fol. 48v
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6 revisions | mundy-oldfordham at Jan 19, 2017 08:01 PM fol. 48vNicān moyancuilî in tepantla
tzacualli Sant Francisco
ìcuāc ye nō ceppa ompēōhuac
in zacatlān
1552 Años ===8 Calli===
Īhuān ìcuāc in motepachòquê
teōcuitlahuàquê teōpan xii
Īhuān ìcuāc machiztico visorey
momiquilî Pelon. Nicān moyancuilî in tepantla ìcuāc ye nō ceppa ompēōhuac 1552 Años 8 Calli Īhuān ìcuāc machiztico visorey TranslationAt this time the convent walls of Sant Francisco were renovated.
At the same time people set out for Zacatlan once again.
1552 Years ===8 Calli===
At this time the possessors of gold were hit with stones in the church XII march
At this time it was made known the the Viceroy Pelon had died. At this time the convent walls of Sant Francisco were renovated. At the same time people set out for Zacatlan once again. 1552 Years At this time the possessors of gold were hit with stones in the church XII march At this time it was made known the the Viceroy Pelon had died. fol. 48vNicān moyancuilî in tepantla
tzacualli Sant Francisco
ìcuāc ye nō ceppa ompēōhuac
in zacatlān
1552 Annos ===8 Calli===
Īhuān ìcuāc in motepachòquê
teōcuitlahuàquê teōpan xii
Īhuān ìcuāc machiztico visorey
momiquilî Pelon. Nicān moyancuilî in tepantla ìcuāc ye nō ceppa ompēōhuac 1552 Annos Īhuān ìcuāc machiztico visorey TranslationAt this time the convent walls of Sant Francisco were renovated.
At the same time people set out for Zacatlan once again.
1552 Years ===8 Calli===
At this time the possessors of gold were hit with stones in the church XII march
At this time it was made known the the Viceroy Pelon had died. At this time the convent walls of Sant Francisco were renovated. At the same time people set out for Zacatlan once again. 1552 Years At this time the possessors of gold were hit with stones in the church XII march At this time it was made known the the Viceroy Pelon had died. |