===7 Calli=== Nicān poliuhquê in tlatilōlcâ àmo huècāuh in quimompēuh Āxāyacatzin ca moquichnè- nequiya in Moquihuix nehuān in Teconal intlāca yèhuātl Cuacuauhtzin zā impan tlàtô ca vel popolihuizquiâ. 1474 ===8 Tōchtli=== 1475 ===9 Calli === Nicān tlālolīn cencâ miyec in te- pētl huihuiton mochi pàpachiuh in calli.

1471 ===5 Ācatl===
Nicān miquico in Ilhuicami-
natzin niman ic ommotlā-
lî in Āxāyacatzin ic chi-
cuacen tlàtoāni īhuan
ìcuac poliuhquê xōchi-
tlan tlācâ

1472 ===6 Tecpatl===
1473 ===7 Calli===

Nicān poliuhquê in tlatilōlcâ àmo
huècāuh in quimompēuh
Āxāyacatzin ca moquichnè-
nequiya in Moquihuix nehuān
in Teconal intlāca yèhuātl
Cuacuauhtzin zā impan tlàtô ca vel

1474 ===8 Tōchtli===
1475 ===9 Calli ===

Nicān tlālolīn cencâ miyec in te-
pētl huihuiton mochi pàpachiuh in


1471 ===5 Ācatl=== At this time, Ilhuicaminatzin died. Axayacatzin then became tlàtoani. He was the sixth tlàtoani. The people from Xochitlan persihed. 1472 ===6 Tecpatl=== 1473 ===7 Calli=== At this time the Tlatelolcans perished, for it was not long before Axayacatzin conquered them. Moquihuix and Teconal tried to show off their valour. Had it not been for Cuacuauhtzin pleas, they would have perished. 1474 ===8 Tōchtli=== 1475 ===9 Calli === At this time there was an earthquake. Many of the mountains quaked. Houses everywhere shook.

1471 ===5 Ācatl===

At this time, Ilhuicaminatzin died. Axayacatzin then became tlàtoani. He was the sixth tlàtoani. The people from Xochitlan persihed.

1472 ===6 Tecpatl===
1473 ===7 Calli===
At this time the Tlatelolcans perished, for it was not long before Axayacatzin conquered them. Moquihuix and Teconal tried to show off their valour. Had it not been for Cuacuauhtzin pleas, they would have perished.

1474 ===8 Tōchtli===
1475 ===9 Calli ===
At this time there was an earthquake. Many of the mountains quaked. Houses everywhere shook.

fol. 37r

1471 ===5 Ācatl=== Nicān miquico in Ilhuicami- natzin niman ic ommotlā- lî in Āxāyacatzin ic chi- cuacen tlàtoāni īhuan ìcuac poliuhquê xōchi- tlan tlācâ 1472 ===6 Tecpatl=== 1473 ===7 Calli=== Nicān poliuhquê in tlatilōlcâ àmo huècāuh in quimompēuh Āxāyacatzin ca moquichnè- nequiya in Moquihuix nehuān in Teconal intlāca yèhuātl Cuacuauhtzin zā impan tlàtô ca vel popolihuizquiâ. 1474 ===8 Tōchtli=== 1475 ===9 Calli === Nicān tlālolīn cencâ miyec in te- pētl huihuiton mochi pàpachiuh in calli.

1471 ===5 Ācatl===
Nicān miquico in Ilhuicami-
natzin niman ic ommotlā-
lî in Āxāyacatzin ic chi-
cuacen tlàtoāni īhuan
ìcuac poliuhquê xōchi-
tlan tlācâ

1472 ===6 Tecpatl===
1473 ===7 Calli===

Nicān poliuhquê in tlatilōlcâ àmo
huècāuh in quimompēuh
Āxāyacatzin ca moquichnè-
nequiya in Moquihuix nehuān
in Teconal intlāca yèhuātl
Cuacuauhtzin zā impan tlàtô ca vel

1474 ===8 Tōchtli===
1475 ===9 Calli ===

Nicān tlālolīn cencâ miyec in te-
pētl huihuiton mochi pàpachiuh in


1471 ===5 Ācatl=== At this time, Ilhuicaminatzin died. Axayacatzin then became tlàtoani. He was the sixth tlàtoani. The people from Xochitlan persihed. 1472 ===6 Tecpatl=== 1473 ===7 Calli===

1471 ===5 Ācatl===

At this time, Ilhuicaminatzin died. Axayacatzin then became tlàtoani. He was the sixth tlàtoani. The people from Xochitlan persihed.

1472 ===6 Tecpatl===
1473 ===7 Calli===