




115A 5/16/1760

[Shamskin] 5mo.16.1760

Dear Friend, On the 12th [?] my brother & I went over the[?] to see the Boy Margaret had there who we found naked. after much persuassion Peter, her husband, whose property hs is at the old creature Margaret says the wampum she gave for him wa[?] Peters, therefore the Boy must be permitted the child to come over with us [sogeh?] some victuals. The lad was rejoiced at the opportunity tho afraid to express his sentiments, after we had left the [shore] a small difference a white man called to us to pass him over, I ask o him who he was, he answered a man that had made his escape from the Indians, we return [?] & took him in which avery full freight for a small ask. reply, his name James Bell; a soldier in Virginia [?] was taken by the French & Indian near Legomier [?] 5mo. 1759 & carrued to an Indian town near Detroit, afterword remov'd to the allegany river & from there as [?]

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Last edit about 1 year ago by cloudsrunner


Indians say from the name of the town, near the salt springs at the Onondago Country, he had travel-d [?] says from the Town when he came on the western branch 8 & 5 Days down the branch had little v assistance except [?] [?] & a fish he found dead. he says there is many prisoners among them & that he could discover [illegible] the nation amog the Indians to bring them in, as they had kil'd one for ateempt ing & another for only he would go again to the white people. he is now gone down to the Inhabitant in his way to Virginia, the poor boy [seter] discovers [illegible] nation [?] this he [?] him very high [?] if they had no others nor in their power to [destress] other less might be said about him, but ist appears to me this is their tryal for the

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Last edit about 1 year ago by cloudsrunner
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