Correspondence from Albert Ruth to Mary Daggett Lake: July 3, 1929



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Garduaceae (cont) 6 Silphulm aspemmin Rough-leaved Rosin weed Words

Albeflomin White Flowered Lake worth

Tetrafortheca ludoniciara Tetraforotheea Lake Worth.

Rudhedcea auplexicaules- Clasping leaved Cone flower common

Braunena Augustofolea- Narrow leaved Purple cone flower Lake Worth

Helicauthas Petiolans- Rains Sunflower Lake Worth

Maximiliance Maximilians Roadside fields

Verbesina encelvides- Golden Crowbeard Along R.R. T.H.

Coreopus drummondii - Drummond's Tickseed Lake Worth

Fraudiflora Large Flowered Waste grounds

Thelespenna Trifidenn Five leaved Thelespenna Common

Marshallia Cacspofosa Narrow leaved Marshalia Lake worth

Neleuium Miocrucepkalum - Small leaf Sneezeweed wet grounds

Gacllardia Belakelle - Showy Gaillardia common leaves rayless T&P, R.R.

Hymophella tagetordes- Thyme Leaf Lake Worth

Mesaderia tuherosa - Tuberous Indian Plantain Stony Hillsides

Ceataurec Americana - American Star thistle

Last edit almost 2 years ago by nm2463


Aster- lateriflauus- Jefferson County[?] Michealmas Daisy Aster muth flauus Aster falens deepauehil lauge occaslaud Aster kumeleinnii orchid somewhat like Sagrlti Folws Roadside aster Bailey Lane Aster exilis delicale Galdema Aster Aster exigus no type leaf chaelopoppa mulleflauus small scruggly

Last edit almost 2 years ago by nm2463


The following list , giving names of Southwestern plants, while far from complete, is suggestive -

Adam's Flannel, a name given to the Mullein, Figwort Family, other names being Blanket Leaf, Flannel Leaf, Ice Leaf, Hare's Bean, Flannel Flower, Felt Wort, Jupiter's Staff, American Velvet Flower.

Adam's Needles -

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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