fol. 59v


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3 revisions
cristobal -oldfordham at Apr 18, 2016 02:10 AM

fol. 59v

1575 Annos

In ōcalacquê Sant Pablo Sant
Augustin teōpixquê āxcān
Sabbado a xxx días del mes
de Julio. Niman oncān quitòquê
in Missa

In ōmopēhualtî motēnextema (?) Sant Miguel
āyòtli āxcān viernes ye iiii días del mes
de noviembre.


Year 1575

On Saturday the 30th of July, the priests San Pablo and San Agustin returned. Then they said mass.

On Friday the 4th of November, the aqueduct of Saint Michael began to be filled with limestome.

5 Ācatl

fol. 59v

1575 Annos

In ōcalacquê Sant Pablo Sant
Augustin teōpixquê āxcān
Sabbado a xxx días del mes
de Julio. Niman oncān quitòquê
in Missa

In ōmopēhualtî motēnextema (?) Sant Miguel
āyòtli āxcān viernes ye iiii días del mes
de noviembre.

===5 Ācatl===
