Correspondence from Albert Ruth to Mary Daggett Lake: May 8, 1926



Needs Review


SERIES OF CROSSED-OUT WORDS - (officin alismeaus SERIES OF CROSSED-OUT WORDS (officially used medicinally)

Herb of the Cross - nat. [native] from the Old World Also called Holly Herb - enchanteur's plant, Juno's tears pigeon's gnass, Simpler's 'joy' [needs ]review

Veronica -- Medicinal Properties also

Elder - sambucus cauadeusis - - Elderberry wine & pie & tea

Last edit 6 months ago by oldtypist
Needs Review


large leafed - verbascum type subspecies mullen - in woods on Leaves are muscilaginous and bitter used as emollient applicaations for tumors source of several popular remedies UPSIDE DOWN WRITING several remedies of similax butl commonest

Last edit 6 months ago by oldtypist
Needs Review


From A Ruth 2907 Vickery Bd, Polytechnic Station Ft. Worth PENCIL WRITING How many kinds of bear grass? Ask about [ ] . STRUCK THROUGH ON ORIGINAL Any locusts here Holly STRUCK THROUGH ON ORIGINAL no Virginia Creeper M [ ] STRUCK THROUGH ON ORIGINAL UPSIDE DOWN PENCIL WRITING lutte elem - ulmus crossifolia (thickleaved ullmus) flowers & fruits in fall most others in spring

Last edit 6 months ago by oldtypist
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